Commencement Week

University hall was well filled Sunday night. The music was furnished by the Choral UDion, and bv Mrs.Sylvester, oL Berlín, who sang a solo. Miss and a male quartette also sang Mendelssohn's "Forty second Psalm.'' Bev, Martin L. D'Ooge read the passagesjfrom the Bible and made the prayer. Dr. Angeli's address was on the "Propulsive Forces in the Clirfstian Life." He spoke of the ehurch as the friend and promoter of learning and called attention to the fact that the overwhelming majority of the greatest scholars since the Christian era have been men of pronounced Chnstian character. In conclusión he urged upon the graduates the neeessity of adding to their other preparations for life "that spiritual preparation which surcharges a human life vvith something of divine power and molds the character into the likeness of the one perfect character." MEDICAL CLASS DAY. The medical elassday, Mouday morning, was not well attended, owing to the rain, but it proved a very eujoyable affair. George H. Conklin, of Battle Creek, glorified the profession in nis poem, "Vis Medicatrix." Miss Christina K. Anderson, of Greene, Ia., read a witty class history and Dr. Will L. Griffin, of this citv, told the many opportunities for advancement now oöered the physician in the class oration entitled"The Outlook." After the class prophecy, written by Horace Wilcox. of Wakeüeld, R. 1., Henry Hulst, cf Grand Hapids, made the Presideut's address. The niusic was furnished by the Chequamegons. LAW CLASS DAY. The exercises. which were held in Uuiversity hall, at two o'clock Monday, were of a very interesting nature aud consisted of the Presidentas address bv W. 8. Frust, of Aun Arbor, the poem by Charles Alling, of Madison, Ind., the oration by Marión De Vries, of Woodbridge, Gal., the history by Ferley F. Gosbey, of !san José, Cal., the prophecy by Miss Almeda E. Hitchcock, of the Hawaiian islands and the consolation by Lodowick F. Crofoot, of Pontiac. The oration was on the subject of "Government by Law." The class hibtory showed that there were 12.3 of the class bom in America, ' in the Hawaiian Islands, 2 in Japan and one each in Austria, Ireland, Denmark, England, Bohemia, New Brunswick and Ontario. Sixty of the class were sons of farmers, 21 merchants, 31 lawyers, and 33 of other occupations. Their religious beliefs were, protestants llSj catholics lü, mormon 2, Jew 1. Politically the class was nearly evenly divided, there being 57 republicans, 56 democrats, 7 prohibitiouists and 6 mugwumps. But as for president the choice of the class ; seemed to be Cleveland. Fifty-seven pret'erred him for president, 19 preferred Blaine,6 Fisk, öSherman, 5 Alger, '3 Liucolu, 2 Hill, 1 Cullom, 1 Depew and only 2 Harnson. Eleven of the class are married, one hundred and eight of the class spent 543,985 last year, the highest speuding $700 and the lowest $200. THE LITERAKY CLASS DAY. At ten o'clock, Tuesday morning, Moritz Rosenthal, of Dixon, 111., delivered the oration before the hterary graduatiug class, in University hall, on the subject of "The College Man in the World." He urged the duty of bearing the responsibilities of government and the entering into the political life of the world. J.líí. Me Bride, of Burton Mich.,read the class history From the statistical part of the history we glean the tacts that the class is the largest ever graduated, being 123. The largest previous class during