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Washington City, Sept. 8.- Sberman offered a resolution iu the senate yesterday askiug the president whether China has or has not ratitied the recent treaty. Sherman thought that this inforraation should be in the hands of the sánate before action was taken on the house Chinese bil!. Tne conference report on the army bilí, with a disagreement on heavy ordnance, was presentad and a new conference ordered. Pasco spoke against Chandler's resolution relative to the recent Louisiana election. The Chinese bill was then taken up, a yea and nay vote was ordered, and then George spoke at length in favor of its passage. When he had concluded the vote was taken- yeas, 32; nays, none - but no quorum being present and voting the senate adjourned with the bill still pending. The non-concurred in the senate amendments to the fortiücation bill and ordered a new conference. Stahlnecker rose to a quostion of privilege and read a newspaper article stating that he was the man referred to in Kelley's resolution of Tuesday. He denounced the charge as false iu every particular and demanded apromptinvestigation. Oatos introduced a r oneurrent resolution for adjournment Sept. 20, which was applauded. The bill to limit the jurisdietion of United States courts (district and circuit) was passed, and the retaliation bill debate was resumed. The debate was pending when the house adjourned. Washington City, Sept. 7.- Hoar offered a resolution requesting the president to supply the information asked for by resolution adopted Aug. 28 as soon as possiMe. Vest said the secretary of state could probably give a good reason for not supplying the desired information and the resolution went over. The Chineso bill was taken up and debated. Sherman opposed taking action until it could be known whether China had rejected the treaty. While he was for the bil! if the rumored rejection was a fact, to pass the bill and then find out that the rumor was false would be erabarrassing for the seuate. Brown offered au amendment permittir.g Chinamen to land who are now on their way, but Teller raised the point that the amendment was too late, and the point was sustained. The debate close 1 and a vote was taken, resulting - yeas, 37; nays, none-- Hoar and Sherman not voting. Thore was no quorum, and the senate adjourned. The time of the house was largely taken Op by an attack by Brumm upon Scott, botb of Pennsylvania. Brumm charged Scott with hiring Pinkerton pólice and issuing store orders at his mines. Seott denied the charge. The latter gentleman then proceeded to discuss the retaliation bill, .and when he had concluded the house adjourned. Washington City, Sept. 7.- Very little business was done in the senate yesterday, except to consider the Chinese exclusión bilí. While the matter was under debate a ínessage was received from the president giving the latest news from China - two telegrams from Minister Denby, the first dated tho !th inst, sayiug he had demanded information from the Chinpse government, and the sec ond dated the Ctn to the effect that the Chinese government had postponed the treaty for further deliberation. Soine debate followed, and several attempts to amend vaere made. Gorman moved to send the bill to the foreign relations committee. The vote was ayes, 17; nays, 39- Sherman, Platt anc' Hoar voting aye. No quorum voted and a second vote resulterl in its defeat. The bill was then passed- yeas, 37; nays, 8- Brown, Hoar and Wilson of Iowa; Sherman and Ingalls not voting. Blair moved to reconsider and after 6ome debate a vote was taken, showing no quorum, althongii there were forty-four senators present ïwo other votes reaulted the samo way and Blair asked leave to withiiraw, jut Sherman objected, and the senate adjourned uutil Monday leaving the matter still unsettled. Tbe house spent the whole day on tho re1 taliation bill. A number of Republicans Rpoke, among them Cannon, Adams, and fost of Illinois, all taking the ground that the president had power enough. Finally it was agreed that a vote sboull be taken at 4 ). m. to-day, and rocess was taken to8 p. ra., it whicti time thirty-two private pension )ills were passed, and the house adjourned at 10:4.5. Washington City, Sept. lü. - As soon as ,he buuse met Saturday debate on therealiation bill was resumed. White of New York, Liud of Minnesota, and Bayne of Pennsyivania spoke ngainst it, declaring hey would not vote for it. Wilson of Minnesota, O'Neil of Missouri, and Cunimings and Cocieran of New York spoke for it. The atter making an eloquent defense oL the resident White moved the recommittal of he bill with instructions to strike out the rst section, but the motion was negatived, and the bilí passed - yeas, 174; nays 4 - Bayne, Dalzell, Lind and Wbite. The house then at 6:30 p. ra. adjourned to Monday. Washington City, Sept. 11.- Vest's resolutiou for au inquiry into the publication by the senato librarían, McKee, of a campaign work was adopted by the senate yesterday after a short debate. Morgan introduced a bilí appropriatiní $276,000 to compénsate Chinese subjects in this country tor loss at the hands of mobs, etc, and urgeil that the treaty be withdrawn, and the Scott exclusión bilí, amended by bis [Morgan's] bill passed. Sberman favored the reconsideration of the passage of the Scott bill, as did George, and Evarts urged its retersnee to the foreign relations eominittee. Wilson of Iowa favored reconsideration. The bill was finally left as it was Saturday - passed, but with a raotion for recousideration pending. The house retaliation bill was presented and referred, and the conference reports on the fortifications and army bilis iigreed to. The senate adjourned at 4:15 p. m. The house adopted the conference reports on the fortification and army bilis and then resumed the sundry civil bill, the debate being on the proposition to appropriate $250,000 to investígate the practicability of irrigation of arid lands in the west. The appropriation was advocated by Symes, Vandever, O'Neil, Peters and Felton, and opposed by Forney, McMillin and Oates, but without action the house adjourned. Washington City, Sept. 12.- Sherman reported to th . senate yesterday a bill de-: claring trusts unlawful. and providing punisbment (fine not exceeding $10,uü0orimprisonment five years or less) for those who are connected with them. The 4th of July claims bill, passed by the house, was then taken up and passed. It eomprises 636 claims reported by treasury officers and aggregates $180, - 000. There was a good deal of opposition to the bill, Spooner sayiug that it was the first of fourteen omnibus bilis involving $15,000,000 to $20,000,000. The Chinese bill was then resumed and debated on the motion to reconsider its passuge. It went over without actiom A resoh'tion was adopted calling upon the president for all correspondenee referring to the treaty, and the senateadjourned. The house proceeded to the consideration of the amendnient to the sundry civil bilí appropriating $250,000 for investigating the practicability of reclaiming arid lands in the west by irrigation, and the ainount was re duced to $50,000. Holman offered a substi tute providing that the expenses of the in vestigation shall be taken from the appropriation for the topographic survey, and for the suspension of the desert land law. A vote showed uo quorum and the house ad iourned.


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