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A July Session

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All the council were present at the regular July meeting last Monday eveniiig. PETITIONS. Lx-Gov. A. Felch and A. M. Doty asked that a new walk be laid on the west side of Xorth Thayer street f rom East Cathenne to East Huron streets. A. F. Martin and geven other deats of Geddes avenue asked for a I new walk on the south side of Geddes avenue between Elm street and Washtenaw avenue. fcj. BuIIock and twelve other tax payers asked for a water hyürant on tbe corner of .Madison and West Second streets. John Manuing and forty-two tax payers and residents of the third ward including most of the resideuts of Notth Main street, presented a remoustrance against altering the grade of North Main street as at present existing. J. F. Lawrence, S. Wood and twentyflve otliers of the heavier tay payers of the . city petitioned ,that North Main street be lowered to the grade as shovvn by the records of the city engiueer and agreed with Mr. Robison. These petitions were received and referred to their appropnate committees. THE SLAUGIITER HOUsES. This old question was oroughi up in a comtnunicatioii from Dr. Breakey, the ïealth offlcer, who urged action to be taken on the large petition presented to the council a year ago. He recomniended that measures should be taken to remove the most oöensive and :roublesome thing in connection with the slaughter houses, viz: boiling bones and rendering of soap and other impure fats and grease froui putrid and decayiug animal matter. ''The odors"', he said, "from this business in the tiftn ward is vell nigh intolerable and we believe that notning short of removal to soine point outside the city limits distant from dwellings or business will permaneiitly abaïe the nuisance ït now causes. It seems so mauifestly wrong as not to need arguineut, that s.o many citizens. families and schools sbould suffer annoyance, discomfort [and risk of health, and the city itselt suffer discredit with sirangers and travelers at the railway station by reason of the abominable odors and business of one man. EEPOETS OV CITY OFFICERS. The tveasurer reported 57,094.13 on hand . The receipts tor the mouth were S6,3S0.10 and the payments S2.9W.15. The balance on hand in the cuntingent f und was 55,309.06; general street $725.08; tirst ward, $928.20; second ward, S976.40; third ward, $645.96; fourth ward, S30.1S; fifth ward, S91.9S; sixth ward, S312 17; city cemetery, S6U.S2; dog tax, $100; water works, S3.407.08. The overdrawu f unds are the general fund, S3.93n.23 and the delinquent tax, 31,562.57. The marshal's report showed S137.S1 expended for the poor of the city during June in the various wards as follows: flrst, SI; second,S6.23; third, $14.8S; fourth, S39 94; fltth, $58.06; sixth, S17.70. Of this amount, $50.25 was apent for wood, S20 for coffius. The marshal also reported eleven arrests during the month, two for petit larceny, two for vagraucy, five for diuukenness, one as a tippler and one for using profane language. The recorder's report was also tiled. THE XOETH MAIK STREET GRADE. The troublesome question of the grade on NorthMain street was brought up by a resolution of Aid. Kearns that the original grade of the street be'reestablished. Aid. Wines inquired if the resolution would leave the street as it uow is and was auswered in the aftirniative by Aid. Kearns. There benig no further remarks the question was put on the resolution and it cairiect without a división. FAYIN'G THE BILLS. The finanee cormnittee's report, which was allo wed, sho;ved large expenditures for the tuonth, owing principally to the payment of six nionths rental to the water works companyThe bilis allowed, aside froin the supplementarv report amounted to 84,051 .