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WANT COLUMN. Want notices, ïor sale, tor rent, lo?t. etc. three linos fo-r threc weeks in this ooluoin for twenty-flve cents. FOl'ND- A poeketbook seven miles east'of Ann Arboron Plymoüth road. Owner can have sume by caJling nn W. C. Murniy, 15 Poutiac srreet, provine property and paying coste. ROOMS by student and wife, suite of three uetit rooms, lurnit-hed orpartially -o. -Must be In gó)d famtty. Kel'ereuces e.xchanjred. Addrcss, G, Care of Arol'S. 33- 33 FOR SAI.K- Ludios "rtrivinjr lïorse., bugrgy and harness. Priee Í150. Apply at No. 4A Washington suoot. ' :H,S5 FOR 9ALE.- Myiioek oï Registereil Shropshirp Sneep oonSlstin of M Ews, 12 Kwo and IK Ituck tftmbs Hwiry Paul, Post Offlee, Ann Arpor, Box lifi[2. FOKSAXÏ CHEAP-Two seoopd liaod byeyclës: Brnest Nèuhoff, fío. 8 W. Washington street. 10 RENT- l.arge house corner of DiviiiOO and Jeffexson sti-eets. lt has been tnoroughly repaired. Imjuirc of A. M. Clark. 31-33 TO RENT- Housu on Washtenaw Avenue now occupied by Prof. Cady. Poseession September lst. Evart H. Scotf, Lock Box -li, 81-88 FOR SALE- Twenty-eight acres of the Elm Frutt Farm ineludin . Twcut.v acres Of iho unovc in peur and ápple orchards. Wili net 10 per cent. onpurohase prloe. Il deSiredwill takc lor part puii!eni grood valuable property in Ann Arlior, Evart H. Scott, Lock Box 2S Hl- [Sil HOUSE TO iUSKï-No. 16 Thayer. 30-32 F Olí SALE- A threshiug machine 18 horse power Payue c-ngine in firsl elass runuing ordor, run three yearg; Apply to or address Chas. Whlttaker, OueJgea. 'iw CHIRSALEOK i Vrboi property. V'Söailt lot lii ïndiandpolis, hui. Well located and improved house untl lot in ltoehester, Incl. . 40 acces of land Cenced, small building'S, 15 áoreg inipro'eü, nèar schoojs, churohes, rsilroád, eto. in Pulton Co , Ind. EnquiJB EUlif. 4S S. .Main St. "POR SALE- House and lot on East Cathëi' -Cine street cheaj). Iuqtllre uj Ptalrs ovei Fred Brown's saluon, Jiuiu stree!. rEESS MAKIIÍQ.-r-Miss Euell, 49 i'ourth St., U corner of Williams St. 3B-3Í MEALS AND LODGINÜ- Fourth ward. Democratie quarters, colored . No. 50 N. Fifth street. Rev . S. B. Thompson, proprletor Aun Arbor, Mich. FOK SALE-- Lot No. 111, Smith's addition. sixth Ward. Long time toone who will build. Eugene K. urueaufl, 4S South Main Street. TAB WAI.KS.- I make aüd repair Mr walks, alsii do teaming. Orders will be promptly attendert to. Address 0. AL. Thompson, P.O. Box 1840. FOK SALE. - Oae and onc-half story house seven rooms, three iota, barn, etc. Torms easy. Eugene K. Frueaufl, 48 Houth Muln Street. ffOR KENT, Several Very Oeairable l'IANOS, L . in Excellent Coudition.- Apply at the 1RGUS Office. 48tf FOK RENT- A modern house with lurnaoe, gas and water aceommodation, in Une location. For paiticulars apply at Hl North university arenue. 16 tf. VI' AÜTtBÖ- Every farmer and gardner to try the horse shoe brand of land fertalizers for sale by M. Scabler, Washington strcet. 15tf. FOR SALE. - House and two lots in second ivard. Lot soJd separate. Terms easy. Eujcene K. FrueaUff, Í8 South Main Street. FOB SALE-yHouse aud lot 101 Soufli Mali) St. [nquire witbin or it couuty treaa nrer's dtlioe . DENTIST. Late f N'' lx !- T!n -:. Over Andrew's Book Store No. 13 South Ma in Street. lAU PBIl! nLiWöMuiili ïhut of the Hi wïieeis in the run ot' the Oliio Wiieèlüaeii u-(m!im1 the tri■ Ann & I ie :nnl Vnsilanti. on Tuesday, Jul 2á S u'.ieels -. made the Pope M'f?gCo ' . pions. G?!ii4Í'fa "ïakeeïs Than al. uuüér máKeseombined. ASIGNIFiCANTFAGT, the "why" of whicli it will pay ntending purjhaser' of a bicyclë to examine into. The most compvehenfuve 'cycling catalogue published, free upon iiplicition. POPE M'F'G CO., 79 Franklin St., - HOSTOX C. W. WAGNER, AGENT, 21 South Main St., ANN ARBORVELOCt COLUMBI. Secoiul-hand Bicyclfes Bought, Sold, or Exchanged For Xew Wheels.


Ann Arbor Argus
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