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Estáte of Sarah E. Spafard. QTATEÜF MICHIGAN," COUNTY O of WASHTBNAW, ss. At a session of the Probate Court lor the Countyof Wasliteuaw.liolcen at tke Probate Olficein the city nt Ann A riior on Tuesday. the 19th day of June tn the veiir one thous&nd eight hundred fchd elfrlity-eigcht. Present, William ï). Harriman, Judge nf Probatt, In the matttr of the estáte ot airan L.. SiMfiml.deceaÊcd. Ou and tiling the peiiüon, áiüy venHcd of J'hn F. Spatard, (agout) prayins that _anminïstratïon uf sai'! estáte may he grnntea to lüomus J. Fiirri'l! or aome otner suitable person. ïhereupon,it is ordered thnt MonJxy, the 16!h day of July noxt, at ten o'ciock in the forenoon be asslgned "lor hearing of s;ud pedtion. ,nd" that the heirs-at-law of suid üeoeased and all other oersons interested insaid estáte are required to uppeai at a sessiou oi aaid Ccmrt, then tobe holden at the probate otlice m the oitv of Anu Albor, and show cause, íf anythere be, why the pruycr ot the petmoner shóuid uot be granted: Aad it is furthei ordered that said petilioner give notice to the persons interested ín aaid estáte, of the peudeneyol said p.-lition and tlie hearing causing a copy of th is order tobepublishediu tlicAnn Arbor ARO0S, a newspnper printed and eireulateil in said oounty ihieesuccesstve weeks previous to said dar ofhcariui W1I.LIAM D HAIf'UMAJN, (atrue'opy) ■'" igeofProbate wt. G. Ditï, Probate Reïister Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTÏ Of Motice is hereby given, that v an order uf the Probóte Court for the County of VaslittiMW, mad on the fourth day of June V. D. 18SS six months from thíit dale were allowed I brcrediiore to present claims aeiiinst the eftate of James Kennedy Inte of said county eceaeed, and that all creditors of suid deeeaaeil are rtquired to présent their claims to said Probate Court at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arlior, for examinatiou ana allow..nce or.or beforethe 4thay of Pecember uext, and that such claims will be heard before said Court, ! on Tuaeday the 4th day of Sep'emCei and on Tuesday ilie 4th day of December next, at teD o'clock 'in the torenoon of eacb of Faid days. Dat ed, Ann Arbor, June 4th, A. E . 18SS. W1LLIAM. r. HAREIMAN, Juilue of Probate. Estáte of Benjamin Pryor. QTATEÜF MICHIGAN, CÜUNTÏ Öof Washtenaw,88. At a session ot the Probate Court tor the couuty of' ashtenaw, holdtn at the Probate Ütüce, in the rUy ot Ar.n Arbor, orj Wotluesday tbe 20th. day of June, in the year one ihousuud eialit huudred and ghty-eight. Present, Wiiiiaui L. Hairimuu , Judgeol Pre In'theipatter of the esUte of BeDjamin Pryor, deeeasii!. Charles A. Prvor. exéoutor of tiie last wül aml testament of said Uecsased. comes iuto court and repreaenu that he is now pvepurea to reader his tinal account as such esceutor. ïhereupon it is ordei-ed, tliat Tuesday, tlie 17th day of July uextat 10 o'clock m the forenoou oeaasiixiicd lor exatuining aisd allowiug such accouut und tliat theiievisees. leñatees and heirs-atlaw of said deceased, and all other persons inter. tsitd in s:üd estáte, are rtquirpd to a]pear at a -e.--.ioi. of said court, tben to be hollen m the Viobate Office in the city of Auu Arbi.r. in said couuty, and sbowcnase, if any therp li, why the said accouH shoulö not be allowed: And it is lurtber ordereu tliat saiü extctito" give notice to the persous interested in said estáte ol 'the pendency of saui account and the hearinnthertof. by cauFing a copy of this order to be pnblished in the Ank Aubob AKV6,anewspaper piictetl and cuculating in said county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. H ARRIMAN, íafruecopy) Judgeof Probate WilliamG. Doty, Probate Register. Commissioner'sNotice. S'IA'IE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw. The undersigned havine been appoin'.ei by the Probate Court for said County, Comtriissioners to receive, examine and adjust all chiims and demanda of uil persons against the estate of John Beahan, hite of said County, deceased, hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court for Creditors to present their claims asjainst the esi;ile of said dec-ïased, and that they will meet at the Pro'nate olïice in the City of Am Arbor, in said County, on Tuesday, the 25th dav oí Sep tember and on Wëdnesday, the 26th day of December next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each ot said davs,to receive, examine and adjustsaid claims. Datcd, June 2?th, iSSS. WfU.ARP B. SMtTH, PHILIP DUFFV, CO:mn;ssioner ,


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