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Adviceto Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Sootiiing Öyrup sbould always be used for childien teethiug. Ie sootbes the chikl, softens the guins, allays all iain, cures wind colic aud is thè best vemedy for diarïüoea. Twenty-flve ceuts a bottle. Estáte of Jacob F. Klais. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, GOÜXTY O of Wahtena , is. At asesnion oí ibe Pro'oatt Court for ihe County of Wnsluenaw.holdeo atthe Probiite Office, in the City oí Ann Arbor, on Saturday, tlie 28rd day of June, in tlic jear onetUuuaaBJeigbt hundred aud eighty-eixht. . Present, William D. Harriuian.Judgeof Pro.'jate. In the matter of the estáte ol Jacob F. ülais. deceased. On reading aod filingthe petition, ouly venficd of Jobn Klais, praying that a certain instrument uow on tile iu this court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said d'ceased, may be admittert to probate, and that he iuy be áppoiuted exucuror thereof. Thereupon it ia ordered, tbat Monday, the23rd day of Juiy nert, at ten o'olock in the lorenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the dcviseea, legatees. and heirs at law of paid deceased, and ml other peraonB interested in said estáte are required to appear at a session of said court th-n to be holden at the Probate office in the city oí Aun Arboi , and show cause, il' anythere be, why the prayer ofthepetitioner should not begrauted: And it is turther ordered, that said petitioner give noticeto the persons iuterested in flaid estáte of the pendency oL said petitioc, and the hearing tbereoi, by causing acopyoflhis order to be publiahed in tin ann Akbok Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in snidcouuty, three successive weeks previuus to sa'd day of hearing. WILUAMD.HABRIMAN, CA true copy.] Judge of probate. H'a, (i. Doiy, Probaie Ilegister Estáte of Esther Jenkins. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, OOUNTY ijof Washtenaw, ss. t a session of the Probate Court for theCountyof Washtenaw, holden at, the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wed day, the 27Ü1 dav of June, in theyéar om thousana eiïht handred and dghty-eight. Present, William D. Harnman, Judare of PioIn the matter of the estáte of Esther Jeukins, deceased . Frank Jenkins, the admims'rator of said estáte, comes into court and representa that he iï now prepared to render his final account as such Administrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, tlie 24th day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned lor examininfif and allowing such accouut and that the heirs-at-law of said deceased, and ail other persons interested in said estáte are required to appear at a session of said Court, then tobe holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and show cause íf anv there be.whythe said account should not be allowed. And it is lurther ordered, that said Adminitrator giye notice to the_ persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency ol said account and the hearing thereof, by causinjí a copy of this order to b, published in the Art Ak bok' Akgcs, a newspaper prlnted and circulating in said county three successive weeks previous to said duv of hearing, Wil.LIAM D. HARRIMAK (atrl-ecopyi Judfe of Probate. ITiluam G. Uoty, Probate Résister, Estáte of Mary Chambers. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTÏ of Washtenaw, ss. Atasessiouuf tue Probate Courtfor the Couuty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Anu Arbor, on Friday, the Ï9tt duy oí June, in the yenr onetb'ousand eigüt huudred aud elghtyeight. Present, WUliani U. Harriiuun, Judge ol ProIu the matter oí the estáte oí Mary Chambers, deeeased. üeorsfe D. Gillespie, exeeutor of the last wiü and testament oí' i aiu deccHsed coinés lnloeouil ttud representa that hei now pi'epured toreuüer lus öual accouul as bucü exeeutol . Tliereupon il is orderea, thttt Friday, the 2')h day of July oext, at ten o'clock iu the loreuouu, beiissiged tor exauiiuiug and ailowing aucb uecuuut, and that the deviaees, leñatees auü jieu. at law ol aaiu deeeaseJ, aud ail other peisuiit interested iu suid estáte are rquired tu appear at a sess:ou ol saia court, theo to ue holaeuat the Probate Office, iu the city of a.111 Albur, iu said cuunty, aud show cause, it any the ie be, why the 8aid accouut shoulu uut be ailowed. A'ud il 'is lurther cldered, that said exeeuior ,'ive uoiice 10 tue pe. uus iuierested in said estáte, 01 tne pendeucy of sulo. account, ;ud tue heaiiu thereoi, by caiülng a eopy 01 