Real Estate Transfers
Recorded during the week in the ofüce of the Register of Deeds. John George Haarer and wife to Knorpp&Mayer, Manchester village 100 00 Olive E. Friend to Williani H. Warner, et al, trustees, Milan village - 900 00 K. V. and A. J. McGee by sheriff, to Harriet A. Chubbuck, Sharon D.C.Griflinto Almena E. Griffln, Ypallanti WO 00 Peter Tyler and wife to George McElcherean, YpBilanti city 350 00 Asa W. Straight and wife to Guy E . Davis, Ypsilanti city 500 00 Libbie Beahan to James Kitson, Ann Arbor city C0 0) Bena E.Scinlure to Exania Bradehaw, Augusta 100 00 Prudence West by admr., to Helen M. Whedon, Ann Arbor city "50 00 Helen M, Whedon to C. and M. ü. Balus.Ann Arbor city 2,450 00 Virginia D. Forshee to Luther James, Superior 1 00 Alonzo D. Goldsmith to N. and E. H. Cordary, Ypsilanti city ,000 00 Hudson T. Morton to Joseph T. Jacobs, Ann Arbor city 100 00
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
John George Haarer
Olive E. Friend
William H Warner
K. V. McGee
A. J. McGee
Harriet A. Chubbuck
D. C. Griffin
Almena E. Griffen
Peter Tyler
George McElcheran
Asa W. Straight
Guy E. Davis
Libbie Beahan
James Kitson
Bena E. Scinture
Exania Bradshaw
Prudence West
Helen M. Whedon
C. Baluss
M. O. Baluss
Virginia D. Forshee
Luther James
Alonzo D. Goldsmith
Nicholas Cordary
E. H. Cordary
Hudson T. Morton
Joseph T. Jacobs