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Michigan State News

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Michigan's wheat erop for '88 is now eetl[ mated at 18,000,000 bushels, being about hirty par cent. in excess of the previous ! ■ear. The talk oL disbanding Kalatnazoo's Tri - tate League club was a trifle premature. A ubscription was raised in the Celery city to eep them going till the close of the base ball season. The Tittabawassee broom company's force emanded an increase of $5 per raonth in wages all around, and not getting it, have truck. About seventy-five men are still out nd seem quite likely to so remaiu. A new enemy of the potato has appeared n some sections of the state in the shape of a ouse that feeds on the uuder side of the eaves. Paris green doesu't fetch 'em like he Colorado potato beetle. Ben Foot, a Braneh county huntsman, aptured 1,000 pouuds of turtles in four ays, which he sold for a faney price in Cininnati. Muskegon aldermen manage to whlle away the dull hours of the council sessiong )y seeing which member can smoke the most cigars. White huckleberries have been found jrowing this season in Lake and Mason counties. In taste they closely resemble their black cousins. Robert Hubbard, of Ithaca, wil) board at the lorna house of correction for ninety days, beckuse he whipped his motuer, who was 89 years old. Robert evidently stands n sore need of a deal of correction. A heavy plank and George Cole feil from ;he roof of his barn at Lakeview on the 13th, and both landed about the same time, but the plauk wasn't badly hurt, while George's jaw was all broken up. There's a spring of pur water located near Yorkville, Kalamazoo county, that stands just above the freezing point tbe year 'round, A copious draught of it makes a fp.iow shiver in summer, albeit it's pure and 'Tis aimoiinced that the bank clerks of Detroit will establish a club house at Orchard Lake. By reference to the map it will be seen that there's a direct line of railway to Canada. Ionia has got her eagle eye on the attorney generalsbip of tbe state, and don't you forget it. The Republican, Democratie and Prohibition nominees for that position are Ioniaites, and if some of 'em don't capture it then Ionia will be sad indeed. Thomas H. Deyarmond's little daughter, of Mio, was terribly scalded by falling into a pail of hot water, but may live. William E. Grove has been appointed by Governor Luce to flll the vacancy on the Kent county bench caused by the resignation of Circuit Judge Montgomery. Wellman's general store and Blakely's agricultural warehouse at Taymouth, were hurt $3,000 worth by fire on the ÏZth. Some insurance. The cold water folks of Novi are suspected of burning the place of Henry Spencer, because it was thought he was selling hard drinks, and the Novi people did not fancy that kind. An East Saginaw woman has been arrested f or firing a neighbor's house when the f amily was absent. Gentleness is not always a characteristic of the fair sex, for we have noticed that sometimos they get huffy and act like all possessed. The sink hole on the line of the G. R., L. & D. railway near Lake Odessa took another tumble the other night, just af ter the evening express had passed over it. The place covers 40x100 feet and it took 100 Italians several days to replaoe the grade. Frost was reported from some of the northerly sections of the state on the 13th. The downard slide of the Detroit league club is enough to make anything feel chilly. Jennie Dunhan, a 12-years-old Ovid girl, was riding a horse a short time since when she feil off, her feet became entangled in the reins, the horse ran away and Jennie was dragged to death. A heavy windstorin swept over Escanaba on the 15tb inst., demoiisbing the walls of the new flouring mili iu process of construction, and doing much other damage. Trees and fences were leveled in many places. Kalamazoo county pioneers, to the number of about 2,000, picnicked at Long lake on the 15th, and listened to an interesting speecb from Governor Luce. Mrs. Charity Crosby, of Gra d liapids, recently celebrated her 99th birthday. She is the mother of ex-Lieutenant Governor M. S. Crosby. Some forty years ago William Feter, a Germán, began work near Colnmbiaviüe at $4 per monto. Not an extravagant salary, but he sa ved his earnings and is now a prosperous Toieilo manufacturer, and owns milis, salt blocks, hotels, and farms in Michigan worth many thousand dollars. Economy is trnly tbe road to prosperity. Battle Creek wül soon possess an electric fire-alarm system. The oíd method of cVying "Fire ! Fira I" on the streste may be more musical, but it isn't half so spry and effective. Frank House, the Calhoun county chap who's behind the bars for the murder of George Campbell, in August, '88?, is now thought to know too mach about the disappeaianee of James Evans some t-hree years ago. The last seen of Evans he was in eompany with House, and it was known that the tonner had a suni of money with him at the time that may have beeu a temptation to place him out of the way. At all events, Evans, who was a prosperous Pennfield farmer, disappeared vory mysteriously. Jacob Scbrane and wife, Greenfield residents, went to Detroit to raarket, leaving three small ohildren at hometo "keep house," But tbe little chicks got hold of so.ite parlor matches, and two of them burned up with tbe house. Charles Elliott, aSpiiig Lake uitizen, has been lodged in the Ottawa county calaboose on a charge of incest preferred by his 14year-old daughter. A Houghton family took a little pleasure trip down to Marquette, leavi.ia; their pet dog at home to keep house. But the dog soon got louesome, and concluded that he, too, was entitled to a vacatíon. So he boarded the very next passenger train that came along, crawling under a seat, and when Marquette was reached jumpsd off and tracked up the pleasure seekers. Very cute canine, that. John Young, a Muskegon man, who, by the way, is past 50 years of age, and old enough to have knuwn better, pestered a moukey uutil the animal got out of patieuce and bit his right hand, has had the arm araputed iu order tn save his life from bloodpoisouing. Business was brisk at Romeo ona day last week.' Four runaways with broken vehicles, and bruised nags and drivers resulting. An inventory of the stock of J. R. Living ston, the ast Saginaw merchant who recently made an assignmeut, fails but $21 short of meeting the $20,000 worth of liabilities. A better showing than ia ususally made in such cases. Daniel Hubbard, for;ian of n. log-drive on Pigeon river, got in the way of an exoloding dynamite cartridge, and had a hand so badly sbaucie i tuut it had tu be atnputated. Away back in 1856 Mrs. S&repta Shaw, of Grand Rápida, took little Jane Rich, then two years oíd, to live withher. Now jane ú 34 years oíd and competent to take care of herself, and she bringa suit against Mrs. Shaw f or Í1, 950 worth of services rendered during the past thirteen years. S. C. Hall, the Muskegon lumberman, who was recently killed at Minneapolis, carried 145,000 worth of life iusurance. Miss Mamie Abbott, of Lansiug, bas received the appointment of librarían at the agricultural college. The M. E. Ministerial association of the Lausing district has laid down a few rules relativo to how Sunday should be observed. Those wbo adopt their suggestions will not only not attend Sunday ball games, but will refrain from patronziing ice aud milk wagons, do no shopping, and quit visiting and receiving company on that day. East Saginaw has a sunfiower club. Jast what the aims and ends of the poaey organization are isn't stated, but they are to have an outing at Star lake thig month. It seems that the members don't object to a bit of pleasure.


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