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The public schools open next Monday. Bach & Abel have a new advertisement in this paper. Over 34,000 of "Jim's Toasters" have been sold up to date. Ferguson shipped 207 road carts to California last week. The catholic school and their school of music open next Monday. Services will be resumed at the Unitarian church, next Sunday. Democratie caucuses next Monday evening. Don't forget them. John McKone, of Lyndon, has 3,000 bushels of oíd wheat on hand. Hon. Chas. R. Whitman will address the Democrats of Ionia, Monday. Le,t every democrat in the city attend the caucuses next Monday evening. Jacob Grob, the l'psilanti brwer, paid the manufacturers tax last week. Philip Bach bought 3.500 pounds oí wool of J. Heinzmann & Co., Wednesday. Hagan & Taylor, the Washington street grocers, have dissolved partnership. Where is "West University avenue" which the Democrat condemns so se verly? An infant child of James Donegan, I on Fourth street, died Wednesday, of cholera infantum. Goodspeeds' shoe store has been greatly improved by re-papering, painting and a new floor. Leonhardt Keebler and Lizzie Noll were married by Rev. Fr. Frierle at his residence, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Hannah Graves, the dress-maker over Jacobs clothing store, suffered a slight stroke of paralysis, last Tues. day. Rev. W. M. Campbell, of south Fourth street, filled the Methodist pulpit last sunday, Dr. Ramsay being absent. . Cramer & Corbin prosecute a liquo'r case at Adrián and defend a criminal Bohemian oat case at Marshall, next week. The Ann Arbor Browns and the Milan club are to play a game of ball at the fair grounds this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Dr. Earp made the announcement of Bishop Harris' death, at St. Andrew's church, last tjunday, in a few feeling remarks. The Governor's Guards, Cleveland and Thurman club, meet íor drill at the rink to-night and every member should be present. John Hagan brought his season's wool clip, amounting to 2,464 po'unds, to this city and sold it at 24i cents a pound, last Saturday. Alfred, the eight-year-old son of W. Fred Schlander, of West Huron street, died on Wednesday night of inflamatory rheumatism. Caroline Wuerthner, of Manchester, has deposited $200 with the county treasurer in payment for her liquor tax for eight mouths. Fred Wallace takes Alderman Sutherland's racer, "Governor", to Milan to. morrow where he will drive him in the driving club's ïaces. The school board held a meeting last evening at which the annual reports were presented and the estimates fixed for the coming year. Why is ie that the old sidewalk in front of Southard's barber shop and the Singer office was torn up so long befor6 the new one is laid? The members of company A received pay for the services which they rendered to the state at the recent encampment, last Monday evening. Julius Werrrer, a former Ann Arbor boy, who is now studying theology at Afton, Minn., will fill the pulpit at Zion church, next Sunday. Mr. T. Wallace, of NorthBeld, claims to have the banner erop of oats in Washtenaw county, having harvested in all three bushels this season. Dr. A. C. Nichols has removed back from his farm residence and has taken the rooms formerly occupied by Dr. McLachlan, in the Masonic block. A valuable black and tan dog belonging to F. E. Yale, was poisoned last Tuesday, and Yale would give a handsome amount to find oat who did it. L. P. Jocelyn has been appointed to a position in the high school faculty to succeed Florence C. Milner in giving instruction in algebra and arithmetic. The ladies who furnished the refreshments at the pole raising at Henry Paui's last Saturday provided 200 plates and then did not have within 90 of enough. Every young Democrat who can drill or is willing Jto learn to drill should come to the rink every Tuesday and Friday evening from now until election. E. A. Phillips ran up from Toledo, Tuesday, and before he returned he had sold his residence on south Main street to John Lindenschmitt for $3,500. The large píate glass for Sheehan & Co's new store on State street arrived and was placed in position Monday. Jack is very proud of that large stiow window. J. Austin Scott has a well-written description of Forest Hill Cemetery in the August number of the Monument, a paper devoted .to monumental and kindred arts. Cousins & Hall had on exhibition in the window of Brown's drug store, last evening, a beautiful night-blooming cereus in full bloom which was the admiration of a large crowd. W. C. T. U. resume their meetings at Hobait Hall parlo, Wednesday, Sept. 5th., at 3P. M. Meetings first Wednesday of each month. All ladies inyited. New members made welcome C. W. Wagner writes the Argus from New York that himself and wife are having a delightful time there, although he is having a busy time selecting a large stock of clothing for the fall trade. The examination of William Anderson, the tramp arrested for burglarizing W. Banfield's house, has been adjourned until Sept. 13th to give the prosecutor a chance to inquire into his antecedents. Alonzo C. Hendershott, a Northville masón, carne to this city to get a job, Monday, but instead got drunk and was landed in jail. In default of fine, Justice Frueauff sentenced him to 20 days in jail, Tuesday. Georgianna F. Price, wife of David E. Price, foreman of the Krause Tanning company's tannery, died at their residence on west Huron street last Friday, aged 52 years, of cancer. The deceased formerly lived in Detroit. Even the Résister thinks that the democratie demonstration last Friday was a fair one, but thinks raising 25 poles in one day not a very good record. How many poles have the' democrats got to raise to satisfy the Register? The annual school election will be held at Fireman's Hall, next Monday, from 10 a. m. until 2 p. m., to elect trustees to sueceed VV . L. Harriman, Philip Bach and A. M. Doty. The business meeting follows the election.' VVhile cultivating on his farm"; in Freedom, last Friday. Michael Haab killed seven rattlesnakes within 15 minutes, the oldest one of which had nine rattles. This makes 11 rattlesnakes that Mr. Haab has killed since harvest. Ann Arbor is to have another