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ANN AR BOK BUSINESS MUIXTOlll. ATTORNEYS. ■ rjHAL'N'CEY JOSLYN, ATTORXEY AT LAW, HT Office ovbr the Postofmce. i r K. WILLIAMS, ATTORXEY AT L,AV, MILAN. MICH. Coaveyancinjr and Collectlons. ü B. NORR1S, ATïOKNEY AT LAW. Does a general law ooUectiOD and conveyancingr tusiness. A moderate share of j'our patronage respeotfullj' solieited. Otüee in the Court House. pKAMEK i CORUIN. " ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Axn Ahbor, Mich. Special attention to L.ining Money and all Financial Matters. AUCTIONEERS. LiKEDERICK KRAUSE AüOTIOBEEB. Will attend to all sales on short notice at rensonable charg-es. For further partieulars oall at the Argus ofiöce. BOTTLERS. T ARTIX& RTSCHEB, riiOPRIETOiO DT THE WESTERN BBEWEBÏ, AXN AHBOR, MICH. Brewers of Pure Lager Beer. : rpOLEDOBOTTLÏNG WOBKS. I lui ve the sole ageney in this city for GRASSEK & BRAND'S CELEBRATED PILSENER AND BOHEMIAX BEER, Andaoi now ready to deliver to any part of rhis city by keg, g-allou. nuart or pint bottles f ree of charge. The same beer is sold at ruy business place. No. 4 Detroit Street, by glass orbottle; also the best of liquors anii wlnes andotgars. Respectfully A. GWJLXXER. Ko. 4 Detroit St. CARRIAGE WORKS. Q AKKI AGE MAXUFACTURV & PAINTING. Cor. Detroit and North Street. I have In uxy employ onc of the best carriage painters in the state, and invite all who have a earriage, buggy or sleigh to be repainted in a workmanlike mamier, to cali at the old reliable carrtagë shop of A R. SGHMIDT. 1 can also show you a flrst class ROAD CART of my own make at reasonable priees. DENTISTS. yy W. NICH0L8A.C.NICH0LS,p. D.S. Dentists. In the old St. James Hotel Blouk. Teeth extracted without paiu by the use of 'italized air. GROCERIES. iy F. LODHOLZ, WHOLKSiLE A; HEIAII. UEAI.KK I .% ALL GOODS SOLD BY CROCERS. Nos. aml f) Broadwáy JlSTiT AEEOE, jdZIGBI. VtrEKNEB BEENNER. Stapls and Fancy Sroceries, Biittèr, Eggs, Cheese. TOBA0COS,CIGAES AXD ALL SMOKKRS AiiïICLES. Pure Teas, Pure Coiï'ees, Pure Spices. 16 Main St., - - Ax.n Ahi;ui:. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. JLIHU IS. POND, JUSTIpE OF THE PeACE ná Notary Publio, No. f North Main Street, "olleetious promptly made. Asrent lor the Union Insurance Comjuriy of Calilornia. Fair rates. Prompt paymenr of losses. 19- tf LIVERY BARNS fyl M. GREEN, A Xew and Uskeül Ins-ention. J'atent Heatee and Lantekn. Ad absolute uècesaity i'cr ;uiy one travelling in a traggy, carriage. wagon, cutter. sleigh. milk and deli very Tvagon Invaluable ioi hucks and omnibuses. [fc is a perfect secürity irom lire. KO matches being required to instanUy light the lantern without disturbing the globe. Bain and yind will not atfect it. Gives a nice liglit to drive by. IV XOKTII FOUKTH 8T. TJ KIÏKEDGE, No. 6 West Ann Strekt. llVERÏHAiK ADBlG(iAGE L1E} 1 ii the roar of Edward Duffy's KBOcéry store. Hack to all trf.ins, day and night. Orders for trains, partlee, weddinxs and futierais promptly attended to. Telephone, 108 Auq Arbor Mich. ÜVERYTHING NEW -AïW. G. SXOW'S LIVERY STABLE NO. 21 NOKTH MAIN STREET. SEST TURUCUTS IN THE CITY Funeral Attendance a Specialty. Telephone conneotiofl,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News