Our County Fair
Did you ever know a fair week, without rain; the rain didn't come unti the entries were made but it arnved Weduesday afteruoon in time to pre vent a great many from visiting the grounds. The fortieth annual fair was well up to the standard. In fact it was better than usual. In some particu lars it beat the state fair. For instance there were better Shorthorns on the ground than exhibited atJackson and this is only one of several instances. The oflieers of the association did hard, faitbful work. They deserve the credit for the success of the fair which they are receiving. ïhese was an absence of games of chance on the ground. A merry-goround with a number of riders first attracted attentiou on entering the grounds. There were plenty of stand3, and crowds of children watchmg the process of candy making, just as there usually are on occasions of this kind. THE VEGETABLES. There are naturally the first things that one sees, when attempting a hurried round of the grounds. The exhibits are of large and well selected vegetables. The big pumpkins indícate what VV'ashtenaw can grow, as do the enormous beets and rutabagas, the monstrous potatoes and big onions. The onion exhibit shows some extra large specimens. II. C. Markham showed the best exhibit of potatoes ever made at, anv nf th fuira n? tvio society. There were twenty-seven varieties of potatoes, and all with one or two exceptions, of new varieties. He also showedsome fine carrots and beets. H. C. Clark, the market gardener, as usual, is od hand with a fine display of vegetables of all kinds, which are up to the high standard he has set. John Allman has the sole cauliflower display, but it is an excellent one. Our visit was made Wednesday morning, and it was hard to Dnd out to whorn some of the line looking vegetables belonged. THE P03I0L0G1CAL VISTL A V . John Alniand was in bis element superintending the fruit and sweetmeat display, l'ou ought not to miss tbat cauned fruit display, by the way , f or it is far above the average one. The fruits were excellently canned and peifectly preserved. The Ann Arbor Preserving Company exhibit twenty-seven varieties ot canned fruit and piekles. Tne large bottle of piekles of various kinds was well worth stopping a minute over. H. C. Markham is the sole exhibitor of honey. Trof. Emil Baur as usual has a large display of fruit, including eighteen varieties of grapes, twenty-one varieties of pears and sixteen of apples. He exhibits fine specimens of the best varieties. Very fine exhibits of grapes are shown by Evart H. Scott, Jacob Ganzhorn, W. F. Bird, Charles Woodruff and Mrs. L. Gruner. Homer Findlay also exhibits a píate of grapes. Evart L1. Scott also has a fine exbibit of large pears, sho win ? t wel ye varieties. Louis Hall shows eleven varieties of pears and very large ones they are too. S. M. Mills alsD has a number of varieties of nice look ing pears. The peach exhibit is likewise a good one and was made by J . J . Parshall, L. Gruner, J . Ganzhorn and W. F. Bird. William Maudlin shows serenteen varieties of apples. George Sperry, J. Ganzhorn, J. J . Parshall and E. Baur also have fine displays. Quinces are shown by Messrs. Scott and Ganzhorn. The fruit department, take it all in all, is a decided success . FLORAL HALL. Our merchants, nianufacturers, photographers and the ladies made flora hallan enjoyable room. As you ente by the eastern door you come upon the displays of J. T. Jacobs & Co. and Schub. & Muehlig, neighbors here as they are in business. Schuh & Muehlig show a very handsome grate and mantel, many varieties of the Garland stove, extra nice gas flxtures and a number of articles of hardware. J. F. Schuh has a good display of sewing machines, which are busily running. J. T. Jacobs & Co, have their booth roofed with American flags denoting their patriotism and nobby styles of gents clothing are shown, fancy suspenderá, boxes of gloves, gay silk handkerchiefs, tiunks and many gents furnishings are neatly arranged. Wines & Worden have a handsome booth, displaying carpetSi curtains and oil cloths. The arrangement shows excellent taste. Entering the south door, one comes upon the F.ne Art and Needle-work department. The ladies have done well this year and a great deal of taste bas been shown in arranging the exhibits. The entries are large and it is the verdict of competent judges thatnever was there a handsomer