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City, June 14.- The concurrent resolution iu favor of international arbitration was reported favorably in the sonate yesterday. Hale spóke on the fisberies treaty in answer to Morgan, and the matter was postponed until the 25tb inst. The District appropriation bill was passed, as was Stewart'a resolution regarding bond purcbases, C'oekrell wlthdrawing liis amendment to omit names of sellers. The bill to adjust accounts of workmen under the eight hour luw was filibustered against by the Deir.ocrats on a motion to take it np, and the senate adjourned. A bill tor a public building at Fort Dodge, Ia., was reported favorably to the house, as was a bill appropriating $150,000 to enable A. de Housset to build au air-ship. In comniittee of thu whole the t..riff bill was resumed and several propositions to strike articles off the free list were rejected, but bags of jute tor grain were added thereto. The question of tin plates brougbt up a long discus-oon, on a motion to strike it off the f rea list. The motiqn was pending wben the eonv mittee rose and the house adjourned. Washixctox City, June 15.- The senate disposed of a quantity of business yesterday. An amendment "'as reported to the sundry civil bul appropriating $234,500 to survey the Mexican lrontier line. The following bilis were passe.l: Agricuitural department bill, with an additional approbriation of f 100,000 for sorghum experiments: postoffice appropriation, with anumber of amendments ; bill appropriating 8275,000 for the reconstruction of the dam at Rock Island, Hls., and the construction of a temporary dam, with an amendment declaring that the government is not obligated to maintain the dam. The following resolutions were also passed: Granting leave of absence to governmeut employés who are veterans of Gettysburg to attend the reunion thero July 3 ; requesting the president to invite negotiations looking to international arbitration. A bill aporopriating S-10,000 to enable the departments to particípate in the Colurnbus, O., centennial next autumn was also passed. An exeeutive session was held, and the senate adjournei until Monday. Bills were introduced in the house to create au assistant secretary of war and to put GOn. Alfred Pleasanton cm the retired list. In committee of the 'hole tin was retained on the free list of the Mills bill and glue, ' atine and isinglass were strioke n therefrom as were alum compounds and licorice. trate of soda was added to the list. During the debate Buchanan had read the ' tions of the Amalgamated association condemning the bil!. Seveuty-five lines of the bill have been disposed of in the past two ' weeks' debate, of which forty-flve were ' sidered yesterdaj'. A point of no quorum caused the oommittee to rise, and the house j adjourned. Washington Citv, June 10.- The house : yesterday refused to consider the army i propriation bill, and took up the : tion of the bilis on the senate calendar. So averse to transacting any business were the l members, however, thatafter several hours of talk these bilis were laid aside,aud a resolu tion of sympathy with Germauy on thu death of theEmperor Prederick passed, af ter Smith ( Of Wifconsin had been induced to withdraw an objection he interposed. The house then i took recess, and at the evening session passed j a number of private pension bilis, and then ' adjourned. Washington City, June 1! - Bills were reported to the house Saturday as follows: Sundry civil appropriation ; f or a world's exposition at this city of the three Americas. The army appropriation bül u-as then taken up. It was amended by appriating $300,000 for the HUhwood military post near Chicago, and $30,000 for powder to flre morning and evening guns at military posts, and passed, af tor which the houss adjourned. Washington City, June 19.- The attendance In the senate yesterday was very slim, owing to the Chicago conventiou. The bill appropriating for government representation at the Columbus, Obio,centenniai was passed, after reducing the appropriation to $40,000. A bill was passed authorizing a railway bridge across the Mississippi at Alma, Wis., und a number of other bilis of local ímportance only. ïhe conference report on the Indian appropriation was agreed to. The senate then went iuto secret session, and the treaty providing for reopening the claims of American citizens againt Venezuela was ratified. The senate then adjourned. The house appropriated $50,000 for the public building at Wiohita, Kan., and then Townshend of Illinois tried to have the bill appropriating $30,000 for the Gettysburg celebration passed. A vote showingno quorum (the house being in the same fix as the senate(, Burrows of Michigan raised the point and the bill faileO. Burrows and Browne of Indiana oppO3ed the bill on the general principie that eongress should not give money for sueh purposes, and Townshend withdraw bis motion, sayiug ba would leave the responsibility with the Kepublicans. In committee of the whole the sundry civil bill was takpn up and 820,000 put in for repairs to the Chicago postofflee. It was also amended to provide that no extended use of steam presses shall be made in the engraving and printing bureau. The committee rose withaut conv pleting the bill, and the conference report on the Indiana appropriation was agreed to. lownshend tried to get a bill through authorizing the loan of tents to the Pittsburg reunion, but f-iiled on a point of no quorum mado by Burrows, and the house adjourued Washington Citít, June 2U.- The senate put in the day yesterday clearing the calendar, and a number of bilis were passed, among them the following: Appropriating $160,000 for pneumatic gun carriages and ?,300,u00 for a flre-proof national museum 'ing; authorizing a bridge'across the Sorth, aud'a house resoluto. i providing for the loan of tents, etc, for the use of the Society of the Army of the Potomac at the Gettysburg reunión. The senate then adjourned. The house received two vetoes of private pension bilis trom the president. Considerationof the sundry civil bill was resumed, and the appropriation of $500,000 for coutinuing wörk on the congressional library building was stricken out and work stopped until plans from five eminent architects for a building to cost not more than í:5,O00,O09 can be obtained. The appropriation for salaries of registers and receivers of land offices was increased from $500,000 to 534,000. The bill was theu laid aside, and the house adjourned.


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