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The -story is told of a Lapeer eounfcy nag that bas attained the venerable age of 30years, whieh has been traded so of ten that when stranger approacbes, the v. n. voluntarily opens its mouth to show that it has the teeth of a young horse, and is therefore valuablo trading property. An express train on the Sagina w, Tuscola & Huron railway struck a. burned section near líeme station and Ie ft the rails, and was afterward entirely destroyed by fire. Several bad bruisea resulted from the accident but no one was killed. The smoke was so dense írom the forest fires of the vicinity that one could see but a few feet away. A lady living at Lexington claims to iknow all about the Crouch murder case that once caused so rauca commotion at Jackson, and that she's abla to olear away the mys 'tery that hashitherto surrounded that bloody transaction. We give this as a pointer to the detectives who worked so loog and unsacceesf ully on the caee. 'Tis claimed that the forgeries of Miss Jennie Sweatland, committed when that lady was employed as a clerk in the Kalamazoo abstract office, wiil ainount to at least $10,000. Jennie is now in jail. H. H. Graves, a Detroit builder and contraetor, was robbed the other night of $2,040 in cash. He intended to use themoney next day to pay off his men. Memphia folks got a wee liUle bitJoO a peep iuto tu future on a recent Sunday' and sorae gipsy foutune teüs got Si-jO. J M Turner is a Lsansing man with a good farm and lots of fine slock, and he raked in $33 worth ef premiums at the state fair. The contract for papering a Davison church was let on a recent Sunday, and the church foiks are wondering what's coming nest. A Barry county justice of the peace was applied to the other day for a dose of matrimony, the grpom weighing 100 pounds and the bride 300. He proved equal to the occasion, and lbo little man went avay with his tiig jewel, happy as a kine. The Bellaire Breeze offers to take watermelons on subscription. The publisher is lucky to gct even a watermelon from a certain class of subscribers - the don't-pay kind. Girls, just read this, and then when your feilow ]jops the question, do - well, do as you're a niind to. A Grand Rapids lady, married too, has been left a large fortune by a Chicago man whom she once röfused to marry. A Lansing man died the otber day and was gathered to his fathers as even the Lansing man must do and his eight big brothers acLed as pall-bearurs at the funerai. And now they claim to have found rock at Isbpemiug that assay.s more tban $10D,000 to the ton. If these golden sto;'ies kuep on increasing at this rate vve'll either have to stop printiug Ishpetniug items or else buy a new font of figures. An East Saginaw dry gooJs establishment extensively advertised its opening day, and 5,000 ladies swarmed through i.he establishment on that occasion. And the lazy, less, sleepy mercbant stal drawled out the old tun? - advertising - don't - pay. Nelson Potter, who was Jeddo's postmaster for more than thirty years, has aken a trip across the daik river, at the age of 76. iSmiti Wood, a Bronson boy of 71) summers, bas been gathered to his fathers. He was an old-time resident, and a justice of the peace for twenty-four years, and highly respeeted, too. The low water in the Cass river has had the effect of tanging up over 11,000,000 feet of logs in that stream. Muskegon has a K0 years-old dancing master who steps off as lively as when, on his younger years, he first taught "swest ixteen" how to waltz. While the roller skating craze has petered out nearly everywhere, Battle Creek folks hang on to their rink and patronize it too, which proves the Creek to be more than a common sort of town. F. F. Jacobs, the Chicago Evangelist, will engineer the state Sunday school uuion at East Saginaw, on Dac. 4. While handling a revolver Mrs. William Johnson, a Romeo lady, acrideutally shot herself and her busband. The latter may not recovei'. The Norway circuit court gave a man nanied Taylor a twelve years prison job for shooting bis brother's vvife, and a chap named Warren six years for trying to sbooi bis own wife. A Kalamazoo church has a boy choir that sings just too sweet on Sunday, and plays base ball the balance of the week. And 'tis claimed that the new scheme "draws like a porous piaster." J. A. Doehesne, a Genesee county farmer, became tired of life, and taking a rope, went to his barn and euded tliis earthly career by the hangim; act. A Flint flrm - dealer in wet goods- have been arresttd for running a gambling shop. The charge was preferred by a woinan whose husband lost $2,000 bucking the tiger, which will compel her to go without a new bat for a whole year to come. No failures among the local uiillinery firms are looked for, how"ver. A Barry county editor has bought a repeating sliotgun, and after he's practiced awhile, will start out in pursuitof delinquent subseribers. If he catches 'ein all, he's a clipper. The courage of the Salvation Army seems to be unbouuded. It bas tackled Big Rapids sinners. William Levers, a Pavilion farmer, doesn't old dogs in very high esteem since they muttoned forty of his best sheep. The erop of hay fever patients at Petoskey now numbers something more thau 500. What a sneezing congregation they must be. Michigan's cranberry erop is unusually good. And that's what the consumer says about the price. Sibley & Bearington, East Saginaw lumberinen, reeently invested $100,000 of their Burplus wealth in 450,000,000 (eet of British Columbia lumber. The Bucbanan Windmill corapauy is sending its wheels to Cuba, South America, Australia and several places nearer home. Grand Rapids schools employ 213 teachers, and the teachers give employmeut to the birch aud ferule. Luther's bear erop seems to be uuusually abundant, but the Lutherans have'nt yet begun the har vest inearnest. The Hancock Chemical company has just built a storage house in which they propose to pile up 8,000 cases of giant powder. The fellow who accidentally touches off the stuff will have his case attended in short order. Sarah Campbell, a Jackson county lady, reeently celebrated her 102d birtbduy, and relatad incidents that occurred when she was a wee bit of a girl, only 2) years old. A fine example of a retentive memory. .Nottawa revival harvosted sixly-Hve converts. Walter Fisher, who livai at Flint, is a Bomnambulist of the pronounceil type. He arose the other night and walked out or a second story window, and although the ground caught him siity feet below, be didn't awake until he called on a neighbor Pretty weil along towards 500,000 baakete of peaches wern-shipped last week (rom the Sangatuck fruit región. The Fliut authorities are going to keep the orchins of that town in school if there u any eompulsory school law, albeit Young America is a frisky animal to drive. A Luther man raised more'n 500 pounds of squashes f rom a single vine this season. Must be that the squash bugs of that viciaity took a vacation last summer. What are claimed to be the laigest sticks of tiraber ever sawed in Michigan were cut the other day at Cummer's Cadillac uiill. Thoy were six in number, being tweWe by ten inches and sixty-six feet in length, the dozen sticks raeasuring 4,75a feet of tiraber. One end of the mili bad to be taken out entirely in order to do the work.


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