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Alarm On The Border

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New York, Sept 2.5.- The Aiistin, Ter., correspondent of The Herald telegraphs as follows: The most nlarming telegrama continue to pour in on Goveruor Ro-s, iuforming him that there is war, and tiercé, now ragin on the Texas frontier, and that Rio Grande city is in possession of an armed Mexioan niob. AH tbu telegram-! thus receivtdliave come either from Jo'in P. sey, county judge of Starr county, or tha sheriff, inid eacb mcceeding one is more etartling iiid s.'iisalionul thuu the otber. They all deinand troops imniediately, aud convey the impression, in plain words, that Aiiarchy runs riot on the border, and that the livesof American citizens ia tbat sectioa are in iniiniiiünt periL This extraordinary and sensational state of affairs liad lts origln in the fatal encouuter vvhich took place in Rio Grande city last Saturdny Iwtween Catrino E. Garza, editor of El Comraercio Mexicano, and United States Revemie OIHcer Victor Sebree. In the fight St bree shot and killed Garza, who was very p ipular dl along the Rio Grande, aud as a result the Mexicans rose in revolt and endeavored to ynch Sebrte. The Texas officials, howev'ir, sa ved him for the time being from the fury of the mob, and wired Governor Ross as follows: "Great riot is raging here. Armed men are paradme tlie streets. Send state rangers or cali on United States troops at Fort Ringgold." This dispatch was followed by auother Erom Mr. T. W. Kennedy, memoer of the iegislature, as follows: "Send ali I he avnilable troops you can, and at once. Armad Mexieans are iu control of the city and the county." Similar messages of consternation kept coming, tbe last one reading as follows: "A fight has just taken place between two Mexicans and one American, one Mexican killed. Tae Mexicans now de;uand the American to be delivered to them. Riot prevented by placing the American under arrest." A nother telegram reads: "Over 150 armed Mexicaus are attempting to lynch Sebree. 3end rangers at once. The riot continúes." Rio Grande city is eighty miles from tbe nearest railroad station, and it is extremely difficult to reach. Governor Ross bas, notwitnstanding, order ed the entire ranger force of Texas to proceed with all possible liaste to tbe scène of the battle, as the massacre of Texas citlzeus is feared. Th Mexicans outnumber, ten to one, the white citizens in that section, and there is no telling to what excesses they will resort, especially as tbey bave no difficulty in escapitig to Mexico if it suits tbem. Governor Ross bas also telegraphed all the sberitfs of all the counties on the border, or contiguous to it, to proceed by forced marebes to the troubied district, and take armed posses along witb tbem. He likewise telegrapbed to the San Antonio rifles, to tbe Ëelknap rifles, and tbe l'amou Houston Liglit guard to bold themselves ia readiness to march at a moment's notice. It is believed there will be a general massacre of Texas citizens unless the United States troops from Fort Ringgold come to their rescue. Tbe event is likely to lead to an international complication and sbould a massacre occur swift and wholesale retribution is certain to follow. Goveruor Ros? says the situation is extremely grave, and the absence of advices for several boni's givm rise to the worst f ears.