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Local Brevities

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Ilerbert Frost will teach Latin in the high school. The ladies of the Baptist church gave a pleasant social last night. Herman Hutzel has removed to his new home on West Huron street. The city band will give a dance at Germania hall next Friday, October 12. The boarcl of educaiion has decided to employ two new teachers in the high school. Quite a few ót our local lepublicans went to Detroit, Wednesday, to listen to Blaine. The M. E. ladies aid society held a meeting in their church parlors yester day afternoon. The case of the People vs. Anna Grossinthecourt of Justice Frueauff has been dismissed. The plate glass in Blitz & Langsdorf "s new store cost $500. Aid. Wrn. Ueiz placed it in position. . Wagner has somethiríg to say about overcoats on our 3rst page, which of course you will read. A republican meeting was held at the rink Monday evening addressed by General Gibson, of Ohio. A. L. Noble has a change of advertisement this week callinc attention to some special line of goods. The opening hop of the Ypsilanti dancing academy will be given this evening at Light Guard hall. Ross Granger has removed to rooms over Moore's grocery store in the Nickels block on State street. Hon, Willard Stearns speaks at Salem next Wednesday evening. Ile speaks at Dexter Wednesday, Oct. 17. William Shaw, of this city, has taken out a marriage license in Detroit. ïhe Bride's name is Miss Annie Pnngle. Rev. Kail A. Millitzer is the new pastor of the Germán M. E. eburch. He preaches his first sermón Sunday. Rev. Mr. Bradshaw, the new pastor of the Congregational church, has rented Dr. Wilson's house on División street. ïhe Tuesday club will lrold an informal meeting in the Ladies Library on Tuesday, October 9, at 3 o'clock P.M. Major J. A. Brown contributed the costs in Justice Pond's court, amountpg to $4.95, for being drunk on the streets. There will be a social at the fifth ward M. E. Sunday school this evening. All are very cordially invited to attend. Emmett Hendershott, of Saline, was married in this city last Thursday by Rev. W. V. Ramsay to Miss Mary Lewis, of Macon. The music in St. Andrew's church his year will be conducted by Albert 1. Stanley, the new professor of music n the University. The amount of the poor f und expended d uring September was smaller than he poor f und expended in any month n the past üve years . Dr. T. P. Wilson and family removed o Detroit this week. On account of poor health the doctor was obliged to give up his practicehere. There are 501 students already enrolled in the high scüool, the largest nuraber in its history. The number will be swelled still larger this year. Rev. Samuel Earp on Wednesday of last week married Reuben Weatfall, of York, and Miss Edith Carter, of Macou, at St. Andrews rectory in this city, Rev. J. T. Sutherland acted as sec retary of the Unitarian conference held in Detroit, Wednesday, and Dr. T. P. Wilson as one of the vice-presidents. If the Courier's statement is true that Judge Kinne adjourned the Monroe circuit couiftill the day af ter Harrison's election,"that court will never sit again Mrs. Sarah B. Elliott died last Saturday of heart disease. She was 72 years of age. The funeral services were held last Tuesday from the house in the sixth ward. W. L. Page has been elected president of the young peoples: society of the (Jongregatioual church; Miss Alice Damon, vice-president and Miss JKate Jacobs, secretary. The M. L. church choir will be in charge of Mr. Orín B. Cady this year. It will be a chorus choir with Mrs. Van 81yke as soprano solist. Ross Cole will be the organist. Silas Tolbert was bebore Justicel'önd this week for being a disorderly and coinmon drunkard. It was the third time and he got sixty-flve days in the Detroit work house. M. Brenner, of Manchester, removed to this city yesterday. He has rented the residence of Mrs. B. F. Granger, on Huron street. One more good democratie worker for Anu Arbor. Christian Steeb's team of colts ran away Tuesday eening across the bridge over tiie Michigan Central. It ran into the buggy of N. Sutton, breakiug both wagons. No one was injured. LThe republican representative convention for tbe second district met at Siline, Tuesday, aud nominated J. B. Wortley, an Ypsilanti clothier, for representative in the legislature. ' Northyiile ;iv ■; the C 13 np 1 1 ; next Monday. The republicana will be represented by Dr. J . M. Svvift. the democrats by lion. Fred .Baker and the prohibitionists by Rev, John Russell. The opening hop of the