the past eight years was 105. Of the 123 students, 50 were born in Michigan, 21 in Illinois. One was born in the Xetherlands and one in the Hawaiian Island. The oldest of the class is 30 and the youngest 20. The average age of the class was 23 years and seven months. The average age .of the ladies was 23 years and üve months. The tallest senior is six feet.two inches.the shortest, a lady, four feet, eight inches. The average heighth of the class was five feet, eight aud a half inches and the average weight, H6 pounds and eight ounces. Forty of the class have blue eyes, twenty-six brown, fifteen grey, and thirteen black. A quarter of the class were farmers' son, a tenth of the class mercliant's sons, one twentieth, physicians' sons and one twelfth, clergymans' soi;s. The religious inclination of 20 are to the Congregational ehurch, 16 to the Methodist, 11 to the Baptist, 11 to the Presbyterian, 7 to the Unitarian and 5 to the Episcopalian. The republicans number 50, the prohijitionists 15 and the democrats 13. Che average expenses of the class was $393.44 annually. The most lavish expenditure by any oue student was $850 per year and the Iea9t 5200 a year. Eleven percent of the expemlitures were met by the students' own earnmgs. The employnient of 43 of the class will be teaching. 20 law, 10 engineering; 8, medicine; 4, ministers; 3, editors. In the afternoon, under the Tappau oak, Miss Elsie Jones read the class poem,entitled the "Gift of the Gods.'lt was a poem of considerable feeling and literary merit and Miss Jones was warmly congratulated on the conclusión of her reading. Miss Laura O. Tupper. of Bay City, read the class prophecy in which she predicted a pleasing future for the class. Af ter Class President John ,H. Powell, had delivered a short farewell .address, the class song of 'SS, wntten by RossG. Cole, closed the exercises ot the ilay. l'HE SENIOR RECEPTION. The brilliantly illuminated areh way in front of the rnaiti eutrance to the hall,wherealmostinnumberableChinese lanterns lent a pleasing effect to the sceue, told that the senior reception was in progresa Tuesday evening. Tickets for this had been in demand all day. Under the new rules, for the ürst time, visiting members of the alumni found dimculty in secunng tickets. The rooms were not crowded as usual. The music for the occasion was excellent and the floor was vvell Slled with üanceis. The senior reception always is a brilliant affair and this year proved no exception to the rule. The absence of the alumni was bo wever marked. The committee on refreshments provoked considerable uufavorable comment by denying admissiou to the refreshment re om to guests who came üve minutes after the moment designated on their tickets, although the tables were not fllled. [t was hardly the exhibition of a hospitable spirit to guests to require them to go around with watches in :heir hands orgo without refreshments. Mention is made of these little minor details that future classes may profit by it and keep the senior ïeception what it is aad lias been- oue of the main features of couitnencement week. The dancing programme cousisted of thirty nurabers ani was well arranged and the d meers greatly enjoyed the evening. ALUMNI DAY. A very small number of the alumni were in attendance. The ïainy weather detracted much from the meetings. The oration, which was delivered bf Floyd B. Wilson, '71, a prominent New Vork City