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IVTEW LIVEKY STABLE. ' Old Sloniter barn.) Comer Hurón aud Second Sts. FIRST CLASS New Rigs, Good Horses and BrightHarness. Best aceomniodatious for Feeding or Boardiug bv week. IJarn Thoroughly renovated. VV. 3. SOUTHARD, Prop. MEAT MARKETS. JIT P . VOGEL, DEALER IN Fresli, Salt aud Smoked Meats, And game in season. 18 E. ZEïTTrR-OIN" STEEET. A A. MEUÏH, 24 DETROIT STREET. NEW YORK MEAT MAKKET, Carries a full line of choiee fresh, salt, smokert meats, sausage and lard. An elgnteen years experieuee in New York City enables me to put up meats m regular New York style. Telephone eonnections. i W . VOGEL, No. 9 Aks Strekt. m CHOICEST CUTS OF STEAKS. AU kinds o MEATS AND SAUSAGES. Fresh lard alwaye in stook. Poultry in season. MiSCELLANEOUS. DOBERTS. ORU AOEXTFOR TOLEDO BÜRGH PLOWS, VÍCTOR SCHOOL TTRXITURE. TOLODO PICTL'RE FRAMES. Manufactnrer of Electric Enamel Furniture Polish aud varnish restorer, silver aud ziuc polislies, etc. 48 Deti-oit Street. T W. AMSDEN, - Dealeh ui- FLOUR,FEED, COAL, AND ALL KINDS OF HARD AND SOFT WOOD, BALED HAY AND SÏRAW. Also Linseed OU Meal an excellent feed for stock. No. 33 East Hurón Street, next to Firemen's Hall . MILLINERY & DRESSMAKING. fKS. A. OTTO, MILLI1TEE., 19 Fourth Street. Full and complete line oí ladies and chlldrens hats. caps and bonnets in all the suinuier blocks at the lowest prices. All the new shades in flowers and ribbons for trimming. Cali and inspect my goods before purchasing. llTBS. F. L. UNDERWOOD Dress, Cloak aucl Mantle Maker, 81 North Main Street. Special attention g-iven to trousseau and traveling costumes. Good flts g-uaranted in every instanee. Good references given if desired. MUSIC DEALERS. f USICAL MERCHANDISE, i'l 25 South Fourth Street. Pianos, Orans and The New Rotary Shuttle "STANDARD SEWING MACHINE." Largest stock, lowest priees . Easiest terms. ALVIN WILSEV, PAINTERS WM. HEKZ, NO. 4 WEST WASHINGTON STREET. House, Sign, Orhamentalkd Fresco Painter, gilding, calcimining'. glazing' and paper hangiiif;-. All work ia done in the best style and warranted to g-ive satisfaction. PHYSICIANS. 1 HOWELL, M. D., PHVSICIAN AND SURGEON, HOOM 4, MASONIC ÜLOCK. Telephone, Dv. Niehols' office, Telephöne, No. 100, at the House. Calla Answered Day or Niylit. PJE. L. i). WHITE ClaikvOYANT PflYSICIAN, Has removed to 204 Trumbull Avenue. Detroit. E;.x'eial attention to the treatmeut of chronic diseases. T)R. JAMES C. WOOD, Office Cor. Hurón and Main. ResidenceS South División st. Oüice hours fromS to i and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone No. 114. IJK. II R. ARNDT, Office over First National Bank. Hours: 10:30 to 13; 2:30 to 3:30. Can be reached at residence. West Huron St., at the "Prof. Nichols place" by telepbone No. 97, and will reply to calis in the evening. RESTAURANTS. rrtONT SCH1APPACASSE, DEALER IN FRÜÏTS, XUTS, COIsFECTIOIiS, TOISACOOAXD CIÜARS, Fresh consig-nments of fruits received tlaily. Cali and see my new erop of orun-es, lcinons, and bananas. No. 5 Main Street. A NTON BRAflM, EEASTAUEANT & CONFECTIONEEY, Depot Street, opposite M. C. freight house. Warm meals and lunches at all hours. Soft drinks, full line of tobáceo, ciírars, etc. T JACOB KOCH'S IilïTIiE GRAND RESTAURANT AND ICE CREAM PARLORS, Meals to order and lunches at all hours for froni flve to twentyrüve cents. Confections, robaeeo and eigars. Twenty-l'our East Washington Street. ■jVTRS. WM. CASPARY, COR. ANN AND FOCRTH STREETS. Bakery, Eestaurant & Confectionary Store. Icecream and soda water, fresh bread, cakes, and canned goods. A good meal for 25 cents. Lunches at all hours. AmfAKBon HALL I'IiIjITMRSIÍH! All kinds of Berry riants. Fruit and Ornamental trees from Ellanger Barry, Rochester, N.Y. 2& Orders must be sent at once. _Lt Wii)es ai)dSirUps Sweet and sour home-made wiue for nvalids. Bonesett Shrub, Raspberry VVine and Svrup, Dried Pears. Plymouth Rock Lggs. EM1LBAU R West Huren Street,


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