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At Washington City

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Washington Citt, July 35.- Cullom in troduced a resol ution in the senate yesterda; Instructing the inter-state commerce com niittee to inquire into the steps neces gary to prevent the Canadian Pa cific railway from rendering nugator the inter-state commerce law. Th bilí appropriating $150,000 for an air-ship was reported and referred to the inter-state commerce committee. The naval appropria tion bilí was then resumed and passed sub stantially as it was reportd from committee of the whole Tuesday. A bilí appropriating $75,000 for a public building at Allentown Pa., was passed. It is in place of the one vetoed, which appropriated $100,000. In less than an hour the senate then passed 127 private pension bilis, and at 5 p. m. ad journed. The house was again without a quorum, not more than 1Ü3 members beins iiresent a any time. The bilí to establish a court to settle land claims in New Mexico, Colorado and Arizona was amended so as to exemp Arizona, and then passed. The Oklahoma bill was taken up in committee of the whole but nothing was done and the committee al most immtdmtely rose. A few private bilis were then passed and a recess taken to 8 p m., at which session an attempt to consider war claims was a fiasco. Bowden of Vir ginia called up the flrst bill, and upoi. it be ing objected to he retaliated by objecting to the next bill, and then objeetions became epidemie, and the house ad journed at 9:30. Washington City, July 37. - The senate yesterday passed the army appropriation bill, with an amendment appropriating S750,000 for a gun factory at Watervliet arsenal, KewYork; $5,000,000 for the purchase ol steel and construction of coast defense guns and $600,000 for submarino mines and torpedoes. VVilson of Maryland then defended the fisherles treaty in an extended speech. A ruiming debate on the treaty took place when Wilson had concluded, after which presidential vetoes of a pension to Bridget Foley and the bill giving way to the Ft. Smith, Paris & Dardanelle railway through Indian territory were received and read and reierred and the senate adjourned. 1 he nouse auriug tne morning hour debated tbe bilí to construct postofflce buildings throughout the country ou a definite plan, and then went into committee on the Oklahonia bilí, wblch was advocated by Perkins, Symes, and Cannon, and opposed by Hooker.Cobb, and others. Without action the committee rose, the fortificaüons bili was reported, and the house took recesa UDtil 8 p. m., at which session several bilis relating to United States courts were passed, one extending their jurisdiction over the great lakes. The house adjourned at 9:30. ■Washington City, July 28. -In the senate yesterday Saulsbury made a speech in advocacy of the fisheries treaty. The sundry civil bilí was then taken up aud a numbar of senate committee amendraents agreed to, araong th9m appropriations for public building at Bay City, Mich., $100,000; Marine hospital, Chicago, $15,000; statue of Liberty in New York harbor, $50,000; light at Cedar river Point, Mich., $25,000. The appropriations for repairs of houses, salarles for keepers and lighting rivers were increased and $50,000 put in to enforce the alien contract law. The committee 's amendment to strike out the provisión that no more plate printing machines shall be put into the engraving and printing bureau was rejected. The senate adjourned at 5:30. A plentiful lack of members present was the feature in the house, and the whole day nearly was devoted to the private calendar, a dozen war claim bilis being passed. An appropriation of $100,000 was made for a marine hospital at Evansville, Ind. At 5 p. m. the house took recess to S o'clock, and on reassembling passed thirty-six private pension bilis and at 10:30 adjourned. Washington City, July 30.- Saturday the senate passed a bilí appropriating $100,000 for a public building at Muskegon, Mich. The sundry civil bilí was then resumed, aud $1,000,000 was put into it to construct the west front of the new library building, the house having provided for suspension ofj the work and new plans, which was stricken out Two items aggregating nsarly $00,000 were put in for a hospital and repairs of dykes, 'etc. , at Rock Island arsenal, Ills. , and $10,000 for an elevatór in "Washington monument. The appropriation for public printing was increased $165,000, and $50,000 was appropriatei to the widow of Prof. Baird, for is services and expenses as fisu commissioner. The bill was further amended by the iusertion of a number of items for soldiers' homes, military posts, etc, and