lawyer, was a very scholarly and instructive oue, eutitled "A Neglected Science,'" in which he gave most excellent reasons for studying the science of finance, and making it a part of the University course. The necrologist, T. K. Chase, reported the decths of Myron E. X. Howeü, '68, in Washington, in April: Prof. 15. W. Cheever, '63, Ann Arbor, Maren 6; E. O. Haven. '70, Evanston, 111., April 6; Mrs. H. Fox, '73, Detroit, Nov. 19, '87. The officers elected for the next year In the literary deüartmeut were Sidney D. Miller, '47, Detroit, president; C. H. Towne, '81, Marquette, orator; Miss Cora Beuson, '77, poet, and Miss Elsie Jones, :88. altérnate; Calvin Thomas, '76. secretary, and Z. F. King, '64. treasurer. Prof. Spauldmg reported S4.G00 hubscribed for the establishment of a fellowship. which was one-half the amount desired to be raised. The law alumni were addressed by Jatnes L, High, LL. D., of Chicago. Judge Coolev was elected president, ex-Gov. Felch, treasurer, and Prof. Kogers, secretary. The medical alumni were addressed by Dr. Lewis S. Pilcher. of Brooklvn, N. Y. Dr. H. M. Hurd, of Pontiac was elected president. CLASS REUNIONS. The class of '58 held a reunión Wednesday at which fourteen were present. Twenty two other members of the class are known to be alive. The class banqueted at the Arlington. The class of '6S held a reunión Wednesday eveniag at Prof. Harrington's, sixteen members being present. Among them were Profs. Harrington; Demmon and PattengiU of the University. The classes of '78, "85,'S6, and '87 held 'informal reunions. THE CONCERT. The commencement concert was a great success A large audience attended and were enthusiastic in their praise. Tbe libretto for the cantata, written by Miss Elsie Jones, excited the warmest praise and loud calis were made for her by the audience. The music was written by Ross G. Cole and is praisedby the most competent critics, It also greatly pleased the people. The Amphion and Glee clubs may well be pleased with their succes3. (Continued ou eigrht pag-e.) COMMENCEMENT DAY. The rain on Commencement Day did not prevent a good attendance on the exercises of the day. The graduates were the recipients of many flowers, books and other gifts and the whole scène was in strong contrast witli the gloomy outside. President Chamberlin, of Wisconsin University, delivered the commencemerit address. The alumni dinner followed and the forty-fourth annual commencement was over. THE GRADUATKS. The graduates number 412. Of these 132 are in the literary department, 64 in the medical, 143 in the law, 23 in the pharmacy, 13 in the homoeopathic and 37 in the dental college. The official list cf the graduates will be found below. UNIVERSITY NOTES. James McMülan, of Detroit, has given 5500 for Newberry Hall. F. W. Arbury, lit '82, will get SI ,500 a year as supennteudant of the Houghton schools. The Delta Kappa Epsilon base ball nine holds ths championship of the inter-fraternity league, having won eight carnes and lost one. The Alpha Delta Phi's are a close second with seven games won and two lost. Bachelor of Letters. Carrie Ayers, Kichard Greene Inwood, Carrie Louise Paine, Ida Ayers, Alexan.ler Campbell Kiskadden, Clayton Alben Read, Frank Elmer Converse, Jed Hannibal Lee, Moritz Rosenttaal, Cora May Chapman, James Nathan McBride, Franeis Leshe Mevenson, Thomas Hart Gale. Selby Albert Moran, John Edward Stillwell, John HubertGreusel, Lizzfe