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The Old Doctors Drew blood, modern doctors cleanse it ; henee the increased dernand for Alteratives. It is now well known that most diseases are diie, not to over-abundance, tut to impurity, of the Blood ; and it is equally well attested that no blood medicine is so efficacious as Ayer 's Sarsaparilla. " One of my children had a large sore break out on the leg. We applied simple remedies, for a while, thinking the sore would shortly heal. But it grew worse. We sought medical advice, and were told that an alterative medicine was necessary. Ayer's Sarsaparilla being Recommended above all others, we used it with marvelous results. The sore healed and health and strength rapidly returned." - J. J. Annstrong, Weimar, Texas. " I find Ayer's Sarsaparilla to be an admirable remedy for the cure of blood diseases. I prescribe it, and it does the work every time." - E. L. Pater, M. D., Manhattan, Kansas. "We have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla here for over thirty years and always recommend it when asked to name the best blood-purifier." - W. T. McLean, Druggist, Augusta, Ohio. " Ayer's medicines continue to be the Standard remedies in spite of all competition."- T. W. Kichmond, Bear Lake, Mich. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; six bottles, $5. orth $5 a bottle. piRE INSURANCE. CHRIS IÁÑ MACK, Agent for the foüowin First Class Companiei lepresenling Ter tTrtnty-eiht Million Dolían ApsoBt!, issues policies at the lowest rates Etna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,00 Germania of N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N.Y. 4,063,968.06 London Assuranc, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.16 N. T. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.W National, Hartford 1,774,505,00 Phtmix, N . Y. 3,759,036 - WSpeciil attention givtn t tbe insuranoe of dwellicgs, sctaoola, churches and public building! on ternn of tbrte and fit Teurs. 'A öRONZfc MonumentsVotatuary. Took flrst premiums at the Ann Arbor and Cheleea Fairs. Not being porous like stona, thcy can not absorb xnoisture, grow moss. nor crumble and will Pefy The Toofch of Tiit FOR CENTXJRIES. B.CULY, AGEHSTT 16 K. Washington, over Rinsey and Seabolt's, HoMey pee. You never can obtain, except at fabiilous prices, cofíee that will better snit your taste tban the celebrated Hl? BUG Cdkt SOLD BY E. AAGIME, who is making TEA US ra i SPBIilïï. He also has a fine line of Groceries and Provisión, Glassware, Tobacco, etc. The proof of the pudding is the eating, so try buying your groceries of WAGIVER, 33 S Main Street, Ann Arbor. P ?f H BOOK AGENTS fiAlttfl HIGH TERMS Agents wl hiiTt ha fí success sbculá wnte uiu ft i.ï-.TTKS ( postal cards) namis of bnoks, date, nv.tu-bi-r Vi in wkat timo, what term: received (Fur.t. Pabticulars), d obtai fiom no NBW PLN aid EXTRAOKBlMA UCUNTS tO kettsr themMlvca onxaw and fast-ulllae kook. HKNRY BUCKLIN & C., ST. l.OUIS, MO W Illlat woi'K .u. , tliaü at iTthig elscia I UU this woild. Capital not needed ;Tuare 8tarted tree. Both seies.all aires. Aycaii do tbe work' Larx earuinas sur i'rom firat tart. Costly outSt and torms fríe. Better not delay. Cost you DOtblng to eud us yur aodress au find out; il you vis yu will niliti. H. Haulkt f'O.,Prtland. Main Agents Wanted for tn most complete popular family phyaiciau book ever produced. Select snetbing tuouooohly ustruL, of TRUB TALüH, and tales are llways ure and large. ENTIRKLY NEW, up t the Terv latest scienee, yet in plain language. A GR'EAT NOVELTY in all iti parts and attiact instant attention. 250 engraving. The moet profusely and beautifully illustrated book of the kind Ter got up. BEST OF ALL, it íb BY FAB th LOWEST-PKICED tra published- leas tban half the cost of any deeemt Tolum yet out. Agent9 wh are tired of truggling with high5ricd book, writ for particular of thlt great new epartur ia bookielling. PLANET PUBLISHING CO. 203 Pin Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. Hdar's time giren Agents -without capital.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News