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United Labor Party

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Cincixnati, O., July 2. - The letter of ac ceptance of Robert H. Cowdrey, candidate of the United Labor party for the clency,is made public. It is dated Chicago, and is addressed to AVilliam B. Ogden, chairman, and Alfred S. Houghton, s e e r etary, of the natioual c a ni p a ign committee. M r. Cowdrey declares that nis duty seetns so clear that h e can not d o otherwise than accept, adding that he believes the United Labor party to be representaties o f the fundamental principie ot eqúal justice to all, and tüai tat policy it would adopt would make the coDStitation a declaratioii of living ; rj iciples. He cuutiuues: I know that mauy reform? ,are needed; that an oppressed aud tax-burdened people appeal to us foraid; thut monopolios, in ever-inereásing numbers, are ta'.cing more than theii1 just share of that which is produced; but I alsoknow that all increase in the prosperity of the people is absorbed by the specu ators in the laad, and so long a tliís isthe case it is úsele apt to correct these evils uuless we strike at the foundation on which thiey stand. The land reform ïtrikes to tha foundation, and for that reason is not only the best, but the most rapid means of acoomplishing sM tlit-se refonns. Whenall tases have been taken off of theindustrious. and the production of wealth is no longer puuished by a fine, and vvhen all taxes have been placed upon the reutal value of the land, and the people see the good results- and uuderstand why it should be so- then our greatest work will have been accomplished, for then it wffl be plain thac a!l paymeuts for work in every occupattOD d pend upou the amouut of food a day's labor on the land wfll produce; and knowing thia it will be evident that all the owuer of the land lakes trom the producer as rent must reduce the wages not ouly of the worker on the land, but also the wage-i in every other oceupatiou. I see no hopo of reform in either of the old political parties: our; must be the work of educating the people to demand the adoption of this reform. Let us then present a solid front, our battle-cry "The single tax," and press fonvard to the victory taat awaita us. Yours fraterua!l".


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