then laid over, and the senate after adopting the house concurrent resolution making temporary provisión for government expenses, adjourned. The house passed resolutions for the printing of additional copies of the commissioner of labor's report and other documente prepared by government bureaus, and also for 100,000 copies of a comparativo statement of the tariff la ws with the cbanges made by the Mills bill. The bill to erect postuffice buildings on a settled plan was debated without action, and then in committee of the whole the deficiency bill was considered, but the house soou got off the track, and Voorhees of Washington territory made a plea for the admission of his territory as a state. Payson defended the Republioans trom the charge that they were responsible for the land grants to railways, and denied the claim that the Democrats were to be thanked for forfeitures, declaring both actions non-partisan. Stone of Missouri said the responsibility fof legislation depended upon the majority in congress, and antagonized Payson's speech. Pending debate the house adjourned. Washington City, July 31.- A little routine and uninteresting business was done in the senate yesterday, as a prelimiuary to a long debate on the sundry civil bill. The debate was on an ameudment appropriating $250,000 to the purpose of an investigation of the question of irrigatingarid lands out west. Teller said tbe question covered four-tenths of the area of the whole country, ard advocated the bill. So did Jones of Arkansas, Morgan, Manderson, Stewart, and Voorhees. Plurnb, Beek and others opposed. An amendtnent reserving to the government all lands designated for irrigatiou works was adopted, the proposal as amended was agreed to without further action, and the senate adjourned. The manufactures committee presented to the house tbeir report on the trust investigation and asked leave to sit during recess, which was granted, and the report ordered printed. In committee of the wbole tha general deficiency bill carne up. An amendment was adopted appropriating $1,000 to pay the oflicial stenographers for extra work this session, which had already exceeded any previous session by 3,500 columns of priuted matter. The committee rose with the bill still pending, the conference report on the Omaha public building bill fixing the priatiouat ilO.,00.) was read, and wi'.hou actiou the house adjourned. Washixotos City, Aug. l.-A bil identical with the üuthwaite bill in the house was reported to the senate yesterday for th refunding of the Union Pacific Railwa' company's debt. It provides for the entiri liquidation of the debt ia fifty years. Th resolution to inquire into the effect of Cana da's syatem of railways upon the carryini trade of thU country was adopted. Th eundry civil bilí was then taken up and an amendment appropriating money for a public building at Atchison, Kas., was objected to as a bad idea- the attaching of sucl measures to the sundry civil bill, tney being in the nature of "riders"- and finally rejeetei on a yea and nay vote- 21 to 23. Spoonei then offered an amendment to refund the direct tax to the states. This was the bill that caused the dead-lock in the house early this session. A point of order was made against it that it was general legislation on an appropriation bill and the point was sus tained by the presiding officer, Ingalls. One or two unimportant amendmeuts were then adopted and Cali offered one to appropriate $10,000 to be used for the recovery of Con fedérate property. (This property is the same as referred to in these dispatches re cently as having been gobbled by the British government.) Sherman and Evarts spoke o the bope of recovering such property as illu sive. Cockrell also opposed the appropriation as an absolute waste of so much money, and said it might complícate the government in troubles frora which it might not easily extricate itself. Without action on Call's amendment the senate at 5:30 p. m. adjourned. A letter from Speaker Carlisle announced to the house that be would be absent for soveral days, and McMillin was selected for speaker pro tem. An attempt to have Aug. 7 assigned for consideration of labor bilis failed. The conference report on the Omaha public building bill was rejected, and a new conference ordered. The bill appropriaates $1,200,01,0. A bill for the revoeation of withdrawals of certain Iowa and Minnesota lands was passed. The senate amendments to the army appropriation bill were non-concurred in, with the exceptiou of the Hswley heavy ordnauce amendment, and a motion to non-concur in this was pending when the house adjourned.


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