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Quite a number of picnickers at Leyon lake, near Marshall, were poisoned by eating loe cream, but medical aid saved 'em all. Matt Hanson, a native of Denmark, carne to this country many long years ago, settled at Ishpeming and amassed a competence, and was on his way back to visit bis chiidhood's home when death overtook him by the disaster to the steamer Geiser. Boyne City girls are said to have taken to walking on stilts, which hasn't increased their popularity with the young men a bit. The latter look sadly on and - sigh. Nashville's school Btatisties show quite a number of married ladies entitled to draw public money. Naahville girls must be given to marrying quite young. The Smith purifier company at Jackson, offer to remain in that city provided it will pay 'em ?65,UO0 for their oíd factory so they can build a new one. This offer comes after the company had unsuccessfully skirmished all over the country in pursuit of a fat bonanza. More rich gold fiuds are reported f rom the vicinity of Ishpeming. This time the quartz is only claimed to assay $35,000 to $40,000 per ton. Modest claim. A Colurabiaville youth hitched up with his best girl aud drove over to Otisville to take in some extra doings there, but lost her in the erowd, and as he couldn't flnd her had to go home alone. But he returned in the morning, aud by the assistance of broad daylight found the object of his affection all right, and was again made happy. At Grand Rapids, Mich., Tuesday, in the TJnited States court, Judge Severins dismissed the case against "Blinkey" Morgan, for the Hart postuftice burglary. The harvest home festival at Union City was attended by several thousand people. Prof. Hogan, of Jacksou, made a parachute droi of some 1,500 f eet, and the fakirs roped in'tha money from the crowd. F. L. Kern. the whilom president of the Sherwood collegiate instituto, has hied himself away to Fiorida to engineer the agricultural college of that state. Some Sherwood citizens are said to fiuancially mourn his departure. E. J. Beattie was senteneed to twenty-flve years' hard labor at Jackson by the Wayne circuit court ou tte 27tb for the attempted murder of Charles Haltimer ia January last. Grand Rapids' new city hall, that was begun three years ago, has been completed at a cost of Sil9,000, and will be dedicated Sept. 19. While M. C. Cady, of near Mason, was attending church some misereant fired his barns, the loss reaching 85,000. A large quantity of hay, grain and farming tools were consumed. Samuel Klady, of Nottawa, lost $2,000 the other night by the burniag of his dweiling. The accounts of the upper península forest fires seem to have been greatly exaggerated. Most of the buildings burned proved to have been shanties, while no loss of life ocourred. The total loss will probably fall short of $20,000. A Roehesier farmer didn't like to have a neighboring widow's cow browsing around in his cornfield, and pianted a load of shot in her (the cow'o) anatomy to show that he didn't. Later he paid $25 for this decided expression of his opinión. The Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic railway has contracted for a $30,000 snow plow, of the new rotary pattern, for use next winter, the first of the kind contracted for by a Michigan railway. Just S51 people were lodged in the Kent eounty calaboose during the past year. Grand Rapids sinners seen to be numeroua or else they are unlucky in being found out. Ovid justice is neither halt, lame nor blind. Four rows, six arrests and four fighters on their way to the eounty calaboose, was the work of but six hours, one day recently. Now comes the story of an Isabella eounty farmer who claims to have raised 560 bushels of wheet on ten acres of land, and a scant ten acres at that. Wonder if it's probable that his season's prodigious snake stories are af fecting the crops. Jesse Beeeh, of Mason, a gentleman of 63 summers and well up in the ways of the world, went over to Battle Creek the other day, and while on his way home discovered that somebody had relieved him of 875 Battle Creek sharpers are evidently a smooth lot. A Flint parson has been convicted of appropriatine; another man's horse, and he's beeu given a job at Jackson for fear that he inignt play the same trick on some other fellow. Andrew Greiner and Charles Berger, a oouple of boys who were supposed to be good at the state reform school, efïected their escape the other night and robbed the Lansing saloon of Henry Chapman. But their sport was short-lived, an offleer soon taking them in tow. A couple of freights on the G. R. & I. road bumped their noses together at Grand Rapids about $8,000 worth. Shanghai, China, wants a comfortable seat for its school childreu and sent all the way to the Northville Furniture company to get 'em. A boy named Lavigne, who was witnessing a game of ball at Ishpeming on the a7th, was struek by a batted ball and will probably die. A couple of Cattle Creekers have just reached home from Jackson, Tenn., driving