Local Brevities
![Local Brevities image](/sites/default/files/aa_argus/aa_argus_18880629-p05-05.jpg)
Company A. will go to Lansing July 4Ui, about thirty üve strong. Bos who want positions in stores should look at our want column. i Local news items have been remai 1 able for their scarcity tbi3 week. Assistant Librarían, F. N. Scott aud wite are happy over the birth of a young TewBck iast Saturday. The Ann Aibor city band expects to give an excursión to'.Detroit audt'ut ! Bay in a short time. Richard Kashne was oharged with assault by Walter Sharpe and on Tuesday paid $3 costs. ïhe council meets again next Monday evening. Council meetintts have been frequent this year. Rev. Dr. Ramsay will speak of the Workings of Providence ín the j ment of America, next Sunday. Will Parker's parents have received a telegram from California announcing that he is very ïll of brain fever. The bulletin of Harrison's nomination caused a feeling of depressiOD to fall uponthe republicans of this city. TheT. A. A. N. M. Ry. Co., will give everybody half ïates commencing July 3rd good to return until July 5th. James Carroli was sentenced to thirty days in jail by Justice Frueauff last Saturday forbeingdrunk on the streets. The Grand oflicers of the Knights of Pythias visited the lodge in this city Monday night. A rousing meeting was held . Dr. Ford has soine plans for an addition to the Dental college which will make a greatly needed addition to the uuiversity. The Arbeiter Verein, of Saline, give a grand fourth of July celebration in Bassetfs grove Saline, with musie by he ï'psilanti band. James McGuire and Robert Burns ere each given ten days in jail by ustice Pond for being drunk on Pontiac street last Thursday. Mr. Joseph Donnelly Will continue to be founrl at his stand next to the postoflice, the announcement last week that he would remove being an error. A shirt stud was lost on the street last Saturday njght or Sunday morning by iVt. C. Sheehan, who will pay a ver? liberal reward to the finder for its return. Courtney Burlingame and Sidney Cowan made a good record in their school district, No. 6, of Ann Arbor township, by not missing a day during the term. The indications are that the attendance in the university next year will be larger than this year and this year they were the largest in the history of the uuiversity. The Two Sanos will be obliged to remove trom their store while it is ünderoiug repairs and until July 4th will iive their patrons the benefit of a great emoval sale. James Clark was sent to the Detroij louse of Correction for sixty daj's, last "nday, by Justice Pond for beingadisrderly person and begging on the treets of this city. A council of the confederated trades nd labor uniouswill be orgamzed here, uly 12. The object is to bring ogether all the unions and the trades which have no unions here. Dr. Lewis J. Belknap and Miss Nina B. Tyler, of ;this city, vvere married in Detroit on Wednesday.of last week, by Bev. R, J. Service, of the Trumbull avenue Presbvterian church. Among the presents received by Assistant PostmHSter John.-Duffy, yesterday, when lie graduated from the literarvjjdepartment, was a handsome 'gold watch and chain, from bis father. The carpenters unión give an open meeting on Friday evening, July 6tli, in their hall over Stimpson's on Main Street wliich will be addressed by J. VVirt Newkirk ou organized labor. Fred Henne, of Saline, will remove bis grocery store to this city. The store adjoiniug Laubengayer's meat market on Main street is being fitted up for the reception of ilenne's stock of goods. Miss Fannie L. Gwinner has just retJined from Short Hills. New Jersey, eighteen miles froni New York City, where she had charge of the musical department of the Baquet Institute. She returns to Short Hills in September. Charles T. Clark caught a tramp in bis house Tuesdav afternoon in the act of stealing!a pair of slioes, half a dozen socks, soine shirts, etc. He took him into custody and marched him down to ja.il. where he turned him over to the nftioRi'S. Mrs. N. W. ühever will remodel the store on Main street occupied by tlie Two Sanis this summei', work commeuciusi next week. It will be lengthened to 110 feet, the stories will be raised and new front put Lu, making a great improvemeut. Mrs. Kachel C, wifeof Dwight Hunt, of this city, formerly of Lodi, died last Thursday, aged forty-six years, six months and twenty-two days. The eral services were held at one o'cleck Sunday, and the remains were taken to Lodi for interment. Mrs. Thomas Flowers died WednescUy evening on Twelfth street, aged s:xtyyears. She was bom in England and had resided in this city for some years, where she was highly esteemed by her friends. The funeral services wilt be held to-day. Frank Caffee has shipped seventy-five head of young horses, which arrived here yesterday. They are an assorted lot and better horses than the mustangs Mr. Carlee sold here lastyear. Last year was Mr. Cafïee's first trip here and he juflged that the people of this vicinity appreciated the value of the betterclass of mustangs. Edwaid Tracy was sent to the Ionia house of corrección for ninety days, Tuesday by .iustice Pond for being a va gran t and betrging on the streets of the city. He plead not guiity and wauted to prove an alibi but made such bad worlt i it that the jury found him guiity oL begging, nis second offense of the kind in the city. The normai school in Ypsilanti held their annual commencement exercises Wednesday before a large audience. Orations were delivered by W. E. Lewis, C. E. Fox, F. E. Stroup, W. D. Sterling and W. E. Conkling of tlie graduating class and essays were read by Misses Ida L. Wall, Georgia F. Bacon, Rose M. Whitney, Jessie M. Allen and Emma C. Ackerman. Hon. A. .1. Sawyer, J. E. Knowlton, E. H. cicott, J E. Suniner, J. L. Stone, Peter Cook, John Cook, Dr. Arrnstrong, James Hudler, and Ed. Aldrich have returned from their rishing trip near Cadillac. They found their cookiug utensils and dishes consisted of twelve wringers, a box containing these articles having been shipped them by mistake. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Ann Arbor Tanning Compjiny held on the 25th inst., the following were elected as directora: Charles E. Greene, Daniel Hiscock, Edward ïreadwell, CRminger, William Wagner, Frederick Schmidt, J.G. Grossman. The directora organizad by electing Charles E. Greene, president; Mr. Rominger, seeretary and treasurer and D. R. Prioe, superintendent. A runaway accident, which, luckily, did not termínate seriously, óccurred on Main street, Tuesday afterncon. Mr. and Wrs. Russel were driving Mr. John Thompson 's horse when the wheel of the carriage came off, which started the runaway. After the carrihad goue about ten rods it came to a suelden standstill, throwing out tlie occupants, the horse breaking loose and goinghome. Fortunately no one was I seriously injured. A grand fourth of 'July celebration will be held at Whitmore Lake. The procession forms at the Lake House at ]0a. m.,and goes to the grove where D . A. Pray reads the declaration of independence and Capt. L. L. Janes delibere the oration. In the afternoon a moustrous and side-spüttmg Shanghai pracession is promised. There will also be boat racing,yatch racing, a tub race, and greased pole climbing, etc, and in the evening a grand display of flre■vorks.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Dwight Hunt