- 25 divided arnong the various funds as follows: 3rst ward, $150.83; second ward, S'J26.02; third ward, 5156.20; fourth ward, $174.35; fifth ward. 818 50; sixth ward, 99.74; general street, S2S2.57; general fund, SSS.55; contingent fund, S466.99; water works fund, ï2.3t7.50. Considerable discussiou was evokect before the report was adopted concerning tne adv.sability of paying the öremen ordered to watch all night, after tbe tires at the capsule factory and the Jewett house. The bilis were allowed as was also that of the gas company to which objection was wise made. A supplementary report was made allowing additional bilis arnounting to $1038.30, principally tor electric lighting and stoue for the general street crossings, was made and adopted. A PAID FIKE DEFARTJIERT. Aid. Miller made a verbal report from the fire committee recommending inquiry into the cost of maintainiiig a paid fire department and on motion of Aid. Allmendinger, the fire department committee was instructed to bring in a report showing a plan for the reorganization of the fire department and showing the probable expense. LIQUOR 1SONDS. The committee on bonds reported the bonds of August Schneider for the sale of brewed and malt liquor on the corner of Liberty and Main streets and of Millman & McNally with new sureties as orderea by resolution of the council, and recommended the approval of the bonds. The bonds were approved. ON OPEN'IXG SECOXD STREET. The mayor from the committee on securing the right of way for opening second street reported that Mr. L'lulip Bach's release of a right of way through his land could be obtained for S1,OO0. Aid. Herz moved that the T. A. A. & IST. M. railroad be requested to show the council the plans and estimated cost of the proposed new depot, which motion was carried. The following resolution oöered by Aid. Miller was carried af ter debate. Whekeas. the Toledo, Ann Arbor iind Northern Michigan railroad reuests the city councel to open Second street aud Whereas, the opening and proper ïradhig of beeond street would cost a large surn of money. Resolved, that it is the sense of this council that Second street shou'.d be openecl provided the railroad wil] agree to build a depot snch as the size of the sity, the large patronage obtained by the road heve and the liberal contributions of our eitizens towards the building of the road. warrants. Resolved, that this council does no beloeve that a frame depot costing 53,5H0 is sucli a public improvement as would warrant the city opening and prooerly erading second street. Resolved, that a comraittpe of three be appointed to confer with tlie railroad eompany concerning the ereetion of jiich a depot as the mutual interests of the city and companv demand and that the coinmittee report on next Monday iiight. Messrs. Sedgwick and Henvy Uean were heard in oppositiou to the resolution. They urged that the road could uot build more than a S3.500 depot and it was useless to ask them to do it. The council took the ground that the opening of Second street woald cost about 12,500 and ïf the raihoad desired so mucb money to be spent. they should at least agree to build a suitable depot and if they did not desire Second street to be opened, they would have an opportunitv to s.iy so. The resolutiou passed by the following vote. Yeas- Aldermau Allmendinger, Martin, íierz, Kearns, O'ilara, Miller, Mayor and Recorder- 8 . N is- Aldermen Sutherland, Spokes, Ware, Wines and Bark er- 5. The mayor was made a member of the committee by resolutiou and the other members of the committee apooiuted uere Aldermen Kearns and Miller. MISCELLANEOUS EESOLUTIOXS. On motiou of Aid. Herz, Jacob Fisher aud Henry Allmendinger were appointed special policemen for July fourth without cost to the city. The sum of five hundred dollars was transferred to the fourth vvard fund, to be re-transferred totne contiugent fuud next February. The grade of Pontiac slreet as furuished by the city engiueer was adopted. Aids. üarker and Martin we re iustructed tü trim certain trees and the chairman of the cominittee on parks was iuslructed to remove the dead lirubs froni all trees iu the courtyard. Miss Shaw was given $3 arnonth. Drinking cups were ordered attached to the public fountain at once. On motiou of Aid. Allmendinger, the city eugmeer, mayor and the city attorney were appointed a comniittee on the inspection of halls aud buildings. A NEW PATROLMAX. Aid. Ware moved that the chief of pólice be directed to recommeiid two patrolmen for appointment on the pólice forcé. Carried. The alderman asked that an opportunity be given the marshal to make the recommendation and the council took a recess of five minutes to allow him to consult with the pólice committee. Af ter the recess the committee recommended the appointnieut of Michael Clark and James Murray as patrolmen. Carried. ADJOURNMEXT. A motion was then made to reconsider the matter of opening Second street, pending which the council adjourned.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News