this oider tj be pub llsoed 111 the ■ AUN íubuk Arc.cs, a newspaper prinltd auu circuluting 111 saiu couut} , threfc succe:one weclCiyievious to said na} e-i neaiiug. WILLIAil ü. HAKUI.MAX, [A truocopyj Judge ol Probate. vs'M. U. uuii. Probate Register. Estáte of William W. Gooding. Sítate of michigan, county OjI Waoülenaw, o. Ai a sc=iiuu oí tue iJi„üunr uiirt lor the County oí Washtenaw, liüldell at "he Probate (Mee il." :hh city of Anu Arbor, un Wednesday, the 27th day oí' June in the jeai ne thuusand eli:hl uuntireii and eighty eight. freseui, Wai. D. Karnuisn, Judge of Prohal. Iu the niatter o tüe e&iute ut íliiaui . Sooding, deceased. . Heiiiv SlumpanhuseD the admimstrator ol sino esijitu, comes iato court ana repreeents thjt bt is now pvepared tu i'cliuel Ulá fiLal tujcuual bB such iidminiöuator. Xiieieupouu s ordeied, that Tuc-sday, the 31tl áiiv ol July uext, ai teu o elock 111 tbe foteuuön bc aasigued turesaininiuí una alloniug 8 une uccuum nd ciiat iuc beii8-nt-Iaw oj aaiu deceused, and all oiher jiersous intBicsu-d iu said eálaie, aro required to npiJeai al a sessiou oi suld ooult, tUcu to be uotdeu al the f róbate Ulñce m the city of Aun Arbui, in aaid coanty.and show cause, it any there be, whv tüe suld a.couuishouid noi be allowed. Au illa t'uriLcr oruered tuat saia adminisirator íve uoCice to the pereoliá iateleatird Ul said eaiate ol Ihu jjeiiaeiity ol aocuuut, and tbe lieanun thereot uy caüsiug a copy oí this order to te publúüed. iu ihe a:í' Akcok aügu, a newspapej pnuied and circulütiag iütiíiidcouuívthree&uecesaive weeka previous tosaid dayot Hearing. J (Atruecupy) WiLLlAia. D. HAKKiMAN, W'xí. t-. DuTY, ol Prooale iJrobalt' Register. Estáte of Prudence Wackard. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNT"Y Oof Washtenaw,s. At a session of the I'robate Court for the county oí Wasbtenaw, holden at the l'robate office in toe city of Aun Arbor, on ilonday, the seco u 6 day of Jiily in the year onV thouaaud eight huuured and eiglny-eifiht. Present, Win. D. Uammao, Judie of ProbateIn the matterof the E=tate of Prudence Packard deceased. . ,_ . . Onreadinsrancl filing the petition duly venficd tl Israel D Packard iraini: that adminisirati.m 01 said estáte muy be (.'ranted to himíclf oï soukoth'-i- suitulilt' person. , , Thereupon itibordeied.that Monday the 80th ci..y of July instaDt at ten o'cl'wk in thu torenooi', be assigned lor the henring uf said petitiou and that the heirs-at-l.iw o) said decoased, and :ulother persons interested in said estáte ure required to appearat a session ot auid eguri tben to benolden ut the Piobate Office, iu the ciiy oi Alo árbor and show cause, if any there bi' whi-theprayerof Ihe petitioner siioukl not ne And it iafuitlierordeied.that Baid petitioner givenoticeto the persons iiiteresied n estáte, of the pendency oi eaid petitiou, and tbc hearing thereol, by causinir a cojy of tbi = oider to bepublished iu the 4.KS Abbou Akods, a uewspaper pr'nted aud circulated iu aaid countj tiirei; successive weekt, previous to saia d:iy ol hearing. WILLIAM D. HARR1MAK, [A trae copy] Judge of Probate. Wm. (r. Doty. Pionaie Re?ister. Estáte of Elvira Marsh. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜN I ï ol Ata sessionof tlje Probatf iv,urt fortneCouutyof Washteuuw, holdon at the Probate Oök-ein the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday the third daj: tof July in the year one ttioüsaud eiaht hundred and eighly eight. Present, WiUiamD. Hamman, Jiidge of Probaín the matter of the estáte of Elvira Marsh dejauai=s'V. Win?, the adminislrator ■ of ld estáte, comeinto cour! laúd .represente that Lie Isnow prepared tó render hú final account u such adïhêreUDonrit isordered,that Baturday.thc twenty eiahthdayolluly instant, at ten o'clock in Jthe forenoon, be asbignedlor examining' and,aUowin' such account, and that the heirs-at-law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte are required to appear'at a .sesmo u of said eo.rt then to be holden at the Probate Olhce, in the city nf Ann Arbor, said county, and show cause, if auy there be, why the s:nd account shoulil not be allowed And it ia fnrlher ordcred, that said administratorlgive notice to tbe persons iuu-restedin said estute, oi.the pendency ui said account and the hearing thereot, by causing a copvoftbis order to be published in the Ann Akbok AKOCsancwspaper printed andcircuUting insaidcouuty three successive weeks prcvious tosaidday KtyihUAU D. H ARRIMAN, (Atrue copyj Judge of Piobate. Wm. G. Doty. Probate Register,


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