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"doctoring Old Time."

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In one of Harper's issues is given a very line illustration of Roberts' celebrated painting, known as "Doctoring Oíd Time." It represents a typical oldtimer, with his bellows, blowing the dust trom au ancient clock, with its cords and weiglits carefully secured. One of these clocks in this generation is appreciated only as a rare relie. The suggestive name "Doctoring Old Time," bring to our mind another version of the title, used ior another purpose,- "üld Time Doctoring." We learn through a reliable source, that one of the enierpriaing proprietary medicine firms of the country, has beeñ f or years iiivestigating the formulas and medical preparations used in the beginning of this century, and even before, with a view of ascertaining why people in our great-grandfathers' time enjoyed a health and physical vigor so seldom found in the present generation. They now think they have secured the secrets. They flnd that the prevailing opinión that then existed, thafNature has a remedy for every existing disorder," was true, and acting under the belief, our grandparents used the common herbs and plants. Continual trespass upon the íorest domain, has made these herbs less abundant lind has driven tliem further trom civilization, UBtil they have been discarded, as remedial agents because of theirdifficultv of obtaining them. H. H. Warner, proprietor of Warner's safe cure and fouiider of the Warner observatoiy, Rochester, N. Y., has been pressing iuvestigations in this direction, into the annuals of old iamily histories, until he has secured some very valuable formulas, frora which his firm is nov preparing medicines, to be sold by all druggists. They will, we learn. be known under the general title of "Warner's Log Cabin remedies." Among these medicines will be a "sarsapanlla," for the blood and liver, "Log Cabin hops and buchu remedy," for the stomach etc, Log Cabin cough and consumption remedy," "Log Cnbin hairtonic," "Log Cabin extract," for interna! and nal use, and an ola valuable discovery for catarrh, called "Log Cabin rose cream." Among the list is alsoa"Log Cabin piaster," ana a "Log Cabin iiver pill." From the number of remedies, it will be seen that they do not propose to cure all diseases with one preparation. It is believed by many that with these remedies a new era is to dawn on sufferirighumanity and that the close of the nineteenth century will see these roots and herbs, as compounded under the title of Warner's Log Cabin remedies, as popular as they were at its begimiing. Aithough they come in the form of proprietary medicines, yet they will be none the less welcoine, for suffering humanity has become tired of modern doctonng and the public has great conSdence in any remedies put up by the ürm of which H. II. Warner is the head. The people have become suspicious of the effects of doctonng with poisonous drugs. Few realize the Injunous effects following the prescriptions of mnny modern physicians. These effects of poisonous drugs, already prominent, will become more pronounced in coming generations. ' Therefore we can wish the ' ioned new remedies the best of success.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News