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TVashixgtos City, June 28. -The senate yesterday agreed to house amendments to senate bilis authorizing tbe cortruction oL bridges at Muscatine and Clmtoa, Ia. ; Nebraska City, Neb., and Ocaquan, Ills. A bilí vas introduced to provide for appeal on capital cases decided iu the United otates district court at Fort Smith, Ark. The river and harbor appropriation bul was then taken up and alarge nuraber of senate amendnients agreed to, They mostl}' increase the sums providecl for work in the east, aud aggregate 1,3000,1)00. The senate tiien adjourned. The house passed the public land bilí with an amendmont by Holman retaining the title of the government in ali coal fouud on public lands. The tarifl: bill v.-as then taken up and Kelley made a proposition to drop it uutil next session, to be passed then or not, as the election should determine. This was opposed by both Mills and Reed, end a long diseussiou was stopped by a demand for the regular order. A nuniber of motions to strike from the free list ere defeated, amoug wbich were coal and briolc otber than fire brick, and then the house adjourned. WÁSHETOTON Citv, June íi). - Seven pensiou billa, which had Leeu vetoed, wore reported back to 'Me senate fes.Urdaj n-ith recoiiimenilatious 1 liat they paa . the veto to tbe contrary notwithstandíng, and Davis of Minnesota made a report on t'ae same, the gist of whioh was that in vetoing thesfi bilis tbe president was going beyond the line of his rights and duties regardin tbe veto power. The army appropriation bill was reported, and thea the river and harbor bill was resumed, and amendments were adopted adding L20.000 to tbe Obio river appropriation, and Í25.00Ü to that for r,he St. Clair flats, ïliib. Tbc bill was tben laid aside, and the conference report o.i the diplo-i matic and consular bilí agreed to. A joint resolution to extend tho current year's appropriations tor thirty days was presente I aiid referred, after Allison had stated in effect that it would be imposslble to pass the necessary appropriations by the 30th inst. The army appropriation then camo up, and $ü00,000 was added for cannon, torpedoes, etc. Pending action on another aniendment appropriating $750,0(4) for a gun factory at Watervliet ars-enai, N. Y.( túe senate adjourned. The house e!ected "Biouut of Georgia speaker pro tem. daring the absence of Carlisle, and then took up the tariff bilí. A good deal of political debate was indiiged in. The only changos made in the bilí ere to place Gerruan looking-glass; plates on the free list aud to strike therefrora plunis, prunes, pulp for papermakers' use, hatters' fur uot in the skin, lime, linsaed, flas seed, marble, and piaster of paris wheu ground or calcined. A joint resolution to continue the current appropriations lor thirty days was agreed to, as was the conference report oa the diplomatic and consular bilí, and the house adjourned. "Washington City, June 30. - A long discussiou took place yesterday in the senate on the proposal in the army appropriation to appropriate for the establishment of a gun factory at Watervliet arsenal. ííew York, during whioh Gorniun made a vigorous attack on the ordnance bureau, whieh was as vigorously defended by Hawley. The bill was laid aside without action, and tha resolution to extend the current appropriations for thirty days was adopted. The a the army l.n was iesamad on the Watervïret amendment. but rdjournment was reachcd without action. The house concluded the free list section of the Mills bill, the only changes being the striking from the free list of paintings and statuary and the thereto of priinuliue. Then the clause providiag that the duties provided for in the bill shall go uto effect July 1 was pássed over and tvvo or three amendments oftered by Republioans were rejected. The bill was then laid aside and the resolution to extend tne current appropriations for thirfry days agreed to, and the house took recess to 8 p. m., at which tima it reassembled and passed twunty-sevi u private pension biils. Washington City, July 3. - The river and harbor bill was the subject principally discussed in tbe símate Saturday. A number of amendments were agreed to, among them appropriations as follows: Jlississippi river above St. Anthony's falls, Í1O,ÜJÜ; same, head of passes to mouth of Ohio, increase $500,000; Missouri rivei-, 51,000,0JiJ; direeting surveys at Rock Isíand, Ills., and Clinton, Ia., and also from LaSalle, Hls., to Lake Michigan, at Chicago, for a wateruay 100 f eet wide and 14 f eet deep; also a survey from Lockport to Lake Michigan; aisotolocate a canal from the Illinois river at Hennepiu to the Mississippi river at the mouth of Rock river. Au umendmeut was adopted abolishing the Missouri riv.r commission. Thirtv-eight irivute pension bilis ere p:issed and the sènate adjourned. The house passed the Fourth of Jaly claims bill aud then took up the Mills bill. The duty on flaxseed and linseed oil was increased to 15 cents per gallon, and that on licorice in various forms was also ucreased. A motion to reducá the duty on bi-cbromate of potash was defeated. The suppoi'ters of the motion said the whole product was controlled by a trust. The duty on glazed or enameled tiles was reducod 5 per cent. , and the house adjourned. Washington City, July 3. - The senate agreed to the conference report on the legislative appropriation bill yesterday and theu took un the river and barbor biil again. Most of I Lie amendmeuts were agreed to, includinj, tijo Hennepin oanal clause. but that abolisbiug the M ssouri river commission was rejected. ü:ie of the amendments appropriates êS")O.(:OO lor the purchase of the Fortage Lake and Like öis;ierior ship canals. The biii was pBsseii. It npprópriaes f2'i,474,783, whieh is 912.003 morö than as pas;-ed by the house. Turpie (hen spoke agdiust protection, and included in bis remarles a campaign speech against Gen. Harii..on lor president. The senate then held au cxecucive session and adjourned until Thursday. The house was in charge of Andjrson of Iowa all day, but managud to agree to the conferenco report 011 the consular and diplomatic and the legislative approprialion bilis. As soou as tho house ca me to order it was moved to suspend the rules and pass the Union Pacific funding bill. Anderson is opposed thereto, and he iutroduced a bill to regúlate railways acquired by the government under forteiture. Ho demanded its reading in full, which occupied more than two houis. Then he introduced another bill, establishing a municipal code for the District, and demanded that it be read. It makes a Volume of 321 pages, and as it shut out all other business the house coucluded to adjourn. Washingtox City, July 4.- The house non-concurred yesterday ia the senate amendments to the postoffice appropriations providing ÍSOO.OCO for a subsidy Ljr South American mail service, and fixiug the postage on bulbs, seeds, etc, at 2 cents per pound. aud sent the bill to conf9rsuee. The Mills bill was then resumed, and the duty on steel slabs and billets was restor.'d to the old rate. A duty of 4 cents a pound was imposed on steel for fencing purposes,ar.d with thia action the house adjourned until Thursiiay.


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