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Peculiar Many peculiar points make Hood's Sarsaparilla superior to all other medicines. Peculiar in combination, proportion, and preparation oí ingreclicntsA Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses JrSSp. the full curative valué oí tber-r best knowa remedí srjCrr0 the vegetable king-Oaom. Peculiar in iter g.wyr strengtli and economy- r -VCr Hoocl's ar' saparilla isrJKvthe only medicine ofV which can truly Te saidjJ r "One Hundred Doses One-Qk Dollar." Medicines in JOMarger and smaller bottles Jrequire larger doses, and do not. produce as good results as Hood's. Peculiar in its medicinal merits, Hood's Sarsaparilla aecomplishes cures hithcrto unknown, and has won íor itself the title of " The greatest bloodÁlt purifler ever discovered." jf QÍs Peculiar in its " good name rjtCVt home,"- there is now r nore oí Hood's Sarsaparilla sold in Lowell, where r tfrit is made, than o f allr other blood purifiers. íjrpeculiar in its phenome- Anal record of sales abroad - Jio other preparation hasL_ gS-Oréver attained such popuriarity in so short a time, c and retained its popularity ïrand confldence among all classes oí people so steadfastly. Do not be indueed to buy other preparations, but be sure to gct the Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsapariüa SoldbyaUdruggists. gl;sixforg5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothocaries, Lowell, Masa. IOO Doses One Dollar T? WAGNER&BKO. Manuíacturers oí' Uges, Wagons and Buggies. OCR WORK ÍS FIRST-CLASS. REPA1RIG Ai IIORSËSHOEING A SPECIALTY. 35, 37 and 39 First Street, A-TÜT ARBOR. TUT SIMPSOX & CO. SIGN WRITERSAND DECORATORS. Flags & Political Bannérs a Specialty. c-TTirionsr. Beware of Fraud, as my name and the price are stamped on the bottora of all my advertised shoes before the factory, which protect the wearers agaiost high prices and inferior goods. If a dealer offers W. L. Douíírlas shoes at a reduced price, or says he has them without my name and price stamped on the bottom, put him down as a fraud. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. The only fine calf $3 Seamless Shoe in the world made -without t aclis or nails. As stylish and duruble as tho.sL casting $5 or ó, and ha ving; no tacks or nails to wcarthe stockinjrorhurt the feet, makes them as comfortable and we 11 -fitting as a hand se wed hoe. Buy the best, Xone ffenuine unless stamped on bottom "W. I... Doulas 3 Öhoe, warrantcd." W. I. Doujfla4Slioep the original and onlv hand sewed welt $ shoe, whicliequals custom made shocs from $6 to $9. WI. Donólas S2.50 Shoe is unexcelled tbr heavv wear. "W. L. Dóuglan S2 Slioe s wornby all boys, and is the best school shoe in the world . All the above goods are made in Congress, Button and Luce, and if not sold bv your dealer, wrlte W. L,. Dougrlas, Urockton, Ulass. FOK SALE BY WILLIAM RHEINHARDT & COï cAoLYEARB00KiÊ Fullof Informntion. Diaru'sion of grent problema, Evcry iinent ttQd teachur ebould hnvc tt. Iustitutioo ia front rnk of CollegCB. Tuiuoo freo. Postnp-a r Yenr Book four otnu. L. B, FI6KE, TliESIDENT, ALBION, MICH, S ++ OMPOUHD WHITE POMDIILY- newdfscov f&ssr$ ?rv. one on whlch ladies can depend ín m MPSjP le "fLO'r a"lt 'i'M ' nced," Sealod ■ wËL furtfculars in pial n en velo pe, 2stmns. mfP Address POND LILY COMPANY, my vi No. 3 Fisher Block, 131 Woodward


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