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No More Detroit Doctors

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The regen ts began their meetings ïuesday morniug. A nuinber of changes in the faculty had to be considered by the board thi3 year. Prof. C.N. Jones' resignación of the chair of applied rnatheruatics and Dr. George A. líendricks' resignation of the instructorship in anatomy wereaccepted. The most important action probably was. that taken to fill the chair of obstetrics in the fmedical faculty. The faculty, idommated by Detroit influence had recommeuded Dr. L. W.Jeuks, pursuant to a well laid scheme to get a inajority of the faculty, residente of Detroit. In executive session the re gents decided not to appoint Dr. Jenks and to leave the chair vacant uutil the next meeting. When competent men can be found to reside in the city, so as to give their personal attentiou to their University work, the regents willhardly be found votiug salaries to Detroit doctors, who have not enough interest in the University work to reside where tbev can look af ter it . Dr. Frothingham, of the hospital committee, recommended that the system of "farming out" the hospital should cease and that the Uuiversity pay the matrou a salary and take charge of it; tbat more help be employed and the sanitary condition of the hospitals be improved auu tne uoara raiseii to Si a weeK. The matron of the Uuiversity was pan S100 as a partial reimbursement for losses during the year. For the pharmacy department, William F.Edwards was appointed accountant and dispensing clerk. at a salary of S600 in place of Mis. Kate C. Johnson, resigned. Frank C. Smith was continued as assistant in quantitative analvI sis, Alpnzo iJ. Stevens as instructor iu I pharmacy au.-l Erwin C. Ewell as assistant iu qualitative aualysis. No changes were made in the law faculty. Joseph E. I'utnam, oí' Rocliester, N. Y., was made assistant to the chair of uhvsics at S7IJO salary, Thomas C. blood, instructor iu elocution, S1000; VV. W. Campbell, instructor in astrouomy, $900; George W. White, lecturer on metallurgv during Prof. Langlev's abpence. $900; Dr. 13. T. Trueblood. instructor in chemistrv (medical) $1000. Prof. Langley was relieved of nis work in the medical department and made professor of chemistry and metallurgy at $2200. Mr. Cleary was made instructor in Germán instead of in Frenen and Germán and a new instructor in Frenen will be appointed. Alfred Hennequiivs resignation as instructor in French and Germán was accepted.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News