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Saline raises $2,000 for its school this year. There are 280 children of school #{je in Saline. They talk of a new school house at Mooreville. Frank Riggs wields the birch in district No. 6, in Sylvan. Miss Homer is teaching the Whitmore lake school this fall. The Chelsea Herald man complains of rotting tomatoes. Ypsilanti will pay sixteen cents apiece for its Street signs. Miss Emma McMullen has opened the Whittaker school. Miss Cora Bunting is teaching in the Morgan district, Augusta. Ed. Negus has built a very pretty Jog cabin at Cavanaugh lake. Matthew Foran died in Chelsea August 29th, agedsixty years. Threshers should send in statistics to the Argus for publication. A dozen ladies voted at the Ypsilanti school meeting last week. The Chelsea Hcrald is eighteen years oíd and hale and hearty. Miss Cora Bunton is teaching in the Morgan district in Augusta. Henry C. Richmond, of Manchester, has been granted a pension. The Manchester fruit evaporating establishment is nowin operation. The Plymouth fair will be held the week beginning September 25. The Manchester school district will raise a tax of $2,300 this year. Thirteen pair of hands are hard at work drying apples in Stockbndge. The Pinckney pickle factory has a capacity of 3600 barrels of pickles. Miss Estella Tate is teaching in the Valentine district, in Pittsfield. It is estimated that the Pittsfield onioncrop will reach 50,000 bushels. The Ypsilanti fair will be held next week, September 18, 19, 20 and 31. The demand for more hitching posts in Chelsea has been partially met. The Saline school had an attendance of 210 when it opened last week. Miss Allie Sumner presides at the desk in the Wood school district in Lodi. J. T. Honey and J. Costello have been re-elected trustees ot the Dexter school. Fred Packard now has the classes running nicelv in distiict number j Salem. Rev. J. E. Butler, of the Webster church delivered his farewell sermón Sunday. The prosp'ects are for a larger attendance than usual in the 'Dexter schools. The Millard farm near Manchester, gives employment to a number of hop pickers. Teachers examination for certificates will be held in Ypsilanti, September 2Sth. Jacob Sturm and G. B. Mason have been re-elected trustees of the Saline school. Valentine Brothers, of Webster, have just shipped two carloads of sheep to Ohio. C. B. Isabell, of Saline, had 630 bushels of oats from ten and a half acres, this year. Isaac Shaw will build a handsome new farm residence three miles south of Saline. D. W. Hitchcock is building a large packing addition to his elevator near the Milan depot. Miss Carne Wheeler has opened the fall term of school in the Forbes district in Saline. The street fakir did not spare Manchester people last week. He made his visit pay . The Saline base ball nine defeated the Lodi nine the first of last week by a score of to to 5. William 3mith, of Dexter township has sold fifteen Shropshire ram lambs at $14 each. Judge Ninde, of Ypsilanti, will now be found in his new ofhcein the Savings bank block. Don C. Batchelder and C. S. Wortley have been elected trustees of the Ypsilanti schools. Miss Anna Green began teaching the fall term in the Tuttle district, Ypsilanti town, Monday. The Dexter M. E. church has purchased a house and lot for a parsonage on the Ann Arbor road. Almost every town in the county can produce some republicans who will vote for Cleveland this fall. The Manchester school opened with an enrollment of 238, of which twenty-five were foreign students. Dr. C. F. Kapp, A. F. Freeman and James Kelly have been elected trustees of the Manchester schools. Mrs. Sarah Crossley, a resident of this state since 1844, died in Stockbridge September ist, aged 70 years. The residence of H. C. Nichol in Saline was recently struck by lightning, but no great damage was done. C. V. R. Pattison has sold a small lot in ypsilanti to the Baptist church in trust for the second Baptist church. The Sylvan boys recentlvdefeated a Lyndon and Waterloo nine at base ball in Waterloo by a score of 42 to '4The net proceeds of the first social held by the Lyndon Baptist church were $24. Pretty good, that. Dafid Woodwaid, the Clinton and Bridgewater peach man, will have 2,000 bushels of peaches this year. It costs $2,537.26 to run the Clinton school last year, and a tax of $1400 was vote'd for the coming year. The wheat of George Rawson, of Bridgewater averaged twenty-seven and a halt bushels to the acre this year. The expenses of the Saline public school last year were $3,521.14 of which $2,580 was paid in teachers salaries. Rev. R. Jefïïies, of Ypsilanti, was chairman of the judiciary comrnittee at the recent A. M. E. conference in Grand Rapids. The Milán base ball nine defeated the Wayne nine ín a closely fought game last Saturclay afternoon by a score of 6 to 5. Governor Luce is expected to deiver an address at the opening of Cleary's business college in Ypsiartti next month. In four days, Wisner & Wurster, who have been threshing in the vicinity of Manchester, threshed 6,315 bushels of grain. D. W. Potter, of Augusta, had a narrow escape recently when he feil out of a hay loft striking on his head and shoulders. The Manchester school board will purchase the lot of the Germán Emanuel church adjoining their school lot for $700. Clarence Jones