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Dress the Hair With Ayer's Hair Vigor. lts cleanliness, beneficial effects on the scalp, and lasting perfume commend it for universal toilet use. It keeps the hair soit and silken, preserves its color, prevenís it from falling, and, if the hair has become woak or thin, promotes a new growth. "To restore the original color of my hair, -which had turned prematurely gray, I used Ayer's Hair Vigor with entire success. I cheerfully testify to the Efficacy of this preparation." - Mrs. P. H. Davidson, Alexandria, La. tr" I was afflicted some three years with scalp disease. My hair was falling out and what remained turned gray. Iwas induced to try Ayer's Hair Vigor, and in a few weeks the disease in my scalp disappeared and my hair resumed its original color." - (Bev. ) S. S. Sims, Pastor U. B. Church, St. Bernice, Ind. " A few years ago I suffered the entire loss of my hair from the effects of tetter. I hoped that after a time nature would repair the loss, but I waited in vain. Many remedies were suggested, none, however, with such prooi of merit as Ayer's Hair Vigor, and I begau to use it. The result was all I could have desired. A growth. of hair soon came out all over my head, and grew to be as soft and heavy as I ever had, and of a natural color, and ftrmly set." - J. H. Pratt, Spofford, Texas. Ayer's Hair Vigor, PRBPARBD BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by Druggists and Perfumen. pIRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIÁN MAGK, Afftat lor tht follawinic Clas Comp repreionting OTr twcaty -ei?ht MillUn Dollar AënniU, isiues policiei at the leweat ratea JBtna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,66 Germania of N. T 2,70ö,729.0 American of N.Y. 4,065,968.60 liOndon Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.66 Michigan F. M., Detrsit 287,6Ü8.W N. T. Underwritors, N. Y. 2,596,679.O National, Hartford 1 ,774,505,60 Phsnix, SC. Y.' 3,759,036 -0Spícial ittentioB given to the insurance o! dwellings, schools, cburches and public building on terms of three and üt years. tfOrtEY J3EE. You never can obtais, xcept at fabulous prices, coffe that wil better suit your taste than the celebrated Hl! Bee Ciee SOLD BT E. WAGNER, who is making m ui ddffee ii min. Ho also has & fine line of Groceries and Prorisions, Glassware, Tobacco, etc. The proof of the pudding is the eating, se try bnying your groceries of WAGNER, 33 S Main Street, Ann Arbor. THE AHN AHBOS. SAVIITGS BANK ANN AUBOK, MICHiaAH. Capital paid in - - $50,000.08 Capital Security - $100,000.0O Transacts a jenerai Banking bxisiness; buys and sells Exchanges on New York, Detroit and Chicag sells Örafts on all the principal cities of Ku rope; also, sells Passage Tickets to Lj verpool London and Glasgow, via. the Anchor Line of Sttam ships, whose rates are lower than most other firstclass lines. This Bank, already having a large business, ;nviti merchants and others to open accounts with them with the assurance of the most liberal dealing consistent with safe banking. In the Savings Department interest is pnid semi annually, on the first days of January and July, on all suits that were deposited three months previouttothose days, thus affording the people of this city and county a períe-'v depository for their funds, together wnn ajr return in interest for tht same. Mony tq Loan on Approved Secuè ities Directors- Chnstian Mack, W. W. Wines, W D. Harriman, Daniel Hiscock, Win. Deubul, and Willard B. Smith. OFFICEBS: CHRISTIAN MACK, W, W. WINES, President. Vice President. CHAS. K. HISCOCK, Cashier. P Vf B A BOOE AGENT AAI AA HIGH TERMS Agenta whO hare h4 fint taccess sh@vild wnte hb in a lettbw (no postal cards) ñames of boeks, date, nutn-ber tola in what time,what terms xeceived (full f artioulaks), and okti iim no HIW PLS ad SXTRAOKPlNAllT B1ÍGOONTS t betttr themselvcs on new ad !st-slUog kooks. HENRY BUCKLIN & CO., ST. J.OÜIS, M tfMIIri v at bom, and umie mol niont-y VI ltirori .o. , than at ythiüg elsia yUtliwwoild. Capital notntcded ;tuare tarted tree. Both sexe, all ages. Auy ne can do the werk. Large carniBSs urrfrotn flrst start. Go8tlT outfit and tor fre. etter not delay. Oost jeu nothing te aend us yeur acdress an ii you re iae yu yill doatone. H. Hallkt Co., Portland, ilaime Agents Wanted I 61 tne most complete popular fauiily physician kook evor produt'ed. Select something mono jghly U8EFUL,. of tsui TALOE, and ales ar always ■ure and lirge. ENriEtíJ.Y NEW, up to the Tery ltest scienee, yet in plain language. A GREAT NOVELTYin all its parta and attiacts instant attenüon. 250 engravings. The most profusely and betntifully illustraled book of tbe kind erer got uo. BEST OF ALL, it is BYTAB the LOVVEbTPKlCED efer published- leae tban half the cost of any deoent Tolume yet out Agents who are lired of struggling with fiighpriced tooks, write for particular of this great new depurltru in bookselling. 1LANEJsXLBICLDÓUIS,MO Cday's tixrc givcn Agmt without capital. l .PLACE Jn The Weit JAA 'earn Shorthand or Spencer CcJI ian Pennmanship, is at the DETROIT BUSINESS UNIVERS1TY, Detroit, Mioh. EstabliBhed 1850. Elegaut catalogue free.


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