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New potatoes retail at SI. 50 a bushei . Webb has moved his f uruiture stock to Detroit. Dr. Gibbs bas pmehased Prof. C. M ■ Jones' residence. J. J. Goodyear is the new treasurer of the M. E. churcb. The democratie county convention j will be held next Thursday. Jacob Staebler, of Pittsfield, lost a horse Tuesday from sunstroke. The Whitmore Lake celebration was largely attended by our citizens. Sheriff Walsh took Edward Tracy to Ionia on Thursdav, of last week. Toe Detroit celebration took a nnmber of visitors from here on the fourth. Dr. Kamsey's lecture next Sunday evening is on "üther Peoples Sins as a Dief' Everyone says it was one of the quietest fourths ever known in Aun Arbor. Installation of offtcers takes place in Washtenaw Lodge, Xo 9,1. O. O. F. this evening. . The Farmers & Mechanica' Bank have declared a three per cent semiannual dividend. Bring in your petitions for new sidewalks to the council at once. Let the' city have better walks. F. H, Coe leaves to-day for San Francisco, having purchased his tickts over theT. A. A. &N. M. Ry. The raspberry and blackberry erop will be much larger thi3 year than last. The berries are large and plump. The democratie ward caucuses will be held at the usual places at seven o'clock next Wednesday evening. B. Herman Mever and Mrs. Maria Frey were married on Wednesday of last week by Eev. John Neumann. The circus in Ypsilanti in two weeks has made the boYS in that section, something of economista just now. Abouf thirty friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. T. B. .McCollum. of Ypsilanti, VVednesclny and had a lawn social. Probate Register Doty has been elected orator of the alumni society of the Manchester high school for next year. Mrs. Mary Berger of tMs city was married on Thursday last to Frederick Trenkel, of Wateiioo, by Rev. H. F. Belser. Charles Benke has been fiaed S3 and 2.75 costs by J ustice Frueauff for an asault and batterv upon Frederick juebke. VVork on the new Chnstian Associaion building is progressing. The buildng will be roofed in by the time winter ets in. W. V. Douglas has removed his tock of clothing to Au Sauble. He will return to this city in a eouple of months. Caleb Kraus and Mrs. Caroline ■iraus were married in this city on 'hursday of last week by Rev .Wm.M. Campbell. A lull ui couuty politics has existed or the past tvvo or three weeks, the )residential candidates now excitingall he interest. Company A left Tuesday evening tor ansias; via., T. A. A. & N. M. by pecial car, numbering 54 people with heir friends. Olarence Needham and Miss Bertha W beatón, both of Milan, were married n that village July 4tb, by Rev. Jay Huntington. The members of the Congregational church presented Rev. Dr. ilyder with a hundred dollars in gold last YVednesday evening Edward Croarken and Miss Belle tloney, both of Dexter, were married 111 this city on Thursday last by Kev. Samuel Earp. The Knights of Maccabees paid Mrs. Belle Bower $1.000, yesterday. the ttmount of the policy on the life of the late H. E. H. üower. ïhe Two Sams are now located in the old Fantle store, pending the extensive repairs beinc; made in the building occupied by thern. Miss Carrie Louise Faiue, who graduaten in the literary deparment last week has been appointed principal of the Big Rápida school. Mrs. Magdalena Stein died at the re&' idence of her son, Christian Stein, three miles north of this city, ïuesday, She was 78 years of age. Tlie Courier seems to be of the opinión that Rev. W. S. Studley, of Detroit, will be preaching in this city after the next Methodist conference. The Fourth of July celebration at relief park gi ven by the A. O. U. V. and the Ann Arbor city baud was largely attended and a decided success. John l'üsterer and Fred Gakle haye formed a copartnershiptocarry on the business on Liberty street, in the stand now oceupied by Mr. PBsterer. Ilere's success to thern. By the marriage licences it will be seen that Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Krause have iemarried. They have been twice divorced from each other and this makes the third time married. The pay of tbe letter carriers in this city, was raised on the flrst of tbe uionth from $600 to $800 a year and no one eau denv that they earn the S800 especially during these hot days. A telegram received by bis parents in this city, Sunday, announced the death of Williaru i'arker, in southern California. His remains will be broueht to this city. The Saline celebratiou on the fourth was largely aueuded and was a very successfiil one. Myron Webb, Esq., and Prof. Emil Baur were the orators of the day. Strawberries will be out of tbe mar ket in a day or two. Yesterday they were seüing at ten cents. Raspberries are coming in tlie marbet and retail at ñfteeu cents. Frauk, a little son of Tony Sebiappieassee, feil down a fligU of stairs in the opera house, last Sunday with force enough to break everybonein his body. He was hovever around as usual Mondav. i _ . W. G. Snow's little grey horse, Flora, was badly injured iu t Saline on the fourth of July. Some one in turning a corner ran the thill of his carriage mto the horse"s breast, inflicting an ugly wound. The following offlcers of Washtenaw Lodge, No. 