display. Mr3. Samuel Hendrickson has a dainty painted china tea set on exhibí, tion. The painting is carefully and accurately done and the designing shows artistic taste. Miss Mattie Harriman has a large number of pajntings. In one of them, Judge Harriman'j old stiaw liat, with holes in the rim and one side partially torn away, is shown lilled to overflowing with apples. Miss Harriman has many other pictures on exhibit, showing her skill with tlie brush, and ene will linger a time over this part of the luir exhibits. Mis. Hendrickson also exhibits several paintings, and Miss Cowan lias two, one a beautiful lily and the other a crag which forms a resting place tor birds. Miss Miley has ? case iilled with dainty ladies' fancy work. As one of the ! dies expressed it, of course the woik is nicely done, for Miss Miley is a professional. Mrs. J. A. Maynard exhibits two handsome crazy quilts and several embroideries. ïhere are a large nuruber of other enti ies well worthy of mention. Across from tbis display may be seen a photographic display by Krueger, after seeing which one can well understand why Rrueger has so many medals. Somebeautiful pastoral ssenes are here and also bis better known pictures, '-Cast up by the Sea," "Hiawa. tha" and large portraits delineating the subjects to perfeetion. Mr. Alvin Wil. sey has a display of musical instrueer :its, sevving machines, etc, which were not arranged wüen our reporter made the rounds of the hall. Alphonso Covert has a case of birds, which shows his skill as a taxidermist. As you enter the west door of the floral hall you find a good display of Chemicals and chemical apparatus by Eberhach & Co., for which there exists a wide sale. On the opposite side, Koch & lïeune have a parlor and dinng room. Much of the parlor furnr ;ure is of their own make and all of it s elegant. The sideboard in the dining ■oom is a neat one, and a handsome dressing case 3 shown. Curtains and draperies are well dispiayed in anangng the booth. Gibson has a fine dis)lay of cabinet pliotographs, for which ie is especially noted, and Lew Clement has a fine display of Ilaines Bres.' pianos, many smaller musical instrumenta and sheet music. Entering the north door, we come upon the exhibit of the Allmendinger 3iano and Oigan Company. ïhey show heir own make of pianos and organs, fine toned instruments, in haudsome cases. J . F. Hoffman has a display of musical instruments, pianos, etc., amoug them being the Heropbon, a ïew and peculiar instrument. L. oble has a well-filled booth. In it are rowded a great variety of boys' clothng, numbers of canes and umbrellas and handsome styles of gents' f urnishng goods. The goods are of good qualty, like those in Noble's store. In the center of the hall, Cousins & lall have a fine floral display, includng both plants and cut flowers. Their green house has been drawn on heavily !or the fair, but such quantities of flowers do they have that it has not begun to tax their resources. H. J Brown ïas some very pretty cases of druggist ancy articles, which quickly catch the eye. CARRIAGES AND CARTS. Ferguson's celebrated road carts are exbibited here, as at nine other fairs thisweek. ïhey are just as good as tbey used to be and are now selling in all parts of the union. Mr. Ferguson bas built up a flrst-class business in thiscity. Wagner &Bro. have a display of fine carriages, dandy buggies and handsome surreys. THE CATTLE DEPARTMENT. The eattle stalls are full. The exhibit of shorthorns is said by those who were at the state fair this vear, to be much better than those exhibited there. W. L. Boyden has eleven head of shorthorns amoug them the big buil, which is probably the largest in the state. TI. T. Phelps has eight head of shorthorns, full-blooded and beautiesMr.RichardNowlaiid;also exhibits eight head of fine shorthorns. C. C. VVarner has two full-blooded shorthorn calves here and very pretty calves they are too. I. E. VVood shows sever head of shorthorns all full-blooded and grades, iucluding a fine seventeen hundred pound two year old buil. J. S. Sperry shows a well-builtyearling buil of excellent promise. P. E. Galpin exhibits two cows and a buil, handsome eattle. A. Wood, of Ilickory Grove farm, shows six head of shorthorns. Altogether the shorthorn exhibió is a very fine one. Mills Bros. are sure to carry off the premiums in Ilolsteins as they have their fine herd of seventeen head