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Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, vre gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Fire Proof Safes ! 30, 35 OR 40 DOLLARS Wi'l buy yon a FIRST-CLASS Fire Proof Safe With Non-Fickable Lock. Sü Now is your time to invest. ALPINJ2 SAFE COMP'Y, Cincinnati, Ohio 0 WEN & DENMAN, Agents. T SIMPSON & CO. SIGN WRITERSAND DECORATORS. Flags &. Political Banners a Specialty. Fourth Street, north oí' Green's Livery. iv w. nich0lsLa.c.nichols,d. d.s. Dentists. In the old St. James Hotel Block. Teeth extracted without pain by the use o: -italized air . P WAGNER & BRO. Manufacturera oí Carri&ges, Wagsns ú Biggiss. ODB WOKK IS FIBST-CLASS. IPilRIÏG .1ÍD H1SESIÏÜ A SPECIALTY. 35, 31 and 39 First Street, CHICAGO TRUSS." New Spiral ma3. .,■ ysr v.iRLj Approved by Spriug Truss. "gyp ;_i-Lthe hig-hest Hard Hubber S3 Medical Au Pad; Light. ??=" thority.Worn Clean, DurabiG 1j3gBgSft dayaudmght Cool, Cheapby an Intan aiveek old or an Adult 80 years. Easily ad justed. It tneets all forme of Scrotal, Fer moral, Inguinal. and Umbilical Hernia, in botl lnfants and Adults. Satisfaction guaranteeu in all cases . Any desirnble pressure obtained OurLadies Umbilical Ttubs i; a grand success lf your druggi6t does not keep this Truss, en close stamps and adtlress, CHICAGO TKUSS COMPANT, 123 E. RANDOLPH SÏREET. CHICAGO, ILL. Office same place. T. Y. KAYNK, Manager. "WANT COLUMN. OOK SALE AT A BAHGAIN- My residence KU Packard, street. House built last suininer. Cali at place or addrees M. E. Swarthout. !-3T TWTEALS AND EODGING- Fourtb yard. ■''Democratie quarters, colored. Ino. öu N. i'itiü street. Hev . S. ü. Thompson, prourietor Anu Arbor, Micli. VANTED-K1PE, ÏKESH 1'KÜIT of the best qualitj only. Large orders and retidy cash giveu by the Ann Arbor Preserve and Pickling' Company, South State street. Apply personally, or write to secretary. Postoluee box 1U8. a-28 V17 ANTJED- A boy 15 or 18 years old to work in store. Addrees H. in caie qIArgus. Wantnotices, lor sale, tor rent, lost, etc, three hnes lor three weeks m this coiunin lor twenty-Bve cents. (ELERYandCabbage plants and cows for v'saie. - W. i'. üira, West Hurou Street. 24- 'M, LOST-- Pair oi gold spectacle?. Finder wil] please return teem to 27 Thompson Street and receive suitable rewara. Mrs. K. M. Herrón. S4-Zb HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE AT A BARgain u soid by July lst. House in pen eet oraer, freshly palnted and pupered throughout, S. W. Cor. S. ümversity Ave. and Foreet Ave. Enquire oí O. N. Joues. '■i- 2i. LTOR SALE --Lot No. 111, Sinith's addition, V sixth Ward. Long time to une who wili build. Eugent1 IC. rrucaun, 4b outh Mam Street. 'p.K WALfe.-I make aud rep.dr tar walks, 1 also do tcaming. Orders wili be promptly a'teudíd to. Address O. Jl. ïhompton, i'. U. Box 184, COHSALEAT A BARGAIN- The st .re beP louging to tlie estáte of M. Clancy. now occupied by F. Burkhardt, No. í East Huron Street. Enquire of E. B. Pond, at No. 6 North Main Street, up-strairs. 141 C'OR KENT, Seveial Very DtMrable PIANOS, ■ in ExcelleDt Conditiou. - Apply ai tinA.BGCS Office. 4ötf FOR SALE.- Six acres suitable for truit On good road near the city. Eugene K. Frusauff, +8 South Main Street. L0R SALE.- Twelve acres peacues and smali "frulte. Good house and baru, two miles, from court house. Tertns reasonable. Eugene K. Frueauiï, 48 South Main Street. TjOR SALE.- One and one-halt story house JT seven rooms, three lots, barn. etc. Terms easy. Eugene K. Frueauff, 48 South Mals Street. fjOB SALE:- A new top buggy, harness ar.d cutter for sale cheap. Ern]Uire at 21 North University Ave. rpHE UNION HOTEL givës a good meal Íor2ó 1 cents . Bottled t eer. Quarts 10 cents, pints 5 cents. K VV. Washington street. John Schneldei.Jr. ]!)-:. ÍWR RENT- A modern house with ïurnaoe. gas and water accommodation, in flne location. For particulars apply at 21 North University avenue. 16 tl'. WANTED- Every farmer and gardner to try the horse shoe brand of land fertalizers for sale by M. Stabler, Washington street. l.itf. FOR SALE.- House and two lots in second ward. Lot sold separate. Terms easy. Eugene K. Frueauiï, 48 houth Main StreetFOR SALE-House and lot 101 South Main St. Inquire vrithin or at county treas nrer's oflice .


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News