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AXN AlíBOií BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ATTORNEYS. rtflAUNCET JOSLYX. ATTORXEY AT LAW, ÍS" Office ovek the Postoffick. ƒ1 H. WILLIAMS. ATTOBNEY AT LAff, MILAN, MICH. Couveyancin? and Collections. y B.NOKKIS. Attokney at Law. Does a general luw colleetion and conveyancIng business. A moderate share of your patronage respeotfully tolieited. Office in the Oourt House. riRAMEK & CORBIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ann Arbor, Mich. Special atteution to and all Financial Mattere. AUCTIONEERS. ÜKEDEKICK KRAUSE ArCTIOXEEB. Will attend to all sales on short notice at reasonable charges. For t'urther partieulars cali at the Abgus offlee. 9 BOTTLERS. VT ARTIN & FISCHER, PltOPMETOitS OF THE WESTEKX BBEWEEY, ANN ARBOE, MICHBrewers of Pure Lager Beer. rpOLEDOBOTTLING WORKS. I have the sole ageney in tuis city for GRASSEK & BRAXD'S CELEBRATED PILSENER AND BOHEMIAN BEER, And am now ready to deliver to any part oí this city by keg-, gallon, quart or pint bottles free of charge. The same beer is sold at iny business place. No. 4 Detroit Street, by glass orbottle;also the best of liqüors and wines and ctgars. Respectfully A. GW INNER, No. 4 Detroit St. CARRIAGE WORKS. pi ARRIAGE MANUFACTURY & PAINTJNG. J Cor. Detroit and North Street. I have in my employ one of the best carriage painters in the state, and invite all who have a carriage, buggy or sleigh to be repainted in a workmanlike manner, to cali at the old reliable earriage shop of A. R. SCHMÏDT, 1 can also show you a'flrst class ROAD CART of my own make at reasouable priees. DENTISTS. yy W. NICH0LS - A. C. NICHOLS, D. D. S. DeNTISTS. In the old St. James Hotel Bloek. Teeth extraeted without pain by the use of -italizedair. GROCERIES. iy F. LODHOLZ, ■WHOLESALE c RETAIL DEALEH IX ALL GOODS SOLD EY GROCERS. Nos. i and 6 Broadway .Ü3"35r E,SOE,, MICH. IIEHNEE & BRENNEK . DEALERS IX Skple and Faaey etáss, Butter. Eggs, Cheese. ÏOBACCOS,CIGAES AND ALL SMOKERS AETICLES. Pure Teas, Pure Coffees, Pure Spices. 16 Main St., - - Anx Aebok. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. j?LIHU B. POND, JUSTICE OF TUE PEACE And Notary Public, No. 6 North Main Street. Onlleetions promptly made. Agent for the Uniin Insurance Company of California. Fair rates. Prompt payment of losses. 19- tf LIVERY BARNS IVI M. GREEN. A New and Usefcl Invention. Patent Heatek and Lanteen. Au absolute necessity for any one travelling in a buggy, carriage, wagon, cutter. sleigh, milk and delivery wagon Invaluable foi backs and oninibuses. It is a perfect security from tire. NO matches being required to instantly light the lantern without disturbing the globe. Kain and wind will not affect it. Gives a nice light to drive by. IV NORTH FOURTH ST. Tl KITREDGE, No. 6 West Ann Street. IIVERÏ HACK AXI) B 4GGAGE LINE In the rear of Edward Dufly's store Hack to all trains, day and night. Orders fo trains. parties, weddiníís and funeral protnptly atteuded to. Telephone, 1U8 Aa Arbor Mlch. TTiVEHYTHING NEW -ATW. G. SNOI'S LIVERY STABLE NO. 21 XOETH MAIN STREET. BEST TURNOUTS IN THE CITY Funeral Attendance a Specialty. Telephone connection,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News