Herson Northup. Laura Ohver Tupper. Bachelor of Science (In Blology). Marietta Iiaughridge Knowles. Bachelor of Science (In Chemistry). John David Kiker. Willard Clark Sanford, Fred Fraley Bharpless, Georgo Walton Whyte. Bachelor of Science (In Mining Engineering) Herbert Joseph Stull. Bachelor of Science (In Mechanical Engineering. Edwin Hart Ehrman, VViUiam Howie Muir. Ralph Martiu Shanklaud, Kos LeHunte Mahon, Waltor Robert Parker. Harry John W ïlhams. Charles Edward Roehl, Bachelor of Science (In Civil Engineering). Albert Burustine, Williain Honry Pease, Edgar Kyan. Fred Calviu Davis, WUlard Pope, John Ward Sliotwell, Jr., John Eugeuius Hodge, Percy Huut Uichai-dson, Ernest Marshall Sprapue, James Allen LewJs, " Joseph Rusohe, Ebenezer Frankhn V albndge. Bachelor of Science. Geor-e irthur Brown, Wllliam Alfred Hutze!, Chester Wetmore, Bolomon Bisenstaedt, Frank Daniel McDonell. Elmer Grant Willyouutr. Charles Harrison Hatch, Charles Orrln Townsend, Bachelor of Philosophy. Laverne Basett, Louis Kossuth Comstock, Faimy Tulcott MuUiken, Carrie Ellen Britten, Rachel Ella Dawson, Chester Harvey Rowell. Clarence Galen Campbell, Waker Jones Hamiltou, Franols Morton Sessions, Louella Chapín, Leverge Knapp, Henry Flsh ll'?rDaFid Kipling Coehrane, Ray Dee Lampson, Edwin Elijah V ashburn, Hosetter Gleason Cole, Morgun McMorries Manu, Honry Kirk White. Charles Tyler Miller, Bachelor of Arts. Mary Emma Ashley, Caroline Louise Gelston, Frank Irwln Muir, Jame? Harvey Beazell, Katy Helen Gover. Achsa S. Parker. John Noble Blair, William Amasa Graee, Paul Víctor Perry. Edward lioyle. Carne Haigh, Frank George Plaiu. Edgar Ewing Brandon, Preston Miinasseh Hiekey, Erastus Francis Potter, Gertrude Tamora Breed, Hermann Charles Wm. Hildner, Flora Mal el Potter, Henrv Herbert Brown, Alice Minerva Hosmer, John Havard Powell, Joeph Beatty Burtt, Elmer Ellswortli Hubbard, Harqld Reminfrton. Harvey Saflord Bush, Elsie Jones. Edwin Spencer Sim, Elizabeth Rebecca Clark, Franklin Harvey Kimicy, Clyde Sloane, Anori Bartie Curtís, Emory Davis Kirbv. Honra Belle Smalley. Charles Ifcnry Cushing, Franklin Frees Lehman, Keuben Sherman Sniith, Herbert Fletcher DeCou, Armin (Jtto Leuschner, Julia Ruth Tolman, Ellswortli Thomas Derr, Lucían Hezekiah Emmett Lowry.Bert John Vos. John Leander Uuffy, Kobert Douglas MaeLeod, Georjre Josepli Waggoner, Daniel Bphraim Ewald, Martha Prentice Merwln, Laura E. Whitley, Francis Chipman Ford. Georg-e Elmer Milliman. Bertha Hammond Wright. Alhert EuKcne Gebhardt, Georg-e Ralph Mitohel!. Master of Philosophy. Henrietta Ash Bancroft, Pli. B. Gertrude Helen Masón. Ph. B. Master of Arts. Fred Converse Clark, A. B., Susan Kachel Harrison, A. B.. Fred Newton Scott. A. B. Myron Oscar Graves. A. B., Myron Elizalieth Pollard, A. B., Doctor of Philosophy. Fred Manville Taylor. A.. M.. Luclovie Estes, A. M. 188 Doctor of Medicine. Christüu" K. Anderson, B. S., James Henry Anderson, Haifop B. Asadoorlan, M. D., Central Turkey College, Louis John Carriek Bailey, Coryadon Orlan Beardsley, Lew .1 cromo Belknap, Alexander Jay Braden, Franeis William Brewer, Fred L. Burdon, Frank Chaffce, Joshua Monocton Cheseliro, Oramel Ozro Chosebro, Arthur Hauiilton Coe, Prantz HuntCoe. A. B., Madison James Conant, A. B. , Geoirc Hall Conkltn, Mary Maria (ut Ier, MaryGage Day. Celia Douise Dowse, A. M., John W halen Doyle, Herbert !'