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VEW UVEKY STABLE. . Old Mouiter baru.) Jorncr Huron and Second Sts. g FIRST CLASS New Rigs, Good Horses md Bright Harnees. Best accomtnodations for ?eeding or Boardiug by week. Barn J horenovated. w. S. SOUTHAKD, Prop. MEAT MARKETS. VT P . VOGEL, DEALEIt IN Fresb, Salt and Smoked Meats, And game iu season. 18 IE. HTJE-Olsr STEEBT. T A. MEUTH, 24 DETEOIT STREET. NEW YORK MEAT MARKET, Carries a full line of choice fresh, salt, smokert meats, sausage and lard. An eighteen iears experience in New York City enables me to put up meats m regular New ork style. Telephone connections. ii W . VOGEL, No. 9 ANH Street. CHOICEST CUTS OF STEAKS. AU kinds o MEATS AND SAUSAGESFresh lard always in stock. Poultry in senson. j MiSCELLANEOUS. D OBERT S. ORR, Agent fob TOLEDO BÜRCH PLOWS, VÍCTOR SCHOOLURNXTrKE, Manufacturer of Electric Enamel Furniture Polish and varnish restorer, silver and zinc polishes, etc. 48 Detroit Street. r W. AMSDEN, -Dealer in- FLOUR, FEED, COAL, Also Linseed Oil Meal an excellent feed for tock. No. 33 East Huron Street, next to 'ireinen's Hall. MILLINERY & DRESSMAKING. LTRS. A. OTTO, MILLINEE, 19 Fourth Street. uil and complete line of ladies and childrens mts. caps and bonnets in all the summer locks at the lowest prices. All the new hades in flowers and ribbons for trimming. all and inspect my goods before purchasing. ITRS. F. L. UNDERWOOD Dress, Cloak and ölantle Maker, 81 North Main Street. Special attention given to wedding trousseau nd costumes. Good flts guaranted n every instance. Good references given if esired. MUSIC DEALERS. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, 25 South Fourth Street. 3!anos, Orans and The New Rotary Shuttle "STANDARD SEWINQ MACHINE . " Largest stock, lowest prices . Easiest ternis. AL VIN WILSEY, PAINTERS yM. hekz, NO. 4 WEST WASHINGTON' STREET. ÍOUSE, SlGN, ORNAMENTAL KD FRESCO PINTER, gilding, calcimining, glazing and paper hangag. Allworkis done in the best style and warranted to give satisfaction. PHYSICIANS. ' i HOWELL. M. D., PHVSICIAN AND SURGEON, OOM 4, MASONIC BLOCKTelephone, Dr. Nichols' office, Telepbone, No. 1UÜ, at the House. ■ Calis Answc-red Dar r Night. rH. L. D. SVHIÏE Clairvoyant Physician, Ha removed to 204 TrumbuU Avenue. Detroit. Especial attention to the treatment of chronic diseases. rR. JAMES C. WOOD, Office Cor. Hurón and Main. Residenee6South División st. Office hours Trom 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone No. 114. TJR. H B. ARNDT, Office over First National Bank. Hours: 10:30 to 12; 2:30 to 3-.;0. Can be reached at residence, West Huron St., at the "Prof. Nichols place" bv telephone No. 97, and will reply to calis in the evemng. RESTAURANTS. rpONY SCHIAPPACASSE, DEALER IN FRUITS, NUTS, CONFECTIONS, TOIiACCOAND CIGARS, Fresh conpignments ol' t'ruits received daily. Cali and see my new erop of oranges, lemons, and bananas. No. 5 Main Street. NTON BRAHM, EEA3TAUEANT & OOlirECTIONEEY, Depot street, opposite M. C. irtig-ht house. Warm meals and lunches at all hours. Boft drinks, full line of tobáceo, cigars. etc. T JACOB KOCH'S LITTLE GKAJÍD KESTAUBANÏ AND ICE CREAM PARLORS, Meals to order and lunches at all hours fo from üve to twenty-üve cents. Confections, tobáceo and eigars. Twenty-four East Washington Street. "YTRS. WM. CASPAKY, COR. ANN AND FOüRTH STKEETS. Bakery, Eestaurant & Oonfectionary Store. Ice cream and soda water, fresa bread, cakes, and canned g-oods. A good meal for 25 cents. Lunches at all hours. íñn arbor SMALL PBDITMJRSBRÏ All kinds of Berry Planta. Fruit and Ornamental trees frora Ellwanger Barry, Eochester, N. Y. ÏW Orders must be sent at once. _SJ WiiesaidSiirUps Sweet and sour home-made wine for invalids. Bonesett Shrub, Raspberry Wine and Svrup. Dried Pears. Plymouth Rock Eggs. EM1L BAÜR, West Huron Street


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