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Seward Crarner is in Omaha, Nebraska. Harrington Johnson has moved to Alpena. Frederick Pistorius is visiting in East Sagina w. Stewart Millen is spendiug the sumíner In Chicago. Miss Zeda Ehodes has goue to Gogebic for the summer. Mis. Wm. Walsh and children were iu Detroit, Tuesday. Mr. John Q. A. Fritchev, of &t. Louis, is in the cii . Miss Alice Porter bas goue to Bay City for the summer. Mrs. N.Bailey returued f rom VVicbita, Kansas, last Friday. Miss Elida Lovejoy returued fiom Chicago last Friday. Mra. Gov. Ashley, of Toledo, was iu the city duiing the week. Miss Mabel Randall, of Coldwater, has been visiting in the city. Miss Carrie britton, oí Detroit, visited Miss Birdie Bliss this week. Judge Edward Lovell, of Elgin, 111., is visiting friends this week. Judge A. V. McAlvery, of Manistee, was with frieuds heie thi3 week. Oliver Mead, of Britton, Dakota, has been with frieuds here this week. Timothy Ryan, of Jackson, was visiting his parents in the city, Sunday. The Misses Broadhead, of Grosse Isle, are the guests of Mrs. Louis Hall. Wiil Flynn, a gradúate of the dental department, locatesin WestBranch. W. F. Warren, of Albion, N. Y., is visiting his daugnter,Mrs. A. L. ]SToble Judge T. M Cooley ïeturned home from Washington last Thursday eveniug. M. C. Sheehan, a dental gradúate of this year, will begin operations in Chicago. W. E. Quiuby,of the Free Press„was amoug the cummencemeni visitors this week. Mr. C. H. Millen visited his daughter, Mrs. Lewis, at Hyde Fark, 111. last week. Wil! McAiuliew. of Hyde Park, ■.v;ib frreeting okl friends here this week. Míos Xiieresa Davis, oí' Detroit, was am-jiii; ilib visitors in the city this week. Dr. E. Flynu, of West Branch, au oíd Ann Albor boy, is visiting his mother. Frank Bliss, lit. "73, of Cleveland, Ohio, was in the city Wednesday and Tlmrsday. Taylor Geer, of Plymouth, was . talliEfi on friends in the city yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. J. X. Martin start for Europe, June 28, where they will spend the su mía er. Deacou Loren Mills, of Kansas, is here on a visit and will remain during the surnmer. Miss Kittie Morse is visiting Mis. Prof. Chute and leaves for the east next Monday. Prof. George S. Knight, of the Ohio State University, is visiting bis father Mr. J. W. Knight. Misses Mar y anc1 Ella llinsey Lave returned home trom St. Mary's academy i 11 Monroe. Homer Urake , of Kingtnan, Kansas, an oíd Chequainegon, has been 111 the city thi3 week. Dr, C. D. Long, of Kansas City, Mo., was at the senior reception Tuesday eveniug. Harrv Donnelly starts for Logausport next Monday, having accepted a c!erkship in a store there. Mr. and Mis. D. A. Yocum, of Jackson, visited their sister, Mn. Fred A. Howlett, over Sundy. L)r. and Mrs. A. A. lioyer, of JNew York City. are the guests of Prof. and Mrs. George S. Morris. Mis. H. C. vvintley and Miss Evelyn Dickinson, of Coldwater are among the commencement visitors. Charles H. Richmond Jr., of Kansas City, is home at his father's, Hon. C. II. Kichmond's, this week. Miss Clara L. Maek left Wedneiday for Kansas City t spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. Abbot. Mr. P. Fleming, of Dexter, was a University visitor yesterday and found time to cali on the'ARGUS. ïhe Misses Fannie and Minnie Alabaster, of Evanïton, are spending a few weeks at Mrs. Cramer's. George S .Kingsley , of Kansas, visited his sister, Mrs. Charles Chapín and his many friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cowing, of Brockwrv Center, have Deen visiting friends in the city over commencement. Fred S. Hubbard, of Washington, D. C, was visiting his mother and sister on South Fourth streetthis week. Miss Ailes, who has been teaching in the Coldwater public schools, has returned for tiie sumnaer vacatiou. Edward C. t'itkin is spending the week with his mother after an absence oí more man iwo years n Missouri. Mrs. F. Gerstner returneaiaomebun" day from a sveek's visit at her parents' Mr. and Mrs. John Gfau's, oí' Lima. - Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert S. l'itkiu, of Petrolia, Ontario, spent Sunday and í Monday vvith their mother, Mrs. Julia - A. Pitkin. ' Miss Alice Lovejoj , of Detroit, who i has been in Texas. ïetuined to her home in Detroit last Friday and is vis"i iting in Aun Albor this week. ' Miss Celia Brennan, who has ben i teaching school in Dakota, was expect- ed home this week but her parents have 1 received word tliat she was taken sick 8 at St. Paul, on her wav. Joe T. Jacobs returned from Chicago I Monday night. It was noticed that he i didn't wear a scarlet neektie, but - when he recovers hi voice, he will be ] found hurrahing for Harrison. H