. Ewell, Ph. C, Charles AlUng, A. B., Summi Slmpson Andersou, John Allen Bagley, WUUam Weller Buylor, Norman James Heane, HenryClay Beltter, Joseph Edwiird Bell. John Lee Benedict, Ph. B.. Harvey Lee Beuschoter, Thomas Ashford Bogle, Daniel Robert Burke. Thomas Glashnn Campbell, A.B. Thomas Cupek, Fred Cavanágh, Charles üpham Champion, Addison Braden Clark, . Klmer Elsworth Clurk, Russell Smith Clark, Hobert Fremont Clever, Harrison Dygert Cole, Jame Thomas Cooley, Allen Foster Cooper, William Franela Crockett, Lodowiek Fitch Crofoot, Daniel Devine Cunningham, Olier M. Cinnin(fham, Charles BrookmanCushman.B.S. Peter John Danhof, Clyde C. Dawson, David Barnes Day, David B. Decker, Louis Lincoln Denuett, A. B., Lee DeVries, Ph. B„ Marión DeVries, Ph. B., William Pitt Dewey, Jr., John Duff, John Herbert Duffie. Claiendon Bennett Eyer, Matthew Kinn. Jr., William Slmpson Frost, Jacob Burfter Furry, Peter J. Galle, William Cornellua Gallagher, Perley Franeis Gosbey, A. M., Franklin Israel Gosser, Heury James Grannis, A. B., Austin Edwards Gritfiths, Tyler Leslie Ha(rerthy. Barí Fairbanks, Josa Theresa Flemin;.'. Charles Ausrustus Fletcher, M. S., Zeri H. Fodrea, Paul Sniith Fox, Benjamín Nathan Gardner, Elmer Daley Gardner, Jefferson Gould, James Grassick, M. D., Rush Medical College, Will Lj-man Griflin, B. S., Frederick Smith Heller, Nellie Anna Hollister, ('k-mentiueLord Houghton.B.L. Henry Hulst. A. !vl., James Gordon Jackson. Marous Whitfteld Jewell. Adrián Reglnald Karreman, Horace Manly Lañe, Lida Powere Leasure, Bradford Churehill Lovelnnd, James Gifford Lynds. Bachelor of Laws. Eiluion Grant Hall. Theodore Daniel Halpin, WUllam DeZeuff Heise, John Mautice Herbert, A. U., Hardin Helm Herr, Edward Charles Hi?gins, Almeda Eliza Hitehcock, Ralph Whiildeu Hobart, A. B., Michael Heury Hoey, Joseph Howley, William AuffustHunneke, A.B., Charles Montífomery Irwin, Erneet Herndon Jackson, Alexander Johnson, Henry Zacharias Johnson. William Lemuel .Toyee, Edward Henry Kennedy, John Kirk, Elmer Kirkhy, Frank Herbert Knapp, Ellery Elmer Kribbs, Peter John Lehman, James Thomas Loeke, William Osbert Lowden, Vincent SUas Lumley, Dlyssee Grant Mmtin. Gorge Hamüton Masón, f&su&uni Mat sin laira, Frank Malvern Mather, Fred Ihimlin Mc-Dermont, Michael Edward McEnany.Ph.B., Matthew James MoEnlry, LL.B., Notre Dame University, Osear Beaufort McGlasson, Joslah S. MoKean, Francia McNulty. Jr., John Barton Mecham, Benton Middlekauft, Warren Frenoh Mills, Byron Clyde Mitchner, Chilton Monroe, Frank Latliam Mixjre, William Hickniiin Moore. A. B., Hug-h Coventry Morris, A. B., Daniel Morrison, Henry Mervale Morrow, John William Mowen, Auírust Edward Muenter, Charles Webster Macdade, William Francis Metealf, .Deibert Joseph Miller, Mary Howelí lliller, Johñ Isaac Neweomb, Zeovia Owen. Francés Peele, Ida Portéis, Vei ik t Edward Prevost, Bert Bessac Kowe. Henry William Schmidt, Doliólas Sewall, John Freilerick Siefert, Belle Hamilton Smith. Kate Snyder, A. B.. Willis Edward Sterrs, Marv Strong, Edith Estela Taylor, Thomas Henry Trainor, Bertha VanHoosen, A. B., Amos Solón Wheelock, Seymour S.rria Williams. tH John Alien Murpliv, William Monreith Murphy, Charles Solomon Northrup, Charles Vincent O'Oonnor, Frederick Clayton Olney, Wilbur Owen. B. S., Horace Mann Pag-et, William Lewis Parmenter, Neivton Austin Phelps, Samuel Lawrence Philbriek, Kobert Frank Porter, Wilbur Byron Keading-, James Marión Heed, Alexander Fred'k Keiehmann, Charlea