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ÜDilStPüS Do ïour Own Dyelng, at Home. Th-y will dye everytbing. Tliey are sold every where Trice lOC. a packe. Tliey Imvenoequll Tot Stren"'th, BrightneM, Amount in Pckage orforFastiiessof Color, or non-ï.uhug Quahties. Tliey do nut ciock or smut; 40 colors. Tor sala b JOHN MOORE. ■ ■■) Uil REWARDED are thoie whu rea I nTflTTVtliis andtl.en act; they will fin 1 Hl i H Y honorable employincnt th.u will HéU li É not tnkc thoin f om their home■'■■■■ and families, The prodts are large aud sure for every Ddustriou person. ownj have nindi; aral are oow makmK several huiulred doilaisa montb. It is easy for any one to mi e JSand upwardsper dav who ia wiliing to worn. Eitbcr ex, younproroU'; capital not needeü; we tartvou. EVerything utw. Nospecial abüity requlred vou ru:ider, can do It aa welln any one. Write to ui for particular, wbich we ru ui tree. Addrcss SÜDson & Co., Portlaud, Maine. tTho Great EEllh Precrlpt!on 43! Cures Weákness, Spermatorrlíea, M, Emissions, Impotency and all uib-mT ad eases caused by self-abuse or ln-XJF discretion. Onepackagf $1, six 55 -"J [bbforeI Bv mail. VTnte for Pamphlet. JFTBfJ Eureka Chemical Co., Oetrolt, iaicll. f& PENNVROYAL WAFBBS ara ra successfuliy ued monthly by over 10.0UO 1 Uidies. Are Safe, Efectualand Pleaiant f 1 per box by mail.or at druggists. Bealcd IPartictilars 2 postage stamp AddreiË Thb Euheka Chsmioal Co., Dbtboit, Mica


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