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$1,500 In Cash Prizes

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FOR THREE BEST ADVERTISEMENTS. The Chicago Daily News has reduced its price from two cents to One Cent per copy. For a year past its sales have been over "a-million-a-week," and it believes it now sees the way to safely lead in placing an ideal Amerioan daily paper upon the basis of the lowest unit of American coinage ONE cent. To successfully accomplish this end two things are essential : First- To make as good a newspaper as the best, if not a little better; second- to let every man, woman and child in the Northwest know U's being done, and done at one cent a day. The Daily News believes that it is competent to take care of the first named condition, and knows of no better way of meeting the second than by general newspaper advertising. To do the latter most effectively it here sohcits the co-operation of all who believe themselves competent to write an effective newspaper advertisement. To induce the best effort in its service in this matter The Daily News will reward the writers of the three best advertisements submitted, with three cash prizes, aggregating Fifteen Hundred Dollars, divided as follows : First Cash Prize- For best advertisement, $1,000.00 Second Cash Prize- For second best advertisement, 300.00 Third Cash Prize- For third best advertisement, 200.00 Total'. $1,500" The advertisement may be a single announcement, or a series of announcements not exceedieg six in numker. The space required must not exceed that occupied by this advertisement- eight inches deep, srx and one-quarter inches wide. For the general guidance of all who enter the competition, the following ten points are briefly stated as being those which The Daily News will require to be most prominently brought out. The advertisernent must emphasize : I-That The Daily News ís first, last and all the time, a fwí-paper. ness, but it has a very positive conviction that t is entirdv DracticaBecause that should be the first and comrolling consideraron in the ble, and altogether áesirable, to legislate saloon?keeper simo thetr production of an American Daily paper,-and ft isn't aiways so. It proper place, as being engaged in a fraffic which here as evervwhere costs money and hard work in unstinted measure to else in the civilized worfd, is only tolerated as apparem'ï a ne" make a genume „-paper. sary evU. [ rhere mu 'be „„ ZcertJnsoZlZTlfSp'ofn 3- That The Daily News is an independent, truth-telling newspaper. 7_That The Daii v Nmsm.i..u ir i o Because the American people are intelliEentenoueh to Drefer honest ' lnat he IJaily JNews coatí a great deal of money to make. Because impartial journalism to tljmislead ng, tm ü, discolorinTdishone"'; ere metimes no way of demonstrating the value of a thing, to of the regulation political "organ." Everybody realTv wants to PeP'e. conclusively as by showing, even in part, what it know the ïïuthinpolitical matters; the StoStSSSJïïSn" Tinl Daily News 'tnTtKP a "f1 V rM want misinformation for a daily diet. And as to editorial expression, oer week LrVÍaTinrí ""fö 1 ■S5'5O ' 6' even the most unreasonable partisan will rarely take lastkig offenM l",h ï ' aKSreSatlnS tL- a year. The white paper costs at an adverse opinión, so long as he is confident of the L?" News foVTssTwilí'vaív hL he aSLiea.tependuur of The furose back of the opinión. US not the mere fact of disagreement vet ay And that makel trouble, it's the suspicion of insincerity. [Make this y pointvery strong and clear. It's because Tui Daily Ñewsw 8- That The Daily News now costs the reader only One Cent a Day ■won ifsivay to the confiaUnce of its readers of every ioliticalfaüh Because this is the most wonderful thing in modern journalism aid that tthasa circulatton of over " a-mülion-a-week."] ' deserves telling o'er and o'er. [ Thtre is little danger fma'ii! 4- That The Daily News is a family paper. Because this is the age of ' muck oj 'ihh tint LMnSP,KenrVíme Whhenw' herybJiy and r i! 9-That The Daily News is now literally everybody-s paper Because Unt that the newspaper should be made with direct reference to the heretofore metropolitan daily papers have been too expensiw-böth needs of all the members of the family. Woman and her interests in price and in urne required 'o read them to make itoractlcabie for FrTJfT S1 'rgH %l" ( th', wortd'íh.ought as to-day-a the farmer or the mechanic to ke them. Now this is changed The fact not to be pverlooked. The moral tone and mfluence of a daily farmer particularly should take a daily paper now that it costs C paper must also be constantly watchi for children read it. Thb litüe more than the old-time weekCanfuPcondsed so that he can Daily N ew !s for the home, and therefore it follow also afford the time to read it. fle'll save its yearly cost over and 5- Tbat The Daily News is against the saloon. Because "the liquor overagain by knowing the market prices every day, instead of weekly , interest" arrogantly assumes to domínate in American politics and ere'0'ore. The Daily News believes that it ís not for the country eood that io-That The Dajly News now inaugurales a newspaper revolution Be anyoneinterestshouldthusover-ndeallothers.muchlessonewhich cause such a combination of ïalues i U now offrsX rea'der il' standsastherepresentativeofallthatismostun-Americanamongus. absolutely without parallel among American newspiper, and it s The Daily News is not the organ of prohibition It is not sure that bound to make the Sry-bones rattle. The result of ttós revXion S prohibit.on is the best thing. Good people who have made this subthat every English reading person livinE within dailv newsDaDerdisT ■eet a hfe-Iong study do not agree as to the remedy. The Daily News tance of Chicago can now afford, both as to price and "me toha has no eutopian hope that it is possible to legislate men nto goodbis city daUy. V ' .t. j Other points will suggest themselves to the regular reader of the paper itself, and may be introduced according to the iudgment of the advertisement wnter. Outlme illustrations and poetry may be introduced if desired, but they are not necessarily essential tosuccess in tbe competition. The pnzes will be awarded to the three most successful advertisements, the publisher of The Daily News beintr the sole judge, whatevei may be the absolute grade of their merit, AU advertisements must be received before September ist next and the awards will be made at the earliest date practicable thereafter. Intending competitors must apply for the paper's complete Dros-' pectus, and advertisements must be submitted under the conditions therein named in detail. VÍCTOR F. LAWSON, Publisher The Daily News, Chicago


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