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Mr. John Fiegel has raised some fine barley this fteason. The oat crop now being cut will be above an average yield. Mr. Dazken is in charge of affairs at the Junction in the absence oí Mr. Segner. Mrs. Emma Webb has 20 acres of vvheat good enough for any year. It perhaps will yield thirtv bushels to the acre. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Webb contémplate an excursión as far as Whitmore Lake this present week. May it be a pleasant one. The attenHance at the Roberts Sunday school was S4, which is rather below the usual number attending. A picnic festival will be given by the school before long. The quiet of a graveyard reigns in Pittstield, so far as regards politics. Farmers are too busy saving their crops to think of discussing ways and means of saving the country. A Republican caucus was held at the tovvnhouse on last Thursday afternoon and thefollowing delegates were chosen to attend the " convention, at AnnArbor, M. F. Case, M. Cady, H. D. Platt and 8. P. Sumner. A man (colored) in the employ of Mr. S. P. Sumner is reported as having stolen a cutter cushion and a halter and sold them for a small sum and then skipped. Mr. Sumner has had officers on the look out for him but at last accounts he was still at large.