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Sinuous Ah Sinful

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Washington City, Oct. 8.- Iu announcng to congrega big approval of the Chiuese xclusiou bilí yesterday tho president sent n a speciul message giviug his i easuus for pproval. The substance of the document , that the treaty vvbioh China has just reected becauae of certain amendineuts added )y the senate, was the product of a t'ull aud riendly understanding betweeu tlie two gov■nments; that the exclusión of Chinese rom tíiis country was in no sense objected -o by the Chinese government, which, ou le contrary, aunounced that it proposed to ireveut Chiaese emigration to America by aw un its owii account. Neither, the presient thinUs, ere the atnendments added to the treaty by ttie senate of such cbaractor s to jusúfy the rejection oE the troaty, as íese auiendments had been subinitted to the .íhineso plenipotentiary and approved by íim. lt transpires, the president says, that ie real reason for the rejection was uot the raendments, but dissatisfaction 011 the part : the Chinese governmeut with the clausa jroviding that the question of return of Chiese laborera shall be decided by their posseson of oertiticates from the American colectors. ïhis the Chinese government deres to have ohauged to the Chinese consul, which would place the matter entirely out of ur control. The president theu says: The admltted and paramount right aiut duty of very overuraent to exclude from its borders 1 elementa of foreigu populatiou whlch for aay reasou ïvtard its prosperity or are detrimental to the moral aud physical health oL iis peonle, raust be refjarded as a recogaized cauon of iuternational law aud iutercourse. Chiua heraelf bas üot disseutöd trom this doctrine, but has, by the expressions to which I have referred. led us coufideutly to rely upou such action ou her part in co-opuration wil h usas would enforce the cxelusiou of Chiuesj laborers from our country. This co-operation has uot, however, beeu aecorded us. Thus, from the uuexpected and disappoiuting refusal of the Chinese goverument to conh'rm tho acts of its authorized agents, and to carry iuto effect an international agreement, the maiu feature of which was voluntarily preseuted by that government for ouracceptance, aod whi'jh had been the subject of long aud careful deliberatiou, au emergency has ariseu in which the government of the United States is called upou to act in self defense by the exercise of its l'jgishitive power. I eau not but regard the expressed demaud ou the part of Chiua for a reexainiuatiou and renewed discussiou of the topics so completely covered by mutual treaty stipulatious ay au iudeiiuite postpouemeut and practical abandoumeot of the objects we hasre iu view, to whlch the overumeut of China may justly be considered as pledged. The president adds that the bill should provide for the admissiou into the country, n nder ti'euties heretofore in operation, of those Chinese ivho had left their own country previous to these complications resulting iu tiie pres3iit action, as any other course would be manifestly unjust. He also ïeucis tbs passage of au appropriation to inemnify Chinese who have suffered at the ïands of niobs - not acknowledgiiig legal iability tberec'or, but becatise we have eiressed our wiilingness to do so in a spirit of ïinnauity.


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