9, 1. O. O. F. wei e elected !ast Friday evening: B. F. Boylan, N. G.; John Feiner, V. G.; Lawrence Curtis, correspondiug secrelary; Mlchael Staebler, treasurer. A little sou of John Schumacher was given a half a spoonful of Fowler's solution of arsenic last Monday by mistake for ipecac. An antidote, which was promptly administered saved his life. The merchant tailoring establishment of our former townsmen, N. W. Winans, in Battle Creek was partially burned last Sunday and such of his jtock as was not injured by the fire was danaaged by the water, lt was insured. Otseningo lüdge, l.O.O.F.,elected the followiug officers at their animal election: William Jacobus, .N. G.: Geo. Kalmbach, V. G.; Charles. H. Mauly, ïreas.; R. A. Lutz, Ree. Sec. ïheir installation takes place next Tuesday evening. Mrs.BridgetClaik,wife of the lateOwen Clark, of the fourth ward, died Monday eveuing of a canoer in the forehead. She was eighty years and five tnonths old and was born in ireland. The funeral services were held at nine o'clock yesierday. Despite the tact tliat there were so few commencemeDt visitors here, the passenger receipts ou the Michigan Central during June were larger than for any previous month. This is oniy one of tlie manv iudications of the growth of the city. Kruger, the uhotugrapiier, has taken a verv nne licture, a scène trom Hiawatha to enter in the prize competition in the iiationul photORrapher's association at their annual meeting.The sceoe is extrecnely Ufe like, the figures being posed with the utmost naturalness. It takes the republicana in tnis vicinïty a long time to get over the sulks aud hold ratib'eatiou meeting. They ratif y a week frorn tornorrow . The democratie ratiücation meeting was held the weekof the couveution. The enthusiasm did not need tu be tuanufac" tured. A letter appears in ïast Saturday:s Free l'ress trom S. B. Thompson, ut this city, in which he reíers to the administrations recoguition of the colored race, the pension department alone showing seveuty-two colored clerksemplojed at salaries of trom L9UU to l,uO a year. Arthur Power, tüe tramp who entered the house of Chas. O.Clarü last week, anti begau to array hiwself iu Mr. Clark's clothes, when Ue whs surprised in the act, was bound nver by Justice l'ond to the tiext werm of court ou the charge aud in üefault olV$l,JUObail, will remaní in jaiJ until that time. Airs. Elizauetn; Kelly dieJ at the resideuce of her daughter, Mrs. 'alriek O'Neil in JS'orthúeld last SatunJay of cáncer. She was the wife f the late L'auick Kelly aud had resided in Morthüeld tui forty years. Slie was eighty years oíd. The funeral services weie held Monday foreuoon from the NorthÜeld church. The lmuse of Mr. Hartó, of tcio, burned last Friday. There was oo insuranceonit. Mrs. Haitz went back iuto the house after souie articles aud was badly burned n the face, hands and íeet, so as to require medical attendauce. The famuy is in stiaightened circumstauces and the lack of insurance is greatly feit by them. L. Li. James is in the city. lie is talking of making improvemeuts in his Frauklin House property. He says it is too bad to have as pretty a city as Ann Arbor spoiled by such buildmus as are now standing on the corner of Washington and Fourth screets, and offers to sell a corner lot at less iban it is worth in order to start ouilding in that section. It seems to be settled that second street will not be opened for tbe Toledo railroad company unless they build a depot which will be a credit to the city. The original plans of the company,although for an iuexpensive building, were neat and satisfactory to those who saw them. But the plans for $3,500 spent for three buildings, a large area of Dlatform and sheds is spreadthe money out too thin. It means sheds. Prof. Calvin B. Cady has been elected president of the State Musical Teacher's convention, which met at Kalamazoo last week and Prof. V. II. Pease, of ï'psilanti, was made chairman of the programme committee. Mr. Cady was also made the chairman of the commitee to revise the constitution and by-laws of the association. On Friday last, Mr. Cady read h paper before the convention entitled "Musical Conventiöns and Chora] Condncting." The Yusilanti Sentinel got oñ' a pretty Kood story ;t the Registers expense last vveek. lteferring to the Register's story of a colgród womau in this city over a hundí ed years of age, ttieSentinel s ys: Her age is authenticated ijuite as well as that of the old fellow who thought he must be a thousund years old. He 'inembered wlien lie as i pickainuny, hearing about Cluuibtis coming to America, but he duue foiget how long ago it was During J une, the tive carriers delivered 93 resjistered letters, 50.453 letters, 9,59( postal cards, and 40,572 newspapers, circulars, etc, making 100,714 pieces of mail matter deliverecl. The eolleutioiis from tlie letter boxe3 during June weie 2,172 ocal letters, 24,527 mail letters, 775 local postal cards, 4,542 mail postal cards and 1.691 newspapers, circulars, etc, a total of 33,ö77 pieces collected. Tbe dirïerence between the atnount of mail cul[ected and delivered indicates tne sreat miiober of people who mnke a practica of mailing their letters ;it the otlice instead of üeuositlug theiri in the nearest bx.