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Dr. Suuderland was at horne yesterday. S. S. Blitz returned f rom Alpena. Tuesday. Dr. Breakey leaves for Duluth iu a few days. Caspar Rinsey was out to Rush lake this week. Mrs. D. Cramer returned home on Thursday. J. T. Jacobs is building a stone walk in his yard. Judge T. M. Coolf-y was at home over Sunday. Prof. M. E. Cooley and family are at Fairport, N. Y. Mrs. Bulkley leaves next week on a visit in Colorado. Hiram Blacknian, of Hillsdale. visited here last week. Mayor Bogardus. of Ypsilanti. was in tUe City Saturday Mrs. Dr. Coe, of Chelsea, visited rela tives here this week. Frof. Morris and family have returned f rom North Lake. Miss Jessie Penny returned Saturday f rom a visit to Jackson. Mr. L. P. Jocelyn, of Muskegon, is visiting friends in the city. Martin Seabolt and family have been out to Rush lake this week. Mrs. Moses Seabolt and son, Joe, were in Marshall this week. Mrs. M. C. Sheehan is visiting friends in Rochester, r. Y. Deputy treasurer Brehm was in Detroit several days last week. Miss Wiltsie, of Chicago, is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. B. deiJont. Miss Grace Seabolt has been spend ns; the week at Eaton Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. George JLing3ley, of Jf aola, Kansas, are in the city. Mrs. G. D. Hill and daughter, Miss Bertha ar visiting in the city. Miss Emily Gruner has gone to Detroit for a several week's visit. Mrs. W. H. Burleson is visiting her mother at Amble Station, Mica. Mrs. M. V. Torrans and children returued from Saginaw, Wednesday. Miss Carrie Watts and brother returnedfrom bay View, Wednesday. Miss Paul'na Bengel, of Detroit, was visitins; at Leonard Gruuer's last week. Prof. Oarhart is goiug to have one of the finest frame resideuces in the city. Homer E. Saö'oid and lrving W. Durfee were over from Plymouth, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Randall leave next Tuesday for Boston and other points east'. L. C. Hadley went to Detroit yester day, to remain until the high school opens. County Clerk Howlett returned from his vacalion at Cavanaugh Lake, Saturday. Mrs. John Koch and children returned trom a visit to Grand Rapids, Tuesday. Mr. Jas. Cook and family, of East University avenue, are visiting at 'Niágara Falls. Anes arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. VV. F. Wanzick this week, make.s glad their haarts. Miss Nellie Childs, who has been visiting lady friends in Toledo, returned home Wednesday. Mrs. S. D. Allen and daughter, Nellie, who have been recreating at Bay View, have returned home. Z. Iloath, C. E. Hiscock, J. L. Stoue and K. H. J . Clark are at the strawberry camp this week. Miss Minnie to take the place of Miss Mozart, resigned, in the second ward school uext year. Judge and Mis.E.D. Kinne returned from a trip to the White Mountaius and the east, last Saturday. Mills, who has been visiting here all the summer, returned to his home in Kansas, last Monday. Mrs. S. G. Milner has resigned her position in the high school . Her successor has not been appointed. Miss Lizzie Hunt, teacher in the high school, is visiting in Ionia. where she will remain until school opens. Mr. Frank Armstrong, of Bay City, was made superintendent of the Ann Arbor Electric Light Co., July 26. Miss Bertha Rogéis, who has been visitiug Mrs. Lew H. Clement, returned to her home in Homer, Tuesday. Supt. W. S. Terry has returaed from Bay View, where he has been taking part in the summer school for teachers. The families of Messrs. Kyer. Stiinson, and Pulcipher, have just retnrned from a several weeks stay at VVhitmoreMr. C. L. Gregory and wife, of Dexter, and Mr. Louis Boy Ie and sister, of Ann Arbor, are camping at North Lake. Miss Jiirdie Bliss, who has been in Detroit several weeks visiting friends on Cass Avenue, returned last Satur" day. Miss Ella Jenkins, of Flint, a niece of Mrs. B. F. Watts, will attend the Ann Arbor school of music the coming year. Last Wednesday morning Mr. J. J. Goodyear and wife started on a pleasure trip to New York, to be gone about two weeks. Mr. Adam Seyler will occupy his artistic residence on the corner of Liberty and Thompson streets, early in September. Prof. Calvin Cady and wife, Mr. Orin Cadv, Miss Caruthers, and Miss Cole, who have been at Petoskey for several weeks, return to-day. Miss Veda Latham, of the dental department, will leave for Ohio, Monday. She may visit her sister in Madison, Wis., bef ore college opens. Mr. Ed. C. Hinman and daughters, of Battle Creek, and Mrs. Ryan, nee Risdon, were in the city to attend the funeral af the late Mrs. Risdon . Drs. D. A. McLachlan and J. C. Wood and l'rof. e. R. de Pont left Wednesday for a canoe trip up north. They will be gone axut a month. VV. S. Frost, of the graduating class of the law department this year, left Wednesday for Dakota, to seek a location for the practico of his profession. Mrs. Chamberlain and daughter Lottie, returned to their home in Detroit Friday evening after a four weeks visit with her father, Mr. E. LesSeur,, of the fif th ward. Mrs. S. S. Blitz and children, who have been enjoying the past three months visiting through Nebraska, Colc orado, and other western states, returned home Tuesday. John Koch, of the furniture house of Koch & Henne returned from a trip to Grand Rapids and Lake Michigan, Monday. He made large purchases for the flrm while in Grand Kapids. Mrs. St. John, of Highland, Oakland countv, with her son and daughcer, who will atteud the medical and literary departments respectively, has located in the city at 13 E. University Ave. E. N. Kendall, traveling freight agent of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, and VV. ft. Kendall, law '86, located in Detroit, were visitiug their mother and brothers on Thomp&on street, the first part of the week. Prof. Fisk, of Evanston, 111., principal of the preparatory school and professor of pedagogy in Northwestern University, has been attending Chancellor Payne's summer school of Pedagogy. He has just returned. Frank üourns, who aceompanied Prof.Steere on his trip tothe Philhpine islands, returned Wednesday. Mr. Worcester, of the same party, has gone toVerinont. Prof.Steere will return in two or th ree weeks.