on the grounds, the prize winners at the state fair, and beauties they are. William Bush has a two year old Ilolstein here. Jerseys are represented by a herd of eight fine ones belonging to N. B. Covert, the youngest of which was just half a day old when the reporter made the rounds Wednesday. A right lively youngster ït was. S. O. Tubbs, of Delhi Mills, has a herd of Galloways here, three of which are of the full-blood. They are black cattle without horns, hardy looking and prized by many. Some ot the grade Gal'.owaysare of a red color, but they all retain the peculiarity of having no horns. The youngest Galloway is a big black calf , flve days old. SWIXJS. The cards were not all up, Wednesday, P. H . Rouse exhibits a thoroughbred reeistered Poland China boar, a large fellow, and three pigs. A. Wood has tlires pens of Poland Chinas. Tobías Sutherland has four pens of berkshires SJIEEP. The Shropshires were well represented and hold their osvn as matton sheep. John A. Walsta had twelve head of I Shropshires and Ilampsliire Downs on exhibition. He took first prize on the Hampsbires.firston unregistered Shropshire yearlings. fust on three-year-olds and secoud on registered. E. E. Leland had soine fiue registered Shropshires. three of which were imported. He took flrst prize on registered ram, first on registered yearling ewe, flrst on registered lamb, second on ewe lambs and second on two-year-old ewes. E. A. Garlock, of Howell, had six Shropshires on exhibition, some of which were prize winners. William Bush exhibited eight of his fine flocfe of Shropshires and captured the first prizes on two-year-old ewe and pair of lambs and the second on three-year-olds. He has twenty-two Shropshire lambs for sale, of seven-eighths blöod, which weic;h 1923 pounds. The Merinos were well represented and there were some fine specimens there. A. A. Wood had a very large number there, some of which had been many times decorated with blue and red ribbons. R. W. Mills and C. R. Parsons also had the piek of fine flocks here . nOKSES. The deparement of horses is fiiled to overfiowincr. Ilandsome horses, useful horses, gay horses, well-bred horses. Youutr horses predomiuated, The number of entnes in all classes was large. Eugene Helber. of Saline, exhibits some very hand8oine Cleveland baya. Lord Wenlock, No. 2.58 is a three year old beauty, a bay horse with black prints and black mane and tail. He bus a grand neck, back and loin. ïwo mares three and tour years old are shoMrn. These are just the breed for carriage horses. Orcutt's three year old Hambletonian stallion. Don ü'JDell is a fine horse, a graceful mover, a handsome animal- in fact what is termed, "pretty as a picture." C. A. Lemen exhibits Alloa, a three year old Hambletonian sired by Agile, dam by Golden and Pendinnis Sprague, sired by l'endennis, dam by Governor Sprague. A. Gorslin shows Golden Gate, a seal brown six year old, sixteen hands high, dam, Blaiidimi by Mambrino cliief, sire, Annapolis, by Woodford's Mambrino. C. C. Warner exbibits an immense two year old horse, a son of Raven. The rainy weather ïhursday greatly lessened the attendance but about $700 was taken in at the gates. Capt. Allen, the peaker for the )republicans advertised in small hand bilis, failed to appear. A further account of the ïair will be given next week.
Wines & Worden
Wagner & Brother
Toledo Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railroad
Schuh & Muehlig
Mills Brothers
Koch & Henne
J.T. Jacobs & Company
Haines Brothers
Eberbach & Company
Cousins & Hall
Ann Arbor Preserving Company
Allmendinger Piano & Organ Company
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
William Maudlin
William Bush
William Arnold
W.F. Bird
W.E. Boyden
Tobias Sutherland
S.O. Tubbs
S.M. Mills
Richard Nowland
R.W. Mills
Professor Phillips
P.H. Rouse
P.E. Galpin
N. B. Covert
Mrs. Samuel Hendrickson
Mrs. L. Gruner
Mrs. J.A. Maynard
Miss Miley
Miss Cowan
Mattie Harriman
Louis Hall
Lew Clement
L. Gruner
John Almand
John Allman
John A. Walsh
Jacob Ganzhorn
J.S. Sperry
J.P. Hoffman
J.J. Parshall
J.F. Schuh
I.E. Wood
Homer Findlay
H.T. Phelps
H.J. Brown
H.C. Markham
H.C. Clark
George Sperry
Evart H. Scott
Eugene Helber
Emil Baur
E.E. Leland
E.A. Garlock
Charles Woodruff
Captain Allen
C.R. Parsons
C.C. Warner
C.A. Lemen
Alvin Wilsey
Alphonso Covert
A.L. Noble
A. Wood
A. Gorslin
Hickory Grove Farm
East Saginaw
Delhi Mills
Ann Arbor