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The Sons of Veterans are collecting money for a new flap;. Itwas snowing slightly in Chelsea, yesterday afternoon. The prohibitionists were to organizo a campaign club, last night. Seven persons were baotized at the Baptist church last Sunday. Prof. Rogers gives the introductory law lecture at 10.30, Monday. Our merchants have been putting in pretty heavy stocks of fall goods. Four new telephones were added to the telephone exchange this week. Protection hose coujpany gave a largely attended ball last evening. Rev. Dr. Studley will occupy the pulpit of the M, E. church next Sunday. Prof. Carhart's classes will meet in the new physical laboratory this year. Anumberof Odd Fellows expect to visitthe Milan Iodge, Saturday night. To Mr. andMrs. C. VV. Mellor, last Saturday evening, a ten pound son ana heir. Ferguson road carts took flrst prizes at the Jackson, Toledo and Columbus f airs. Ifyou have lost your pocket-book, perhaps you may find it at the postoffice. The old marriage records of fifty years ago in the clerk's office are being indexed. The carriage horses of Judge Cooley ran away Saturday evening. No one was injured. Tricycles are met on the streets of Ann Arbor much more frequently than formerlv. Mever bef ore has the foreign attendence upon the his;h school been so large as this year. Silas Tolbert was sentenced to si.xtyfive days in the workhouso, yesterday, for being drunk. Eev. VV. F. ílenke has been appointed pastor of the Germán M. E. church in this city. The annual renting of the pews of the Methodist church will take place next Mondayevening. A wee mail carrier arrived at the home of_Will Baxter last Saturday, weighing eleven pounds. A farewell reception to Rev. Dr. Ramsay was given at the M. E. church parlors, Weduesday evening. ïfCaptC. H. Manly anc" Louis Boyle Erq., go to Dundee to address a máss meeting there this evening. An interesting concert will be given this evening at the Catholic school hall for the benefit of the school. _The Democratic_senatorialcon vention will be held in Milan at one o'clock next ïuesday, October 2nd. A big boom in the matrimonal market ia the county, is shown by the marnage licenses granted during the week. A receptioD in honor of the new pastor, Rev. Dr. Studley, will be given at the M. E. church pailors this evening. _New subscribers for the Akgus are rapidly pouring in. Don't you know of some_of your neighbors who would like itV i Local news has been scarce this week, although the streets have been full of farmers and of returning students. CM. M. Steffey, Recorder Bach and Will Boyden were hunting in Webster, last Friday, and bagged twenty-seven squirrels. A.H. Roy shas been elected chairmanof theM. E. board of stewards. Dr. Darling secretary and J. J. Goodyear, treasurer. B. J. Conrad kindly sent the office a fine basket of Woodrulï's red grapes, luscious and rich, fov which he has the thanks of the office. Assessments of $1 on $1,000 insurance have been sent out this week by the seeretary of the Washtenaw Farmers Mutual Insurance Company. The prospects are that the attendance upon the University will be as large this year as last year, when it was the highest in the history of the University. F. J. Schleede is painting and repering his store on State street recently occupied by George Moore. It will be oc cupied by Voorheis & Dietas, msrchant tailors. A new walk has been laid in front of Mrs. Cheever's store on Main street, which will be occupied by the Two Sams. The walk is'made of Portland cement. Mary Shuter and Free Strawhaker paid $14.05 costs and agreed to leave the city, Monday. They were disreputable women, charged with being disorderly. Ferguson has just received another order from the California house which handles his roadcarts, making $17,000 worth of roadcarts he has sold this one flrm this year. A hickory pole raising wil) be held in Mooreville to-morrow and speeches will be made afternoon and evening by Hon. J. Willard Babbitt, Capt. C. H. Manly and M. J. Lehman Esq. The democrats of Pittsfleld will have a meeting next Tuursday, October 4th, in Pittsleld town liall to be addressed by Senator Gorman and Louis Boyle. It should be a well attended meeting. Now is the time to get married. Handsome new marriage certiflcates have just been received by the county clerk f rom the secretary of state. They are worth the dollar the license costs. llenry Minear was put off a Michigan Central train at Dexter Tuesday night, and in attempting to get on again he feil into the cattle guard, injuring bis lef t arm in such a manner that it had to be amputated. H. Randall returns this week f rom his eastern trip. He has secured the services of a New York city milliner to take charge of his millinary parlors. Tbe date of opening will be anuounced in the Argus of next week. Capt. Manly accompanied Cougressman Stearns- we niight as well commence to say Congressman Stearns and get iu practice- to Camden, Ilillsdale county, Tuesday, where he delivered one of his old time speeches. R. W. Ilarrison, of 30East IIuron,is greatly in teres ted in the single tax move ment as advocated by llenry George and would like to have the addresses of those who believe in the single tax, in this city and vicinity. Agent Paisley of the T., A. A. and N.M. rail road will sell tickets to St. Louis, via the Toledo and the Wabash roads for $15.70 for the round trip. The days of sale will be from Sept. 29th, to üctober 6th. and the tickets will be goodto return to October 8th. The Washtenaw Farmer's Mutual Insurance Company pay Martin Breining, of Augusta, $616.16 for a barn and contents destroyod by Ore, John I3rogan, of