the entire distanee of 800 miles. Perhaps they'd never heard about railroads. The state meeting of the Disciples of Christ closed at Ionia on the 2th. It was well attended. Justice Millcr, of Seney, has been given a lay off by Gover nor Luce. Miller is said to have allowed a prisoner to skip out for Canada, that haven of the American rogue. The fall of a wrecking derrick at East Saginaw resulted in the death of three boys and the serious injury of two others, whose curiosity had drawn them to the place. Miss Heldja Oleson, a Manistee maiden, had made preparation to take a trip on the ill-fated steamer Geiser, but when the appointed time came didn't go, as she feit that something was going to happen. And in changing her mind she avoided a watery grave. Deer skins may be good mementoes of the happy hunting expedition, but they're sometimes costly ones, just the same. T. W. Edwards, a Houghton huntsman, had four of 'em, but the local game warden had him taxed Í10 apiece for his out-of-season sport. Since Manager Watkins, of the Detroit League team, retired from its management and Secretary Leadley stepped into hisshoes, the boys have found that they can really play ball. Per'aps that's what ailed 'em all along for the past month. Henry E. Saunders and Miss Nellie Simron, young people of ' Grand Rapids, recently returned from a trip to Chicago and announced that they were married. And now it transpires tha) they were made man and wife four years ago, and none of the folks had found it out. Chas. O. Seaman, who was convicted af murder in the second degree at Mt. Clemens, gets ten long years at Jackson, while J. G Caiïrey, the fellow who swore too bard in some divorce proceedings, goes up for half that time on a charge of perjury. Tbere's talk of building factories at Harbor Springs to ntilize the rieh iron ore deposits of that vicinity. Seven Battle Creek would-be benedicta have pledged eace other to eotnmit matrimony before the snows of Januuary shall fly. Thèy seern to hare forgotteu that this is leap year. Although the secretary of the board of 9chool examiners for Chippewa county bas a scope of country te look after that's larger than the sovereign state of Rhode Mand, and the roads through the northern foresta are none the best, he's accepted a reelection with the munifleent salary of $300 per annum. After paying a fine to a Cedar Springs justice for walloping bis wife, George Thomas was of the opinión that he wouldu'c do so again. A recent census shows Gjnesee county to have just one less than 1,000 oid soldiers. Burglars made a special tour of Clinton the o'.her night and fouud nothiug better than cold vietuals. William Johnson, a Bay City man with a morphine appetite, got an overdose that wafted him across the dark river one day last week. An F. & P. M. railway conductor was given a rest for thirty days, because he didn't report his enginesr for gettiug on an alcoholic toot. The engineer was given the g. b. for good. John Drahner, a Hadley farmer, tumbled, into an unprotected excavation for a water works pipe at Lapeer, and was so surprised thereat that he asks that city to fork over $10,000 damage money. A lady stopping at one of the Harbor Springs resorte astonished the natives the otber evening by quaffing a schooner of beer while standing oa the sidewalk of tue principal thoroughfare. A Nashville doctor has been taken in tow on a charge of grave robbery. lt has generally supposed that the doctor's business was topeople ceuieteries, rather than depopulate 'ein. A lot of young men thought 'twould be fun to charivari a newly married couple at Jackson. At least three of the j. -rey elianged their minds, one being seriously wounded and two others disabled. Theodore Moser and wife, Mt. Clemens people, went a tishiug' on the Clinton river on the 2Utb. ïtfoser tinally becarae tired of fishing aud went in the river for a bath, was taken vvitu cramping and drowned, his wife being powerless to save him. David Ross, a Laymouth man, wanted a pension so badly that he got himself into jail on the charge of signing his neigubors' names to pension affidaviis. Capt. Henry Duran t, of the schooner Emma, arrested at Sand Beach on account of alleged opium smuggling. Jobn Brechenfelder, a laborer, was killed by the cars at Monroe while going to his work. An engine was making a running switch and had just passed when he started to cross the tracks but was run down by the approaching uais, which he had not noticed. Mary Barry, a 12-year-old Grand Rapids girl, found a $'00 pocketbook and returned it to the owner, but some of the local papers seem to imply that if she had been twice as old she might have done differently. We wouldn't like to believe there's no honest Rapids people of mature age. A couple of Port Austin boys, aged 4 and 13 years respectively, amused themselves by snapping revolvers at each other, when the younger one received a bullet just below the left eye. Another case of didn't know it was loaded.


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