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The present táriff yielded $130,000,000...

The present táriff yielded $130,000,000... image
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The present táriff yielded $130,000,000 more than was needed for the governmental expenses. Why not reduce it? Andifwe reduce it why not reduce it on the necessaries Pfjife? The Ypsilantian speaks of two years of drought. The other repubJican papers think the Mills bill is responsible for the ills the farmers eomplain of. It must be the Mills bill is responsible for the drought. China objects to imports. So does the republican party with Harrison, the favorite of the Chinese, as jts leader. The republican party does not wish us to trade with foreign nations. The farmer is obliged to sell his surplus wheat abroad. Why not let him tiade to advantage? "No government has the right to put its hand in my pocket, take out my money and give it to some one else" said Justice Miller, a republican member of the U. S. Supreme Court in one of his decisions. That is exactly what a protective tariff does. General Harrison never heard of Robert Burn's famous lines ending "A man's a man lor 'a that" or if he did he doesn't believe them He says a cheap coat means a cheap man inside of it. We cannot all be rich and wear fine broadcloth bu we don't wish to be considered cheaj men on that account. Mayor Timothy Nester, of Mar quette, one of the republican leader of the upper península has desertec the republican ranks and declarec for Cleveland and a reduced taxation. He will also do yeoman service for Burt's election. Neste is a leader who has a large íollow ing among the voters. Gladstone, Parnell and Davit are free traders. The great O'Connell was not in favor of the protective tanff of England. All the English protectionists now belong to the Tory party which is engaged in an effort to keep Ireland from her just rights. The republican organs very carefully refrain from stating these facts. Geo. S. Wheeler at the repubiican convention in speaking ot the sugar trust said that he could teil how to break up the trust - take the duty off and the trust would be broken inside of thirty days. The convention heartily applauded this point. Mr. Wheeler ought to be muzzled by the republicans if they expect to stand on their platform this year. The democrats are seekjng to break up trusts by taking off the tariff. The vepublicans would rather put on more tanff. In an interview with a reporter of the Evening News, Mayor Weston, of Grand Rapids, said : "The farmer remembers the war period when wheat was $2.25 a bushel, and he put just seven bushei into a wagon when he had to buv a $15.75 suit of clothes. Now, with wheat 75 cents, he has to put 2 bushels in to get the same suit. H gets inquisitive and finds that th old war tariff tax of 67 per cent. is stil standing on woolen goods, which i mainly responsible for the big hol made in his wheat bin. Once in a while you will find republican paper with the temerit; to hope that the republicans ma carry Tennessee. A republican gov ernor, they suggest, failed of a election in 1S84 by only'about 3,000 votes. The candidate who mad that phenomenal run was Judg Frank Reed, the strongest man i the republican party of Tennessee This year he is an earnest supporte of President Cleveland because h believes in revenue reform. He is strong, earnest speaker and his ad vocacy of Cleveland will increase the democratie majority inTennesseeLeading republicans all over the country are declaring for Cleveland and a reduction of taxation. Says the Charlotte Leader. Senator Frye, (republican) of Maine, said in the United States senate in 1873, when the wool question was under discussion: "Domestic wools have gone done in price from the time the tariff was enacted until to-day." In 1883, the republican state committee of Michigan, issued a circular in which occurs this sentence: "To-day wool is cheaper pound for pound, and has been for the last fiyé years, than it was from 1S56 to 1S60 under the free rating of the free trade party . " The national wool gröwers associaon convention in said: "The jrice of wool from 184.5 ' i86o,uneralow tariff,,wasto the grower 6 5-8 cents while to-day under the ariffof 1S87 it ís less than thirty ets. The Harrison managers called a meeting of Indianapolis workingmen ast Thursday to try and induce Governor Porter, a favorite of the workingmen to run on the workingmens' ticket. The workingmen at his meeting expressed theif opinión of Harrison. A committee of twenty ive everyone of whom had hereto. 'ore voted the republican ticket were appointed to wait upon Gov. Porter and present him with the resolutions adopted by the unanimous vote of the meeting. The following were the resolutions. Under a cali from the political friends of 3enjamin Harriíon, published in the daily japers of Indianapolis, for a mass-meeting of he laboring men for the purpose of considering the propriety of urging ex-Gov. A. G. Porter to become a candidate for Governor of the Republican party of Indiana, and to give an honest expression of their feelings upon the subject. Now, therefore, we, a popular gathering of the workingmen, representing the several industries of the city of Indianapolis, irrespective of party, here assembled, declare, First - We are unalterably opposed to the election of Benjamin Harrison to the Presidency of the United States, because his life and official record fully demónstrate that he is blindly wedded to the corporate powers of the country, aud has no proper regard for the interests of labor. Second - That we are not to be longer deceived by a ystem of extortionate "war taxation" although denominated "protection," which demands tribute from the millions of wage workers for the benefit of the wealthy trusts and combines. Third - That we demand cheaper necessaries of life, a wider market for ourproducts and that the American home shall not be transformed into a grog shop and our people debauched by cheap whiskey. Fourth - That to become a candidate on the Republican State ticket is to adopt Benjamin Harrison's record and the platform on which he stands, and we now pledge our votes and influence in opposition both to said candidate and platform, and likewise to any person who shall espouse them. Evidently Harrison will not get many votes from the laboring men of Indiana, who know him best.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News