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WANT COLUMN. Want notiees, for sale, for rent, lost, etc. three lines for three weeks in this column io twenty-Ave cents. WANTED to lonn 8350, best of security flirect for one week. Address D. care o Arg-us ollice. A TTENTION MASONS.- Bids wanted ÏO A plastering my two house6 on South Univei sity avenue. Bids opened August 1. Applj to H. T. Morton. 49 S. University Avenue. FOR SALE OH EXCHANGE for Ann Arbo property. Vacant lot in Indianapolis, Ind Well located and improved house and lot in Rochester, Ind. , 40 acres of land, fenced, smal buildings, 15 acres improved, near schools churches, railroad, etc, in Fulton Co., Ind Enquire of Eugene K. Frueauff. 48 S. Main St 1OOD board and roömFat 29 E . .Libërty St. yjltwo blocks from Main St. 27-2 XV HIZZ -Electric door bells will be caref ull.v 'Jputin your house ata reasonable price E. Ö. Conrad, 18 South Ingalls Street, Ann Arbor. 27-20 ■piplï SALE- House and lot on East Cather ■- ine street cheap. Inquire up stairs over Fred Brown's saloon, Main street. "POR RENT.- Store corner of Detroit and - Catherine street. Inquire at Gerstner's bakery, Detroit street. 27-29 THORSALE- A gentle ladies driving horse JJ eight years old, weight 1,000 pounds. Fot ïnirticulars, inquire of Lew H. Clement. 38 South Main Street. 27-29 BERRY-PICKERS WANTED for black caps raspberries and black berries. C. T. Par shall. HESS MAKING.- Miss Buell, 49 Fourth St., corner of Williams St. '-(-31 MEALS AND LODGING- Fourth ward Democratie quarters. colorea. No. 50 N Fiith street. Hev . S. B. Thompson, proprietor Ann Arbor, Micta. WANTED-HIPE, FHESH FKUIT of the best quality only. Large orders and readj cash given by the Ann Arbor Preserve and Piekling Company. South State street. Apply personally, or write to secretary. Postofnce box II. 25-28 FOK SALE-- Lot No. UI, Smith's addition sixth Ward. Long time to one who wil build. Eugene K. irucaufl, 48 South Main Street. TAR WAI-KS.- I make and repair tar walks also do teaming. Orders will be proinptl} attended to. Address O.M.. Thompson, P.O Box 1S1U. fOR RENT, Several Very Desirable PIANOS ■ in Excellent Condition. - Apply at the AROüS Office. 48tf Ii'OK SALE.- Twelve acres peaches and smal Good house and barn, two miles frorn court house. Terms reasonable Eugene K. Frueaufl, 48 South Main Street. FOR SALE.- One and one-hall story house seven roorns, three lots, barn, etc. Tertns easy . Eugene K . Frueauiï, 48 South Main Street. rp H E UNION HOTEL gives a good meal f or 25 i cents . üottled beer. Quarts 10 cents pints 5 cents. 16 W. Washington street. Johu Schneider.Jr. 19-30. ÍSOE KENT- A modern house with furnaoe gas and water accommodation, in fine loca tion. For partioulars apply at 21 North L'ni versity avenue. 16 tf . V ANTED- Every farmer and garemer to try the horse slioe brand oí' land i'ertalizers for sale by M. Stabler, Washington street. lötf. F OH SALE.- House and two lots in second w&rd. Lot sold separate. Terms easy. Eueeue K. Frueaufl', 48 South Main Street. FOK SALE- House and lot 101 South Main St. Inquire within or at eounty treas urer's office . TO RENT FOK A TERM OF YEARS.-A larye brick house corner of División and Jeserson streets, Aun Arbor, Micli. Eighteen rooms besides largo pantry, elosets, front and back halls, wood house and coal bin, two cellars. üvu suitsof rooms on second Hoor, four oí whose bedroom3 are accessible irom back hall. lioth city and soft water indoors and out. It is beins painted outeide and thoroughly renovated insule, having removed paper, paint, and calsomine, preparatory to repairing deeorating, painting and calsomininp. Has an outside dóorto the dining room which is 11 ft. six inches by 22 f eet six taches. Itis well ari ancd l'or boarders and rooms. Loeation unsurpassed. Will bc ready for inspection about .1 uly :.5th, 1888. Address or cali on A. M. Clark, !2 Thompson street, Ann Arbor Mich, CLINT NORMAL COLLEGE, I AND BUSINESS INSTITUTE, FLINT MICHIGAN. Expenses less t han at any other school in Michijian. Special Courscs, Inoluding Prepar tory, Teachers, Scientiflc, Literary, Higher Sngijab, Comniercial. Elocution, Muslc, Fine rt, Penmanship, Shorthand, and Tyie-vriintf. Necessarj' expenses lor a term of ten veeks only 480.50. ötudents may enter at any ime. No vaoatlon. Fall term opens August _8, 1S88. First winter term Nov. 2, 188K. .■- ond winter term Jan. 15, 1889. Spring term larch 26, 1889. Dnsurpassed loeation. Elciint new building. Send for particulars. VddresfO.S. KIMBALL, Prin.. Fi.i.vr,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News