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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Capital paid in - - $50,000.00 Capital Security - $100,000.00 Transacts a g-enerai Banking business; buys and sel Ís Exchanges on New York, Detroit and Chicago sells drafts on all the principal citíes of Etj rope; also, sclls Passage Tickets to Liverpool, London and Glasgow, vía. the Anchor Lint oí Steam ships, whose rates are lower than most otber firstciass Unes. This Bank, already having a large business, -nvite merchants and others to open accounts with Üiein with the asfiuronce of the most liberal dtalin consistent with safe banking. In the Savings Department interest is paid seraiannually, on the first days af January and July, on all iuirs tbflt were üeposited tíiree nionths prevlou to thtjse dajs, thus uflording tlie people oí this city and countv .1 perterdepository for their iur.d.c, togethcr wnn i ir reiurn in interest for the same. Mony Ut Loan on Ajiproved &ecui ities. DiKKCTOH-Chnstian Mack, VV. W. Wines, W D. Harriman, D.inicJ Hiscock, Wm. Dt-ubel, and Willard B. Smith. OFFICEKS : CHRISTIAN MACK, W. V. W1NES, PresiilcnL Vice President. CHAS. E. H1SCOCK. Cashier.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News