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ANK AKBOR BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ATTORNEYS. PtHAUNCEY JOSLYN, ATTORXEY AT LAW, OmCE OTER THI POSTOTITICÏ. r R. WILLIAMS, ATTORXEY AT LAW, MI LAN, MKH. Conveyancing and Collections. J? B. N0BB18. Attornet at Lat. Does a general law eollection and conveyanelne business. A moderate share of your patronage respectfully sollcited. Offlee in the Court Houee. "IRAMER & CORBIN, J ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ank Arbok, Mich. Special attention to Lv-ining: Money and all Financial Mattere. AUCTIONEERS. -pRKDERICK KRAUSE AüCTIONEBR. Will attnd to all sales on short notieO at reasonable charges. Fr further partioulars caU at the Argus office. BREWERIËS & BOTTLERS. fcTAHTIN FISCHKK, PB0PEI1TOBS OF THE WESTERN BREWEKY, ANN ARBOE, MICIIBrewars of Pur Lagror Beer. mOLEDOBOTTLING WORKS. I have the ole agency in thls city'for ORASSER & BRAT)'S CELEBRATED PILSENER AND BOHEMIAN BEER, And am now ready to deliver to any part of thls city by keg, tfallon, quart or pint bottles free of charge. The name beer is sold at my business place. No. 4 Detroit Street, by Klass orbottle; also the best of liquors and winos andetgars. Ri-speotfully A. OWINNEK, No.iDetrait8t. CARRIAGE WORKS. p A RUI AGE MANUFACTURY PAINTING. Cor. Detroit and North Street. I have in my employ one of the best carrlage painters in the state, and inTit all who have a carriag, buggj or iloigh to be rpainted in a workmanlike manner, to cali at the old reliab'a carriage shop of A. R. SCIÏMIDT. 1 car liso show you a flrst class BOAS CAHT of my own make at reasonable pricea. DENTISTS. W W. NICH0LS D. D., DENTIST. In tbe old St. James Hotel Block. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of vitalized air. GROCERIES. Vy F. LODHOLZ, WHOI.tSil.l & RETAIL DEAI.EIt IN ALL GOODS SOLD BY GROCERS. Nos. i and 6 Broadwaj _A.nsr:isr aebob, hveich:. WERNER k BRENNER. DEALERS ISv ■ Staple and Fancy Srocsries, Butter, Eggs, Cheese. TOEA0C;OS,CIGARS AND ALL SJIOKERS ARTICLES. Pure Teas, Pure Coffees, Pure Spices. 10 Main St.. - - Ann Aruor. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. T?UHU B. POND, JUSTICE OF T1IB PeACB Anti Notary Public. No. 6 North Main Sirfrt. Oollections promptly made. Airont for the Union Insurance Compatty of California. Fair ratee. Prompt pay ment of lossos. l'J- tf LIVERY BARNS iyr M. GREEN, 1 'liveey. A New and Useful Invention. Patknï IIeater and Lantebn. An absolute necessity for any one travelling in a buggy, carriage, wagon, cutter, sleigh, milk and delivery wagon Inyaluable for hacks and omnibuses. It is a perfect security from fire. NO matches being required to instantly light the lantern without disturbing the globe. Kain and wind will not affect it. Gives a nice light to drive by. 17 NORTII FOUKTH ST. TT K1TKEDGE, No. ( Wist Ann Strbet. Umff UACE1KB AUifiAfiE IHB, In the rear of Edward Duffy'a grocery store Haok toall trains, day and night. Orders for traing, parties, weddiiiKH and funerals attended to. Telephone, 108 Ana Arbor Mich. JVERYTHINGNEW -ATW. G. SN OW 'S LIVERYSTABLE NO. 21 NORTH MAIN STREET.] BEST TUENOUTS IN THE CITY Funeral Attendance a Specialty. Tclephonc conneetion,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News