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VVho for Congress? That is the question. George Clarken is building a ñne cottage at Strawberry point. ïhe union Sunday school excursión oecurs in two or three weeks. A nurnber of wlieelmen will be m the city on the 24th oí the month. Rev. Fr. Fierle has purchased a Une Newby & Evans piano of Air. Clement. There were two picnic parties frota Ann Arbor at VVhitmore Lake, vesterday. Miss Nellie Sage, of Lodi, is the happy possesor of a nevv Haines Bros.' piano . J. T. Jacobs & Co., aunounqe a slaughter sale at gieatly reduced prices. ïhe Kitson block on north Main street, has been repainted and repenciled. Four minks were caught at Alimendinger & Schneider's mili Tuesday morning. W. W. Tozer has sold his residence, on Liberty streetto Mrs. Sophia Booth, for $5.200. Rev. Mr. Bradshaw, of Galesburg, 111., will preach at the Congregational church, SunJay. The lot around the Luthevan church has been graded aud preparations made for new tar walks. The works have purchased the old machinery in the burned tlouring mili at South Lyon. Edward Cowell, of Ypsilanti, has been given a patent for a railway Crossing and switch signal. Company A leaves next Tuesday for camp on Mackmac Island. Thev will go forty-flve or fifty strong. Bishop Gillespie was made president of the national conference of charities and corrections at Búllalo this week. A large party of young folks frorn here spent last Sunday at Whitrnore Lake. All report liaving had a good time. John Walker has a Germán tiger mastín, a new variety of dog for this section, whose si ze attracts general notice. Charles B. Hebbard, of Detroit, has purchased the residence on División street of the late Noah C. Bichardson for $6,250. ïom Bonner is the happy father of a eleven and a half pound boy, who svill be brought up in the good old democratie faith. Hurón street has been improved by the building out of the gvass plots in front of the residences of Drs. Breakey and Douglas. The burning of the chimney of the house of Airs. Flowers in the sixth ward called out the fire department Tuesday morning. Mr. White will build a new stone walk in front of the opera house property in a couple of weeks, a commendable improvement. Trof. Bradley M. Thompson has purchased the residence of R6V. Wm. H. Ryder on East University avenue. The consideration was $4,300. E. C. Bowling, 'of Ypsilanti, has been granted two patents, one on a napkin ring and another on an apparatus for making dress stays. The Main street clerks had a base Dalí fgame on the campus, Tuesday afternoon, whicta was won by the west side nine by a score of 27 to 34. It cost Washtenaw county $900.51 to care for its patients in the Pontiac insane asylum for the llast Uiree montlis. There were 21 of them. ThomasGhalmers,a junior in the high school last spring, has been enaaged as principal of the Vandalia high school for the coming year at a salary of $750. It seems that in Detroit dogs get'lost oftener than umbrellas. In a recent issue of the Detroit Journal advertisements are inserted for six dogs and for four umbrellas lost. The Courier is the oaly Daper in the county that has boomed Mrs. Whiting for prosecuting attorney and now it claims to have been misrepresented in regard to her candidacy. Isn't that too thin'í Andrew Eentschler died in Salem last Monday, of kidney disease, aged sixty years, eight months „and eight days. ïhe funeralservices]wereheld VYednesday morning, from the Germán church, in Salem. A freight train on the T. and A. ran off the track near YVhitmore Lake ïuesday, wrecking the cars. Until the wreek was cleared away, the passenger trains ran into Howell over the Michigan air line. Titus and Herman Hutzel who have purchased the Jewett property on Huron street are selling it off in building lots. Already three of the eight lots have been sold to parties intend ing tojbuild. We wish to cali attentiou to the il lustrations of our Novelette in anothe olumn. It consists of five short bright and interesting stories and will be enjoyed by all. Look for one of the stories next week. Kxtensive alterations have been made on First street under the supervisión of Aid. Martin of the street comrnittee. ïhe grade has been lowered and the improvement in the street will be rnavked. A chango of time on the T. and A. A. will take place next Suuday . An additional passenger train will be placed on the road each way. ïhe new train trom Toledo going nortta will pass here about midnight Dr. J. X. Martin will perforen the diiiies of professor of obstetiics in the University uütil a successsor of Dr. Dunster is appointed and Dr. Ford has been authorized to employ an assistant at a salary of BöOO a year. Mis. Catherine Traver, widow of the late J. J. Traver, died in Detroit at the residence of her son, July llth, aged S2 ears. Short burial services were held iï Detroit veáterday morning and the emains were brought here for burial. Daniel Thews feil unconscious last ?hursday night wlnle returning home rom bis work from a heat stroke. He vas taken home and died at nine o'clock, never having recovered conciousness. The funeral services were held Sunday. A new paper train will be placed on he Michigan Central by which the Detroit morning papers will reach here at flve o'clock. The morning papers o-et in Kalamazoo at nine and in Grand Rap. ds at ten. It doesn't take long to distribute the news of the day. After next Sunday the trains going lorth on the T. and A. A. will pass hrough here at 2 a. m.,7a. m., 10.55 . m. and 5.07 p. m. The 7 a. m. train will run to South Lyon. Goingi south, he traias will pass through here at 1.27 a. m., 2.58 p. m., and 9.08 p. m. The reniains of William Parker, vhose death in California was rnenioned last week, were brought here ast Sunday and tl. e funeral services were held at five o'clock, the same ifternoon. The faniily have the syrnpathy of their friends in their bereavement. Miss Helene Stone, of Paris, France, vho found her relatives here by a leter to Postmaster Duffy which was published in the Argus, has arrived in ialamazoo and been reunited to her riends