teaches in the Dresselhaus district in Freedom this year and Miss Alice Guiñan in the Fleasant lake district. The Manchester Enterprise is of age. .It is now twenty-one years of age, a thrilty and bright paper with a bright luture before it. Charles M. Fellowe, of Sharon, the prohibition candiüate for congress, will tnake a hustling campaign even if he is sure to get left. Dundee has 445 children of school age and her school cost $9,342.89 last year including $5,790 paid on bonded indebtednss interest. Rev. Mr. Reilly delivered a very appropriate memorial address on the late Gen. Sheridan, at the Chelsea town hall, Sunday, Sept. 2nd. Will McMullen, of Mooreville. called the Willis school to order last week and the children have now settled down to their fall work. Four or five republicans of Ypsilanti town will get tojjether to-morrow evening to send each other to the republican county cónvention. The editor of the Stockbridge Sun has got back from his trip to Kansas to find that his paper has been run in excellent shape during his absence. The principal of the Manchester schools gets $900 a year saiary ; one teache.r $360 and six teachers $320 each. The janitor also gets a saUry of $320. Don C. Batcheldcr and C. S. Wortley have been elected trustees ot the Ypsilanti schools for three years. A tax of $10,000 was ordered raised. Burglars attempteJ to drill open Feiner's safe at Ypsilanti, last week, but left before they had accomphshed their purpose, when the fire alarm was rung. Mat Blosser, editor of the Manchester Enterprise, has been visiting in Indiana. We fancy he w;ll be well pleased that his lot has fallen in Manchester. The ladies literary club of Ypsilanti, are traveling through England, and Iroland in their minds and devote their sessions to diocussing the points of interest. James Ambrose, a colored Ypsilanti barber, had the misfortune to lose his house and goods two weeks ago to-day by a fire which injured hun $500 worth. Our next congressman, Willard Stearns, will speak in Chelsea on the aiternoon of Thursday, September 27. He speaks in Manchester on the evening of October 3. There must be some hunting about South Lyon yet, as Arlhur Bennett last week bagged eighteen partridges and twenty-one wood cock after half a days hunt. Dundee feels that her new gas well will be a success. At a depth of 40b feet, quite a quantity of gas has been found and they haven't reached the Trenton rock yet. The barn of Amos Miller, south of Saline, was recently destroyed by fire, one of the covvs kicking over a lantern. The cows were saved' but the building and contents burned. Stiles & Pray, of Whitmore lake, iiave sold out their store to Mr. Dodge of Lanesburg. Chas. Pray, the unior member of the retiring firm, joes to Colorado to engage in business. The Ypsilantian is printing the state tax ales this year. If the Argus readers should succeed in ing elect a democratie auditor general this year that job may fall to the Ahgus next year. C. C. Waite, of Dexter, died August 26, of apoplexy, aged 71 years. He was born in New York and settled in Scio in 1839. He was the fat her of Mrs. Frank Phelps and Orr Waite of Dexter. The three oldest persons dying in this county during the past eight months were Daniel Moore,of Ypsilanti, aged 93; Mrs. Amanda Judd, of Ypsilanti, aged 92, and Mrs. Geo. McKim, of Superior, aged 91. Miss Lizzie Brooks was married ast week in Clinton to Frank P. xe, which gives rise to the followng couplet in the Clinton Local: Brooks turn to ice in cold winter's reigrn, Hut a maid such a fate will seldom attain. Yet here i8 a case of Brooks evor nice, Who still in all seasons will ever be Ice. Dr. Batwell, chief of the Ypsilanti fire department, and democratie nominee for coroner, sports a dislocated ankle, incurred during the fire in Ypsilanti last week. He will be in good running order in a short time. Charlie Williams, George Barnhart, Mabel McKinnon and Mina Bordine have the credit ot being neither absent from the Saline public school nor tardy during the 1 tst year. How many scholars will deserve this credit during the year just opening. The planing mili of E. W. Grant, of Ypsilanti, was burned last week Tuesday, the los aggregating $30,000. The loss of Mr. Grant reached $25,000 on which there was no insurance. The hose of the fire department burst several times under the heavy pressure necessary to force the water up the hill. L. C. Drake says he can show a sun-flower stalk in his garden, with over 60 blossoms. Can anyone beat it. - Saline Observer. Don't know, but we heard a gentleman telling about one in his yard with 100 blossoms. We have got one with five ourself. - Courier. That's all right, but Edwin Gorton, of this viilage, has a stalk with 150 blossoms on. Next. Chelsea Herald - The sunflower man is gettmg alinost as bac as the proverbial fisherman. Valentine Bros., of Dexter, write us: "As the season of 1888 has brought us a brisk trade in Shropshires, we report the following tran sactions in the same. We have bought upwards of 1200 head of hal blood Shropshire lambs, and sold to eastern feeders. They were bouglr mostly in Wasltenaw county. The demand exceeds the supply tor this class of sheep. We have sold six head of Shropshire rams to a Texas ranchman, also 16 head to Ohio parties besides we have retailed 27 head ín our vicinity." ,