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Real Estate Transfers

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Recorded during the week in the office of the Register of Deeds. William J. Clark and wife to Jane Woolsey, Ypsilanti city 8 800 00 Martha S. Rosa to Jane M. Bradley, Ypsilanti city, 2,500 00 Joseph A . Doty and wife to Charles . Schmidt, Augusta, 200 00 Eether Jenkins, by probate court to F. and J. Jenkins, liridgewater Ambrose G. Tompkins, by sheriff, to Jereiniah D. C'orey, Manchester 267 96 A. H. üoklsnnth and wifeto Aliee L. Sherwood, l'psilanti city l 00 Jacoh Bchweltzer, by heirs, to.Charles Bchweltzer, Superior, 2,600 00 ElleoO Mansfiekl to Barnes Co. &C, Ypsilami city 1,500 00 Hatiie M. Henley to Cora H. Wallace Delhi village 200 00 Xiles II. Winans to Frederick Schleicher, Lima, 479 m Addison Benlan to Si.'neca JLitchard, Saline 145 00 MarkHillby heirs to Oruian Clark, Lyndon 40 00 Orraan Clark and wife to Elnathan Skidmore, Lyndon, 40 00 The Art Amateur ior August contains a very timely and attractive colored plate of Golden Rod and Cardinal Flowers. There are also china-painting designs for a plate (roses,) a vase (coneflowers) and a fish plate, a pulpit hanging lor Xrinity, a page of monograrns (in "8") a fine study of Monutain laurel bv Víctor Dangon, a variety of specially good designs for carved hanging shelves, and a number of Oriental decorativo designs, mcluding a full-page ilJustration of a vestibule in Turkish style.Articles ot special practical value are "Landscape Paintings in Oils," "Science of Landscapes. Sky aud Water." "Flower Pafnting in Water Colors," "Dog-Painting" (profusely illustrated.) Price 35 cent- Montague Marks, Publishers, 23 Union Square, Jiew York. The Popular Science Monthly continues to pqssess a high standard of excellence in its contents. It is instructivo andafterone has finished its perusa!, he feels that it has added somethiug of moment to nis store of knowledge. For instance the Ja!y number has an important and practical article npon secuiïng safety in house drainage, by William L. Hoyt, the teachiügs of which, if followed, would insure mach greater security from clisease. The industrial problem of tb e day are treated in several articles, Manual Industrial Training by Prof. G. Von Taube, Fallacies in the Trades-Union Argument, by J. B. Mann, Industrial Adjustments and the State and Social Organization on the Editor's Table. Students of Darwinism will ünd an interesting article on Darwinism and the Christian Faith, while M. Paul Janet's article on the Teachings of Psychqlogy presents some interesting physical problems. Artic Alaska is the subject of a descriptivo article by W. L. Howard. There are other important papers in the number.