State street dancing academy will be given in Nickels hall a week from to-day. Itoss Granger is in charge. The hall has been overhauledjand refurnished during the sumrner. Seward (Jramer, who is working in a mine at Spring Valley, 111., lost a seven dollar suit cf miningclothes by burning of the wash house after he had donned the apparel in which he appears in the upper world. Elmer Kirkby, who graduated in the law department last June and for a short time located at Ypsilanti, afterwards went to Jackson and is now the democratie candidate for circuit court commissioner. The town of Ann Arbor will raise $3,150 by tax this year of which $500 ia forhigtiway funds, $2,000 for a new bridge at Geddes, $450 for the contingent fund, $50 for the wood chuek fund and $150 for the poor fund. The student's bible class at the Uuitanan church opens next Sunday, üct. 7thatl2M. in the auditorium of the church. A very rich year of work has been planned on ."Old Testiment Ilistory, Literature and Religión." Willard Stearns, our nominee for congress, will speak on the political issues of the day, next Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock at Whitmore Lake. lie should be greated by a large audiance there, as he is a forcible speaker. 1). L. Gates, the fifth ward draymaii had a nairow escape from death Wednssday vvhile crossing the T. and A. A. track. The noon express struck the dray, demolishing it and throwing Mr. Gates off severely cutting him about thehead. A party of Odd Fellows of this city with their ladies visited Milan last Saturdav eveniug and weiu handsomely ectertaiued by the Daughters of Rebecca and the Odd Fellows. A banquet was spread at which nearly a hundred sat down. A couple of bushels of peaches from R. W . Glenn's oak grove fruit farm at iMorth Lake were sent to Quincy, 111., by George Hirth, a student in the pharmacy department. The Quincy paper goes into ecstacy over sush luseious peacües. Monthly meeting of the VVashtenaw Pomological Society, next Saturday. Topics: Lessons from the fair, the apple, inquiring into the conditious of the fruit iactory bonus, what shall we do with our grapes? Exhibit of the fruit of the season, and of flowers. The services in St. Andrew's church next Suuday, will be as follows: Moruïng Prayer and Litany, 7:30 a. m.; Holy Comoiunion aud Sermón, 10:30; fcSunday School, 3 p. m.; Evening Prayer and Catechism, 3:30. At Hobart Hall on Sunday eveuiug at 7:30 o'clock there will be a 13i ble Olass or Lecture concouiucted by the Rector of St. Audrew's. A vell reudered proramme and a highly pleased andieuce was the result ot the musical entertainment at Saint Thomas' schcol last Friday eveuing Those who took part in the programme were Miss Is' ellie Hobau, Miases Viva andMary Duffy, Miss Mary (Jlarken, Miss Foley, Miss Tice, Miss Jones and Miss Üillion and Messrs Foley, VVillisi Gibson, Mueth, llarkius and Marker. Rev. J. T. Sunderlaud has just completed his tenlhyear with the Uuitariau church iu this city. Jiext Suiiday morning he will preach a sermou appropriate to the occasion on "Tenyears of work in Anu Arbor." In the evening there will be a meeting of the young people of thecongregation and students in sympathy with liberal thougut, to plan for religious work among the young for the winter. The Washtenaw lJost has in its employ two highly educated Germán wiiters, one a gradúate of a University ia Hesse Darmstadt and Lhe other in Tuebingen. It is said of them, that so caret'ully do they pursue their eáitorial work that on one day this week, a two hours discussion ensued upou the question whetlier a certaiu cornma should be mserted or omilted. Die tionary and gramamtical authorities were quoted to an alarming extent and the question yet remains to be determined. When doctors disagree, who shall decide. The Detroit Journal offers $1,000 in gold to the person who will name the tour separate ..coldest days betwtan December 1, 1888, aud March 15, 188'J, according to the thermometer at the U. S. signal station in Detroit. The predictions must be on postal cards, one guess on a card aud .must reach the Journal office before December 1. There were 6,000 guesses for the three hottest days of summer and no one guessed correctly, although one guesser named two of the hottest days and came within half a degree of naming the thiid. The three hottest days were June 17, July 11 and August 26, the thermometer standing 91.2, 91.5 and 91 degrees. Prof. L'hillips, the optieian, will reman; until Oei. 13, with Wm. Arnold, the jeweler. Do not fail to see the professor if you are troubled with sight or eyes. All tests free.