Pittsfield, $110 for a horse killed by lightning and llenry Preston, of Pittsfield, for three horses, $266.66. Rev. Mr. Bradshaw, of Galesburg, 111., who was last week called to the Congregational church in this city, has accepted, and will remove here with his family and take possession of his charge about the first of November. He will occupy Dr. Wilson's residence on División street. W, H. Mclntyre,administrator of the estáte of Richard Roach, will sell at the late residence, four miles east of Pebbles corners, in the township of Salem on Thursday, October 4th, two horses, cow, heifer, steers, forty sheep, lambs, agricultural implements, wheat, corn, hay and oats. Miss Ellen Caldwell Frueauff, the only daughter of Maj. J. F. Frueauff, deceased, of Denver, Col., was married in that city, September 27 to Frank Holmes, an assayer. The bride who is a niece of Eugene K. Frueauff Esq., graduated from the Ann Arbor high school about üve years ago. The Peoples Theatre Companv have been playing here this week. The bad weather caused light houses the first of the week. The pnces were low ones and the company were des9rving of full houses. They play to-night and tomonovv evening. They have a firstclass repertoire of plays. A special meeting of the common council Monday night empowered the committee on mixed questions of law and fact to employ counsel to defend the city from the suit commenced by David Henning for damages to his property by the closing of State street and the raising of the grade of Detroit street, John Weidamon, who was stabbed by Jacob Weidelich with a jack-knife in February last, died last Friday. The wounds then received had undoubtedly much to do with causing his death. The affray, it will be remembered, occurred in Pittsfield. Weidelich was tned in the circuit court and acquitted on the ground of self-defense. Mrs. Anna Gross, charged by Mis. Feederika Hanuise with having entered her house last Friday and with clubbing the children. was brought before Justice Frueauff, plead not guilty and had her trial set for next Tuesday. The quarrel grew out of quarrels between the children of the two women, during the course of which stick,s and stones are said to have been freely thrown. Col. Rafiensberger, who recently removed to this city, died Wednesday from the effects of a stroke ot (paralysis with which he had been afflicted for some years. He was a prominent real estáte dealer and had had dealings in all parts of the Union. He carne here from Toledo. He was fifty-six years of age. The funeral services will be held at three o'clock this afternoon. Washtenaw county's share of the state tax this year is $46,278.47. Of this $2,981.83 goes to the UniverBity, $2,693.25 to the normal school. $1,983.18 to the mining school in the upper peninsula, $2,234.92 to the soldiers' home, $8,664.13 to our state prisons and other reformatory institutions, $23,917.18 to general purposes, and the balance for military purposes, Gettysburg monument, fish expenses, etc. The democrats, of the fitth ward, erected a very handsome 125 foot pole last Tuesday evemog. In spite of the rain, a good sized crowd gathered. The Governor's Guards, Cleveland and Thurman marching club turned out in uniform headed by the city band. Louis Boyle made a ringing tariff reform speech, logical and full of close reasoning, showing a familiarity with the subject. The flfth ward will give a good account of herself in November. Simeón G. Rowley died in Ypsilanti last Thursday night. He was born Nov. 6, 1818, in New York and carne to Pittsfield in 1832. He removed to Ypsilanti in [1861. The funeral services were held last Sunday under the auspices of the Odd Feilows of Ypsilanti. He was a member of Ann Arbor eneampmentNo. 7. I. ü. ü. F. and a number of Odd Feilows of this city attended the funeral. ile was the father of lïobert M. Rowley oí this city. E. S. Serviss, Geo. üailey and Ilarry Cole started on a week's Gshing and hunting trip last Monday. They rigged up a good sized boat with a sail put in a small stock of provisioss, a folding stove and plenty of condiments for flsh and game. They planned to float down the raging Huron river and down the Detroit river. They thought if the wind were right they might make Toledo. They were to fish as they floated and try their skill at hunting in favorable localities. We will report ''esults next week. The l'ontiac Gazette of last week has the following concerning Rev.Mr. Gelston. "Rev.J.M.Gelston,of thefirstPresbyterian church, of thia city, recently received a cali to Ann Arbor. which he has under consideration and will probablv accept. For nearlv fourteen years the gentleman has labored earnestly and faithfully in Pontiac, and while he is perfectly satisfied with lus salary, the people and surroundings, he feels like entering a larger fleld. There are many citizens here who will regret very much to have existing pleasant relations severed, and it is hoped that Mr. Gelston will not accept the Ann Arbor proposal." Miss Rose Goodall, the leading lady of the People's Theatre Company, was saved from death last Monday night by th heavy wigshe wore. Bet ween the third and fourtn acts of the play, the work of changiug the scenery began before two of the actresses were off the stage. A heayy plank feil upon them, striking one upou the shoulder and Mis3 Goodall upon the head. She wore a heavily padded wig, and in spite of that was knocked senseless. She was at once conveyed to her room and medical attendance summoned. She showed considerable pluck by appearing on the stage Tuesday evening, although she had been unable to leave her bed until seven that evening.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News