Frederiek Hemy, A. B., Charles Leroy Hichardson, William Henry Kote, John Kezln Sapp, William Devore Scott, Charles MeCorn Simpson, Edward SoRelle, George Bourdillon Stewart, Aiuzi w'ood Stronjf, William Franz Struckmann, Kiyotoshi Sujrimoto, Jesse Taber, A. B.. Alonzo S. Thomas, M. ü., Alexander Kankin Thompson, Charles William Thomson, Cyril.M. Titlt, .Merrill C. Titlt, Benjamin Johmt n Tillar, A. B., Tracy Lay Tmvutr, Fred Townsend, Orra Milton Townsend, Leander Theodore Turner, William Harvev Turner, Mark Dayton ïyler, John Quiney VanSwearingen, Meade Vestal, Ernst Ludwitr von Suessmilch, Theodosius Wade, Prlee Donner West, A. B., Nieholas Patrick Whelan, Gardner Kessler Wilder, A. B., Milton Miljard Wililman, Henry Sigismund Woolner, George Bassett Yerkes. 143 Pharmaceutical Chemist. Chalmers Pennington Allen, Henry Levy, Edward Soetie, Charles Walter AÏlison, Albcrt Oeensler, Ezra Jones Ware, Charles Vlnolent Hoetohor, Herman Adolph Passolt, Chauncev Newell Waterman, William Fredorick Eberbach, John Elmer Penniugton, John Altonzo Wesener, Ervin Edgar Ewell, Frank Bert ra ad Raynale, Joseph Burgess Whinery, Hiehard Ernest Hawkes, Andrew Efiwai-d Ruse, Frank Davis Wisemao, Dorsey Presley Horlne, John Henry Slmper. Karl GeorgeZwick. Samuel Kidder, Jr., Marie Hozinda Smith, 23 Doctor of Medicine 'Homoepathic). George Dute Arndt, Ella Kyes Dearboru. Eugeue Woodman Ruggles, William Fredericb Brooks, Lizzie Amanda Henderehott, Harriet Swathel Sauborn, Mary nn Cooke, John Hancock La wrence, Duncan James Sinclair, Edward Ai-thur Darby, Sarah Idella Lee, Mary Ella Thompson, A. B. 13 Hutoka Lucy Porter, Doctor of Dental Surgery. Horace Albert Benson, Elmer Bertrand Hause, Heury Charles Raymond, Clarence Walker Berry, Oliver Wendell Hutf, Theckla Stein Reuter, William Townsend Binzley, Egbert Theodore Loefller, B. S., Henry William Riser, Harriette Parkes Brierley, Otto Marx, Martha Josephine Robinson, Elwyn Butts, Thomas Stuart Maxwell, Henry Martin Seybold, Boll'iu Edward Drake, Charles Edward Meerhoff, Mlchael Cornellus Sheehan, William Fraser Dunlop, Richard Edward Moll, Lucius Chipman Smith, Frank Howard Essitr, lrvin Myers, Sherman M. Stauffer, William Burton Flynn, Hmlolph Paul Nagle, Martin Dog-ener Vandenberg, Sherman M. Fowler, Harry Cox Niekels, Alfred Freiierick Webster, Jerónimo Jill García, B. S., Charles Walter Nuttiug, William Holt Woodburn, Art luir Newton Hart, Homer Ellsworth Parshall, Walter Thomas Wrig-ht. 37 William Orlando Randall, Total number graduating 41a
Wisconsin University
Delta Kappa Epsilon
Choral Union
Alpha Delta Phi
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Z.P. King
Will L. Griffin
W.S. Frost
T.R. Chase
Sidney D. Miller
Ross G. Cole
Perley F. Gosbey
Myron E.N. Howell
Mrs. H. Fox
Moritz Rosenthal
Martin Luther D'Ooge
Marion DeVries
Lodowick F. Crofoot
Laura O. Tupper
John H. Powell
James McMillan
James L. High
J.N. McBride
Horace Wilcox
Henry Hulst
George H. Conklin
Floyd B. Wilson
F.W. Arbury
Ezra Jones Ware
Elsie Jones
E.O. Haven
Dr. Lewis S. Pilcher
Dr. H.M. Hurd
Cora Benson
Christina K. Anderson
Charles Alling
Calvin Thomas
C.H. Towne
B.W. Cheever
Almeda E. Hitchcock
Woodbridge California
Wakefield Rhode Island
University Hall
San Jose California
Newberry Hall
New York City
New Brunswick
Madison Indiana
Hawaiian Islands
Greene Iowa
Grand Rapids
Evanston Illinois
Dixon Illinois
Brooklyn New York
Bay City
Battle Creek
Ann Arbor