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npHE QLESTIOJÍ OF THE DAY. PROTECTION OR FREE TRADE ? An Exnminatlon of the TarilT Questloi íili Especial Regard m the Interest of Labor. BY HENRY GEORGE. CLOTH, 81.50. PAPER, 33 CENTS. This Is the clearest, fairest, most interestlng ant most complete examination of the tariff questionye: made, and wül prove iuvaluable to all who wish ti understand the suoiect. The most thorough Investlgation of the subject tha has jet beea put in type. - New York News. The appearance of this book marks a new epoch li the world-wide struggle for free trade. Henn ' George has a power of putting economie truths n such a clear and limpid language that any child caí understand him, while the most learned man can en Joy the accuracy of his statements and the sug ïestiveness of his thoughts.- Thomas G. Shearmai ín New York Star. A book which every workingman !n the land car read with interest and ought to rcad. - New Yorl Herald. Whoever wants to see the strongest argument- no only agatnst protection, but against all tarilfs- wil flnd ie here.- Christian Union. The singular success of Mr. George is that ho ha made political ecouomy iüteresting. - Unitanaa Kü view. t M Henrr George's Other Works. Progress and Poverty , doth, $1 ; paper, 35 cenu. Social Problema, cloth.'tl; paper, 35 cuati. The Land Question, paper, 10 cents, j Property In Land, paper, 15 cents. Address THE STANDABD, - -JlEii. ij Uniou Square, New York. KBJjLY'Ö HUIS 1B! Is given on trial and wnrrunted to give eati3factlon or money refunded. Chronic Cases a Speaialty. Office No. 6 "Washington St. Over Rinsey & Seabolt's Store. Ann Arbor JáTGpiíEgg 0FFE1 -THE- Chicago Woekly Times, FOR THE CAMPAIGN. THE CHICAGO WEEKLY TIMES is the Leadlug Newapaper of the Great West. It contains the most important news collccted by the Daily Edition f rom all porta of the world; a review of the week at homo and abroad; Ínterestíng readiníf matter for the family circle; household and ajfricultural Information, and reliable oommerofal and market news. During: the: CAMPAIGN it will give the Fnllest, Most Complete, and Most Impartial Political News, regardless of persons or parties. THE Should reaeh every Western Home regularly during theCampaifiii. 25 aiEItTTS FOE THE CAMPAIGX. $135 PAYS FOR THE !.igo Weekly Tin;:, UPTOJAN. 1,1890. Here is a chance to secure weekly, one of the best newspapers in the United States at a trivial cost. THE WEEKLY TIMES willoonain the most important news collected by the Daily Edition, besides a vast amount of Literary, Household, Agricultural and Miscellaneous matter for the General Reader. This order will holí pood nly for a short time . ORDER AT ONCE 7" Send Postal Note, Postal Order, or Regstered Letter. THE TIMES, Chicago, 111.


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