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Michigan State News

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A Litchfield man, who has a decided penchant for the ever-recurring camp-meeting, has invented a buggy socket that secure3 hií whip from being stolen. Past experience had taught him its usefulness. A Hickory Corners girl, 13 years oíd, amused herself by swallowing cherry pits, but inflammation set in and spoiled her fun, and now she's gone to dweil in the land where cherries may not tempt and colics are exempt. A Detroit man was sued for a small debt and produced bis marriage licenss to show that he was exempt from garnishment, but was greatly surprised when informed by the court tbat the document didn't make him a married man. He hurried home, however, and informed bis supposed wife of the situation of affairs, when the couple repaired to a justice of the peaee and were legally married. He'll know better how to proceed next time. Charles Johnson and W. H. Robertson were arrested at Grand Rapids for cruelly beating and then robbing Joseph Van Huygen, a night watchman of that city. It is claimed now that Johnson has been endaavoring to organiza a band of oath-bound robbers in the second city. A couple of Pittsford men, who beat a balky horse until its back was broken and the animal had to be shot, are under arrest for violating the cruelty to animáis act. The excitement at Baldwin, occasioned by the report that "Doe" Andrews had murdered C. Bailey, a boy whom he had faken from the Coldwator public school years ago, shows how easily a whole community many be mistaken. Bailey is now 21 years old and is living in Chicago, where be has been located for some time past. Grand Rnpids Mascns contémplate building a fine Masonic temple in which to house their goat at a cost of $100,000. Pinckney's pickle factory, with vats of a capacity of 3,-tOO barrels of colicproducer, is now complete. The tower oL Pontiac's high school is now furnished with a 1,200-pound bell. Ed C. Torrey, a Weston resident, didn't take much stock in banks, and so laid $220 away in a bureau drawer, intending to send it to his wife in England to pay her passage to this country. But some thief got wind of the matter, and relieved Mr. Torrey of his spare change. Dr. H. C.' Potter, of Easi Sagina w, has resigned his position as general manager of the Flint & Pere Marquette railway. He has been connected with the management of the road for the past thirty years. Karl Schuemann, a Detroit citizen, wants the Detroit City railway to pay hira S 10, 000 for maining the fingers of one hand while alighting from one of its cars last Mareh. Detroit's bu-siness men recently told the inter-state eommeree commission what they knew about the railways discriminating in favor of Chicago shippers, but the latter partios seem to have been aware of it all along and didn't object to the arrangement even a little bit. Adrián proposes to hare an electric belt line street railway for the accoinmodation of her peopie. The commou practice of puttiug children on horses' back? for a ride isn't always a safe one. A Saginaw man tried it, but the horse became frightened and ran, and tha boy's foot becoming entangled in the harness he was dragged some distauce and fa tally injured. Dr. and Mrs. Bartlett put up a tent in their yard at Battle Creek and aro "camping out" for theseason without the annoyance anddiscomfort of a long journey and beiug away from civiüzation. Sensible couple. The Grand Trunk peopie have purchased the Toledo, cüagiuaw & Muskegon railway, which gives them a direct line to the sawdust city. 'Tis thought that the Grand Trunk folks will put on a line of steamers bet ween Mil Tau kee and Muskegon. C. H. Hackley, the Muskegon lumberman who recently donated $100,000 for a library building, bas sinee added $25,000 for the purchase of books with which to fill its shelves. There are other towns thatwouldn't object to a citizen like that. A Whiteville Indian while engaged in picking berries in Isabella county, ran across a big black bear and is no more. The bear gobbled him. A Manchester xnerchant laid in a stock of six tons of binding twine, but 'twas all gone long before the season was over. Good harvest in those parts. A Mendon man claims to own the oldest printed Bible in America, the imprint bearing date of 15P0. It's printed in French and as the pages aren't soiled, it shows its owner not to be a close student of the Scripturea. A Jackson man is authority for the statement that nearly every citizen of that city practiced on other people's watermelon patcbes in his youth and made canine life a burden by tying tin cans to do?'s tails. That's what makes 'em such a steady, sober lot in maturer years. The pest house at Negaunee has been nailed up to keep out the curiosity seekers. A real case of pox would probably have attained the same result. An Ironwood firm advertises "eradles, coffins, and elegant pictures" and a "handsome clerk" to sell 'em. If that combination don't draw trade then the inhabitants thereabouts must, indeed, be obdurate. Lloyd Breeze retires from the management of The Grand Rapids Telegram -Herald, that paper having been sold to a syndicate. Roy Guemer, a 10-year-old Ovid lad, placed powder in a hairpin box and touched it off. He hasn't been able to see anything since, and will probably lose tha sight of both eyes. The Salvation Army and the Holmess association at Grand Rapids pooled their issues and went in for a good o!d-fashioned camp-meeting of a week's duration. Shipments from the Saginaw valley for the flrst seven months of the year reached 211,000,000 feet of lumber, 30,000,000 shingles and over 9,000,000 pieces of lath. Four Mosherville women attempted to capture a wounded crane, but the bird assumed the offensive and drove the quartette from the field of conflict. Twilight lodge of the A. O. U. W.. at Jackson, got right down to business the other night and trotted through l&S uew members. The goat managed to survive the operation, but has been laid up with a severe rheumatic attack ever sincs. While working an edger saw at Wyman'g mili, Chippewa Lake, A. P. Miller was struck by a stick thrown from the saw and so badly injured that he died soon afterward. The Grand Trunk peopie are arranging to have their passenger coaches heated by steam direct from the eugine, so as to comply with the state law that says the crematiug carstove must go. The temperature of tha past few days doesn't seem to indícate the near approach of a polar blast. Big Rapids' cigar factory has laid itself out on a job of malcing a round million smokes during the year of three eights. Tecuinseh will havo a great noise on the lOth. Over twenty brass bands will congrégate for a tournamont, and some of her peo pie have already made their eecape by fleoiag to the quiet of the country. Adrian's mounted letter carrier calis out his patrons by blowing a shrill whist Ie, which sa ves him the trouble of dismounting. Thoae who aren't up or are away from home arO obliged to wait till the next trip. Quite a number of new buildings are going up at Lake City to replace those recently destroyed by her disastrous flre. Almont is just now distinguished by a lot of "toughs," whose presence renders it dangerous for ladies to be out upoii her streets unattended after dark. The waters of Sand lake have been reeed ing for the past five or six years, and now au island has made its appearance that hadn't been seeu during the past thirty years. This year's honey erop comes nearer being a total failure than for many years past, although that of the past two saasons was away below an average yield. Many apiaries will require feeding to carry them through tb ■ coming, winter. Low prices and poor honey crops are rapidly making the bee business uuremuuerative The state board of pardons, which convenes Aug. 21, will consider tbe cases of eight or ten people who have become weary of stayiug behind prison bars. Among them is that of Thomas Smith, ser ving a Ufe sentence for murder, who claims to be innocent of the terrible crime.


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