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A Claim To Human Gratitude

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Charlotte Clorday, the sad-faced tender hearted peasant girl of Normandy made great history by one depeiate act. Sickened by the saturnalia of the French Rovolution, and moved to desperation as Robespierre and Marat were leading the flower of France to the guillotine, she determined that she would put an end to Marat's bloody reign. Marat had demanded two hundred thousand victims for the guillotine. He proposed to kill off the enemies of the Revolution to make it perpetual! Horrible thought! No wonder it fired the blood of this patriotic peasant maid! Gaining access to bis closely guarded quarters by asubterfuge, shefound him in nis bath, even then inexorable and giving directions for further slaughter! He asked her the names ot the inimica. deputies who had taken refugeiu Caen. She told him, and he wrote them down. 'ïhat is vvell! Before a week is over they shall all be biought to the guillotine." At these words, Charlotte drew from her bosom the knife, and plunged it wilh Bupernatural f o ree up t" the hiltin the heart of Marat. "Come to me my dear friend, come to me," cried Marat, and expired uuder the blow! Iu the Corcoran gallery at Washington is a famous painting of Charlotte, represented aa behind the prison bars the day before her execution. It is a thrilling, sad picture, full i f soirow for her suffering country, anu of unconquerable bate for her country's eneunes. Wuat a lessou in this tragic story! Two hundred, nay, üve hundred thousand peoole would Marat have sacrifleed lo nis unholy passion of power! Methods are quite as munlerous and inexorable as men, and they number their victims by the millions. The page of history is full of murdersby authority aud by mistaken ideas! In the practice of medicine alone how many hundreds of millions have been allowed to die and as many more killed by unjuatiöóble bigotry and bv bungling! But the age is bettering. Men and methods are improviug. A few years ago it was worlh one's professional life to advise or permit the use of a propritarr medicine. To-day there are not two physicians iu any town iu this country who do not regularlv prescribe some forra of proprietary remedy. H, II. Warner famed all over the world as the Jiscoverer of Warner's safe cure, begau huntiug up the old remedies of the Log Cabin days; after long and patieut research hejsueceededin securing some of the moat valuable; among family records, and called them Waruer's Log Cabin remedies - the simple preparation of roots, ieaves, balsams and herbs whicli were thesuccessful standbya of our giaudmothers. These simple, old-fashioned sarsaparilla, hops and buehu,cough audconsumption aud other remedie have struck a popular chord and are in extraordinary demand all over the land. They are not the untried and immaginarv remedies of some dabster chemist intend on making money. but the long-sought principies of the healing art which for generations kept our ancestors in perfect health, put forth for the good of humanity by one who is known all over the world as a philanthropist- a lover of his fellow man,- whose name is a guarantee of the highest standard of excellence. The preparations are of decided and known inhuence over disease, and as in the hands of our grandmothers they raised up the sick, cured the lame, and bound up the wounds of death, 80 in their new form but olden power as Log Cabin remedies, they are sure to prove the "healing of the nations." Corday did the world an incalcuable sei vice in ridding France of the bigoted and murderous Mart, just as this man is doing humanity a service by re-introducing to the world the simpler and better methods of our aneestors.


Ann Arbor Argus
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