dry goods store, Messrs Goodyear, of Lansing, and St. James, of Ypsilanti, having rented the store formerly occupied by Douglas & Co. They leave for New York, Tuesday, to purchase a stock of goods. The members of the county board of school examiners met in the probate office, Tuesday afternoon, for the purpose of electing a secretary for the ensuing year. They adjourned until Sept. 6th, however, without making a choice. The Ann Arbor Agricultural Company received au order Saturday from Milwaukee. Wis., fortwo car-loads of corn shellers; also from Minnesota for another car-load. Business promises to be rushing for the company during the winter. The democrats of Dundee raised a pole 140 feet high in that village, last Saturday. A large crowd was present and listened to the doctrine of the party as ably expounded by Hon. C. R. Whitman, of this city, and Willard Stearns, of Adrián The members of the Zion church society held their annual meeting on Monday evening. After the routine reports were made the officers were elected for the ensuing year. Chnstian Mack was elected deacon, and Fred Schmid and Henry Waesch, trustees, The trustees of the Presbyterian church beid a meeting Monday evening to consider the advisability of calling a meeting of the society to issue a cali for a pastor for the church. The meeting will be called in the near fu'ture and they expect to have a regular pastor this fall. Deputy Sheriff Staffin, of Chelsea, brought a colored man named Si1. Swigg to the county jail, last Saturday, for safe keeping until Tuesday, when he was returned to Chelsea to answer to the charge of burglarizing a house there and making away with a gun and sundry oiher articles. Wednesday evening a norse belonging to Wm. Niethammer, of the third ward, was frightened by jome children playing with a drum. while hitched ir front of Heinzmann'8 on Washington street. He broke away, ran down First street, smashed the carriage and eaused considerable excitement. On Friday, as Charles Kapp, a son of b red Kapp, of Northfield. was breaking a valuable colt, the colt feil in such a way as to break one of lts legs, ivhich made it necessary to shoot the animal to end its suffering. The loss to Mr. Kapp is $125. This makes the third colt Mr. Kapp has lost within three months. The laundrymen of this city have formed a laundrymen's association for mutual benefit and protection. E very laundryman bas gone into it, eren to the Chinaman. They will makt a scale of uniform prices. Ttaey claim that much is lost every year by trusting and by all sticking to a cash basis this will be obviated. The managers of the cunty fair have entered mto a new schenae for the coming fair, giving one day each to the different political parties when 3peeches will be made upon the different platforms. Wednesday is given to the United Labor and Prohibition parties, Thursday to the Republicans and Friday to the Democrats. Ata meeting of the vestrymen, of St. Andrew's church, held last Saturday evening, a committee was appointed to draf t suitable resolutions upon the death of Bishop Harris. Also to drape the church and Hobart Hall. The members of the vestry will attend the funeral in a bbdy at St. Paul's church, Detroit, next Tuesday. A high compliment has been paid to our fellow-citizen and to the democracy of this county in the selection of Hon. Chas. E. Whitman, by the democratie state central committee, to stump the state with our next governor, Wellington II. Burt, during ttiecampaign. Mr. Whitman left last night for the "Soo," where he is to address a monster meeting Saturday. Welen Post, G. A. R., expects to attend the National Encampment at Columbus nearly fifty strong, being reenforced by some members of other posts in this vicinity. The soldiers association of South-Eastern Michigan, Which takes in this county, will ho!d no encampment this year, but will hold a meeting to elect offleers on Sept. 11 th, at the National Encampment. Nancy 15. Jackson, a colored woman who formerly resided in this city, died at her home in Dexter, on Monday of old age, she haring passed her 80th. biitliday. The funeral was held at 11 o'clock on Wednesday moming at Dexter, and at 2 o'clock of the same afternoon in this city . The deceased was the mother of Oscar Jackson, of this city, and Mary ltoper, of Dexter. The meeting of the Evangelist Mission Society of North America, at Starkweather's grove, did not open last Fnday, as the program promised. The collectors for the enterprise, in which are involved the fortunes of Grover Cleveland Chapel at Ann Arbor, met with a misfortune. They collected four dollars at Belleville, but were entrappe.d by the saloon at that place and failed to get out of the town with any of the money .- Ypsilantian . About four years ago S. R. Niles' Advertising AgeDcy, Boston, placed for Mr. W. L. Douglas, of Brockton, Mass., the first advertisement of his $3.00 shoes, in a few papers covering a portion only of the New England states. Mr. Douglas' business has since then so increased that Mr. Niles is now placing the advertisement of these celebrated shoes in üve thousand papers, covering every section of the country from Maine to üregon. Our local photographers are having quite a rivalry in exhibiting specimens of their work. Krueger has ou exhibition at Watts' jewelry store a number of fine specimens, ineluding two especially artistic pieces, "Cast up by the Sea" and "Hiawatha's VVooin?." Randall has both of the large Windows of the store formerly occupied by Douglas Co. filled with fine large photographs of our leading citizens. Both of the exhibits go to show that for artistic photography Ann Arbor cannot be beaten . The executive committee have pro cured good speakers and music for the annual pioneer meeting and picnic to be held at Relief Park, Sept. 5th. Revs. F. A. Blades, of Detroit, and S. H. Adams of this city and othera will deliver andresses. Mr. Blades will be remembered as one of the eloquent preachers of this city during the civil war. The Ann Arbor quartette will furnish music. The old settlers and their families should turn out and Dring their baskets filled with good things. Bring alao the jug- full of milk. The ladies of this city will furnish hot tea and coflee.