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Gommen Sense In the treatment of sliglit ailnients wonld save a vast ainount of sickness and misery. Oneof Ayer's Pilis, taken after dinner, will assist Digestión ; taken at nifiiit, wlll relieve Constipation ; taken at any time, will correct irregularities of the Stomach and Bowels, stimulate tlie Li ver, and cure Sick Headache. Ayer's Pilis, as all kiiow wlio use thein, are a mild cathartic, pleasant to take, and ahvays prompt aml satisfactory in their results. ■' I can recomniend Ayer's Pilis aTiove all otliers, baving long proved their valué as a Cathartic for myself and family." - J. T. Hess, Lfithsville, Pa. " Ayer's Pilis have been in use in my family upwardp of twenty years, and luive completely verified all tliat is claitued for tlieni." - Thomas F. Adams, San Diego, Texas. ' I have used Ayer's Pilis in my family for seven or eiglit years. Whenever Í have an attack of headache, to which I am very subject, I take a dose of Ayer's Tills and am ahvays promjrtly relieved, I find them equally beneflcial in colds and, in my family, they are used for bilious coiiiplaints and other disturbances with such good effect that we rarely. if ever, have to cali a pliysician." - fi. Voulliemé. Hotel Voulliemé, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Ayer's Pilis, PREPAKED EY Dr. J. C. Ayer Sc Co,, Lewell, Mass. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. plRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIÁN MACK, Ageot foi the followinf? First Class Compantei tepreenting OTer twenty-eight Million Dollars Anmu, issues policie at thelowestrate Etna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of PMla 3,118,713,00 Germania of N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N.Y. 4,065,968.00 London Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & AL, Detroit 287,608.00 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.0 National, Hartford 1 ,774,505,00 Pnenix.N.Y. 3,759,036 Special attention given to the insurance ol dwellings, scbools, churches and public building! on termi of three and ÜTe years. SciamsrssjL m"r% MaSbiëok WHITE BRONZE M MOHÜMENlS Took first premiums at. the Ann Arbor and Chelsea Fairs. Not being porous like stone, they can ïiot absorb moisture, grow moss. nor crumble and will Pefy The Tooth of Tiijie TOR CENTURIES. B. CUL.Y, .VG-jSKTT 16 E. Washington, over Rinsey and Seabolt' s, HOlNlEY PEE. You never can obtain, except at fabulous prices, coffee that will better suit your taste than the celebrated Ii! Bee Cdta SOLD BT E. WAGiVER, who is making m n mm a slum He also has a fine line of Groceries and Provisión, Glaasware, Tobacco, etc. The proof of the pudding is the eating, so try bnying yöur groceries of WAGHtfER, 33 S Main Street, Ann Arbor. S Vf fl k BOOK AGENTS U ., ft il HIGH TERHS Agents who havo had fint succesa abould wnte ub in i.ktter lus postal curds) name of boots,, number ola in what time, bat terms received (fuli f artioulaks), and obtain trom no Nsw FLif and kxtsaokdiKabt biscockts to better themselvca on uw d fuil-iolUnr kookk. HENRY BUCKLIN CO., 6T. LOUIS, MO %#Jkllca v i.i huun, and uik morí monti VI llatwoin.u. ,thau at aaything elstia I U U this world. Capitnl uot ut rded ; tu ar started Hoth sexea.all ages. Any ne cao do the Work Large uarnings sure from ürt tart. Coslly outfit and terms free. Better not delay. Costa you nothlng to seud us your ardress ao flnd out il you Are vise you will do so atonc. H. HALL.HT AOo-, Portland, Maine Agents Wanted ior tne most complete popular family physicia book ever produced. Select somethiug thoboogu ly usKr ul, of tbue TiLBE, and salea are alway sure and large. ENTIRKLY NEW, up to th Terv latest science, yet in plain language. A GB'EAT NOVELTY in all its parts and attiac instant attention. 250 engravings. The mos profusely and beautifullj' illustrated boolc of th kind erer got up. BEST OF ALL, it is BY FA the LOWEST-PKICED ever published- leBS tha half the cost of aTiy decent ynlume yet on Agents who are tired of struggling with high priced books, write for particulars of this great ne departure iu bookBelling. PLANET PUBLISHINQ CO. 203 Pine Street, ST. LOUIS, MO Mday'i time given Agents -without capital.


Ann Arbor Argus
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