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Adolph Kemper is at Whitmore Lake bis week. Miss Emily Pitkin is visiting friends n Howell. Dr. W. B. Smith has taken an eastern basiuess trip. Prof. W.S. l'erryleft f or Bay View, Cuesday night. Mis. W. W.Tozerbas been visiting her sister in Dexter. Ald. William Herz is visiting the Cinciunati exposition, Mrs. Wm, P. Molony,'of Detroit, is visiting friends in the city. J. E. Beal attended the meeting of the Ohio bicyclists in Toledo. Kiv. Dr. Earp preached in St. Pauls church, Detroit, last Sunday. Misses Bena and Edith Seyler have been visiting Detroit friends. Dr. Dean Tyler visited his mother in Iughain county over Sunday. Mrs. Ross Granger is visiting her sister. Mrs. Stevens, in Cheboygan. President Angell and Miss Lois Angell leave for the East next week. Dr. J.L. Winans, of New Brightou, Pa., is visiting friends in the city. Judge T. M. Cooley was at home over Suuday, leaving Monday for Quincy. Deputy clerk, Arthur Brown, is spending the week at Cavanaugh lake. George Fitzmier and wife, of Toledo, Ohio, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Louis Betz. John Martin, of Brooklin N. Y., was the guest of Postmaster Duffy this week. Mrs. Charles S Millen, and son, Clintie, are spending the week at North Lake. Mrs. Dr. Wile, of LaPorte, Ind., is visiting her father, Aid. A. Hammond. V. V. Watts is enjoying a two weeks vacation in (Forestville, New York. Mrs. James Eaton of Syracuse,N.Y-, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Jacob Storms. Services íd St. Andrews church last Sunday were Rev. Wm. Galpin. John Sullivan, of Dickinson & Thurbers law office, was in the city Monday. Misses Anna, Tessie and Julia Crennau left last week for a trip up the lakes. Editor John N. Bailey, of the Mid. land Sun, visited his family in the city over Sunday. Postmaster Duffy returnecl last Friday from his suecessful trip to Wash ingtou, D. C. Mrs. President Angelí left Mondaj for a visit with friends in Naragansett Rhode lsland. Air. and Mrs. S. W. Clarkson pleas 'antly entertained a number of friends Friday evening. County clerk F. A. Hoí.'lett ha returhed íroni a weeks camping a Cavanausk lake. H. J. and f amily are spend ing ten days in Wiedemann grove Whitrnore Lake. Miss Amanda Rsyer and Miss Lizzi Brehm, have gone to Cheboygan for seveial weeks visit. Miss Katie Ilarrer and Miss Emm Wildermutb, of Owosso, are visitiu Miss Emily Gwinner. Mrs. Charles H. Richmond lef Wednesday for a six weeks visit ir Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Harold Wilson has opened an of fice at 100 Miami avenue, Detroit, anr lias removed to that city. Mr. Lilley, with the Century Company in New York City, the gues of Mr. John M. Wheeler. Mrs. John A. Wheeler and Mrs. Warden nave reiurned from a visit to thei mother in Indiauapolis, Ind. Mrs. Wetmore, who has been visiting at her father's, Donald Mclntyre's, re turned to her home yesterday. A. A. Meuth leaves Saturday o Monday on a trip to Germany. He will be absent about two months. Judge and Mrs. E.C. Lovell, of Elgin, Illinois, were the guests of Mrs Prof. Williams the first of the week. Mrs. Wm. Wagner and Mrs. Chas Wagner gave a yery pleasant reception yesterday afternoon from four to six. Mrs. David McNair and sons are yisiting at W. G. Doty's on Fifth street. One of.tbe sons is a West Point cadet. President and Mrs. C. K. Adams, of Ithaca, New York, ware the guests of Prof. and Mrs. D'Ooge the first of last week. Mr and Mrs. Densmore Crarne returned Saturday from a trip to tii upper península and around tb lakes. " Edwin Lohr, of Toledo, is visitin his parents on Packard 'street. 11e is snipping clerk in a leading wholesal house. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Crookston, of West Huron street, entertained a large party of Ypsilanti friends last Friday eveuing. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cushman, of Delhi Mills, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Clarkson Fiiday and Saturdav. Mr. aud Mra. Jüonald Mein ty re gave an eujoyable lawn party at their residence on West Hurón street last Tuesdav afternoon. William Steufer, president of the West Point (Xebraska) ISational Bank andD. C. Giffert of ffie same place, were the guests of D. F. Schairer the ürst of the week. Edward Eilbie, of the Chequamegon orchestra sails for Gertnany on the Steamship, Georgia, August 16. He will join Julius V. Seyler in the Berlín conservatory of music. Civil Engineer John Mitchell, of Ludington, formerly in the sovernment employ, was in the city last week, q his way to attend the funeral of liis rother James Mitchell in Lima. Dr. V. C. Vaughan, Prof. Dennison and Dr. Novi are now in Berlin, Germany, where Dr. Vaughan i& at work i a Germán laboratory and Prof. Dennison is devoting himself to art They leave in August tor a trip through Switzerland, France, England and Scotland, sailing tor home September 20.