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E. A. Holbrook

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Qen'l Ticket Fass'r Agent. fAMJUht UNACOUA1NTED W1TH THE OEOCRAF-HY OP THE COUNTRY WILL OBTAIN MUCH USEFUL INFORMATION FROM A 8TUDY OF THIS MAP OP THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. lts central position and close connection with Eastern Lines at Chicagro and continuous lines at terminal points West, Horthwest and Southwest, mak it the tra mid-link in that transcontinental chain of steel which unites the Atlantic and Paciiie. lts niain line and branches includo Chicago, Joliet, Ottawa, La Salie, Peoría, ötnmet, Sloline and Bock Island, in Illinois; Dayenport, Muscatine. Washing-tem, Fairfleld, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa.West Liberty, IewaCity.DesMoines, Indianola, "Winterset, Atlantic, Knoxrille, Audubon, Harían, Guthrie Centre pn_BBH a,n& Council Bluffs, in Iowa ; Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron, BtkWvT H SU Ooseph and Kansas City, in Missouri ; LeavenwortU tASnf ■ I H BJiii Atchison, in Kansas ; Mirtnsapolia and St. Paul, in Jjl JR Minnesota ; Watertown and Sioux Falla, in Dakota, and ESBB&SBBZi&bHSI many other prosperous towns and cities. It also offers m. OHOICS OB" SOXJTBS to And from th Facifls Coast and intermadiate place. makine all transfers in Union Depots. Fast Trains of fin DAT OOACKBS. leg-ant DININQ C ABS, maraifleent PULLMAN PAL ACE CAE. and (between Chicago, St. oseph, Atchison and Kansas City) restful BBCLIKINGt CHAIB CABS, seata FBEB to holders of Uu-ougñ flrst class ticket. THE CHICAGO, KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (QRKAT ROOK ISLAND BOUTE) Rxtends weet and aonthwast from Kansas City and St. Josspa to Fairbory, Nelson, Horton, Tepaka, SHraMpUBfjajaDBI Horing-ton, Hutohinson, Wiohita.Caldwell, and all W J JJ TL pointa in somthm Webraska, interior Kansas and bayend. Isl A _ ft J Xntiro passenger eo.nipment ef tke oslebrated Pullman %?A I l'Mm manufacture. Solidly ballasted traok ef heary steel bsssssssssbbsssssssss1 riúl. Iron and atona bridres. All aafety applianoes and moderm iaipro-ramants. Oommodieua, well built station. Oalarity, certainty, oomfort ad luxury asaured. THE FAMOUS ALBOERT LEA ROUTE Ia th faTorite between Chicaeo, Rock laland, Atchison, Kansas City, and Minneapolia and St. Paul. The tourist reata te all Northern Sununer BeeorU. Ita "Watertown Branch traTeraea the moat produotire landa ef the rreat " wheat and dairy balt" of Kerthen Iowa, Soathwaetern Kinnasota and East-Central Dakota. The short line, -ría Séneca and Kankakee, offers superior ■■■■■■■■■■■■ facüities to tra-rel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, ■ si sj B f 1 ■"! I yotte, and Council BlufEs, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leaven-l.ij ll'ltll worth, Kansas City, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Wklf mWI rij For Tickets, Maps, Folders, or any desired information, bbIbssbbBbbbbshB apply to any Coupon Ticket Offloe in the United States or Canada, or address. E" ST" S Kw, CHICAGO, 1LL.


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