whom she had not seen since a very small girl. She has relatives in his county. The team of Mis. Tichnor, who resides on the south Ypsilanti road, naar he stone school house, ran away in the üeld last Saturday. As they neared he bain Mrs. Tichnor attempted to =top them. The hay rack knocked her down and the wagon ran over her breaking a leg. There are flfty six vacant houses n Ilowell besides vacant stores. In Ann Arbor, building is going on at the ate of over a hundred houses a year. There are very few vacant houses, practically none, and the new houses -ire almost ahvays rented before they are completed. Hon. John J. Adams, a rnember of he first board of regants of the University, died in Tecumseh, July 4, aged ü years. He was boni in Scotland ind carne to this state in 1826. He ïas served in both houses of the state egislature and as state treasurer and auditor general. Considerable new sidewalk building has been going on this sumrner. Under ;he cumbersome provisions of the city jharter, the council is compelled to wait fot petitions before ordering new valks, otherwise many other walks vould probably be laid at once . Petitions are in order. J. M. Wilcoxaon's name is among those whu are in the Tribune's list of ;hose who voted for Harrison in 1840, and expect to vote for Harrison this rear. This is not true. Mr. Wilcoxson votes for Cleveland. There are a number of others on the Tribune's list, who will do likewise. Senator James S. Gorman has been preseiited by Detroit friends, who adnired his legislativo career, with a full set, twenty-nine volumnsof Appleton's Cyclopiedia. The present is a handsome one and as a token of personal regard must be highly treasured by the fortúnate recipiënt. James A. llobison, ex-deputy county clerk and now court reporter of the Detroit Free Press was married Wednesday morning to Mrs. Maud E. Hotchkiss, of Detroit. The groom has many acquaiutances here, whom he has made warm friends and they will wish hino the happiest of all married lives. George Moorman has üled a bilí in chancery charging that the Traders' Insurance Co., had obtained a judgment against him in the circuit court by f rand. A temporary injunctioi bas been issued by Circuit Court Com missioner McKernan until the case can be heard to prevent the levying of the execution. Mr. C. A. i'ryor, ol Northfield, wa married Tuesday evening to Miss Fan nie M. Taylor, by Rev, Dr. Earp at th residence of the bnde's mother, Mis T. F. Hill, on División street. A fev of the immediate fnends of the happy ontrading couple were pre3ent at the eremony. Mr. and Mrs. Pryor went irectly to tbeir home in Northfield. Editor WoodrufE, of the Ypsilanti Sentinel, sayshevoted for Tippacanoe nd Tyler too, but has now arrived at ears of discretion and won't vote for is degenerate grandson. He says in the vords of an old song, "Thing-3 ain't now as they used to was been. Men den'tdo now, as they used to did then." ïhere are a good many others in the ame boat. Among many in this city s Hugh Jenkins. We have been amused as usual this ear with items concerning graduates f the University, who graduated with igh honors. One of our exchanges last week in speaking of a recent gradúate with high honors" of the law department, says that "his graduating adress is commended as a thoughtful, cholarly pioduetion, eloquently delivred. '-Probably the young lawyer ever expected his puff to reacb Ann irbor. The school board met Tuesday evenng and received the resignations of Miss dperry from the fourth ward chool and Miss ïaylor trom the second ward school. Miss Sperry resigns o enter the uuiversity, and Miss Tayor to becoine Mrs. Pryor. The nioneys of the school board were deposited with the Savings bank at 3.1 per cent. nterest. The pinchase of the coal for he year was left with the ünanee corn"nittee. While Ilutzel's men were at work on East Washington street, sume flfty eet from the fence of the old cemetery ast week, they struck a box in good state of presevvatioii which turned out o be a coffln. In the course of their digging at the place they also came across two skeletons. These bodies ïad evidently been supposed safely nlaced in the cemetery but no attention iad been paid to the graves when the street was opened as ït now is. The annual meeting of the business men's association takes place at eight o'clock next Tuesday night. A f uil atendance of members i requested. The association has done considerable or the business interests of the town and we hope that evervone will be present to set the association on the right rack for a year of successful work. There are several things which the asociation can do which will benefit the city and also lts business interests. The Abgus will soon commence a series of interesting Novelettes. These stories are from the pens of popular writers and will be interspersed with appropriate and sparkling illustrations. On another page we give a tew of the llustrations appearing in the various stories, the titles of which are: "Kit Grail," by James T. McKay; "Treasure of the Three Kings," by James G. Hustin; "A Mere Interlude," by Thos. Hardy; "The Belle of San Miguel," by Forbes Heermans and "The Golden Incubus" by George Manville, Flenn. A coramittee of the common council conferred with H. VV. Ashley, of the T. and A. road Monday as to the opening of Second street. ïhe committee labored with him to secure a stone depot and stated that public sentiment bere was very strong against accepting a wooden depot. Mr. Ashley stated that the road could not put up a more expensive depot and that if Secona street was not opened the city would be obliged to put up with the present depot four or live years longer and that then the road would build a wooden depot. ïhe road did not believe in putting tip ornamental depots which yielded no revenue. Mayor Beakes, Aids. Allmendinger, Miller and Martin went to llowell Tuesday morning to see the depot there which is the best now on the line oï the road. It cost only S180Ü. The Many remarUable cures Hood's Sarsapanlia accomplishes are sufflcient proof that it does possess peculiar cur j ative powers.